
Please note that the contents of this page are the result of our understanding of slf4j-log4j12 situation and are provided AS IS without warranty of any kind. CVE is a vulnerability classified under the highest severity mark, slf4j-log4j12, i. It allows an attacker to execute arbitrary code by injecting slf4j-log4j12 data into a logged message.

SLF4J allows the end-user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time. At this time if you are only interested in obtaining the coordinates for using SLF4J API with a logging backend, you can jump to the relevant section. As customary in programming tradition, here is an example illustrating the simplest way to output "Hello world" using SLF4J. It begins by getting a logger with the name "HelloWorld". This logger is in turn used to log the message "Hello World".



Slf4j-log4j12, log4j 1. As far as vulnerabilities are concerned, CVE is probably as bad as it gets.


SLF4J allows the end-user to plug in the desired logging framework at deployment time. At this time if you are only interested in obtaining the coordinates for using SLF4J API with a logging backend, you can jump to the relevant section. As customary in programming tradition, here is an example illustrating the simplest way to output "Hello world" using SLF4J. It begins by getting a logger with the name "HelloWorld". This logger is in turn used to log the message "Hello World".


The underlying logging backend is determined at runtime by adding the desired binding to the classpath and may be the standard Sun Java logging package java. The separation of the client API from the logging backend reduces the coupling between an application and any particular logging framework. This can make it easier to integrate with existing or third-party code or to deliver code into other projects that have already made a choice of logging backend.

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Providers for popular logging frameworks SLF4J supports popular logging frameworks, namely reload4j, log4j 1. Note that the vulnerability affecting logback requires write access to logback's configuration file as a prerequisite. Only when the end-user decides to enable logging will she need to install the SLF4J binding corresponding to the logging framework chosen by her. Note that prior legitimate usage of JMSAppender is irrelevant to the ability of the attacker to mount a successful attack. Authors of widely-distributed components and libraries may code against the SLF4J interface in order to avoid imposing a logging framework on their end-user. See the relevant FAQ entry for more details. See the page on Bridging legacy APIs for more details. Note that explicitly declaring a dependency on slf4j-api In addition to slf4j-reload4j However, as mentioned already, log4j 1.


Given that log4j version 1. This logger is in turn used to log the message "Hello World". Similarly, log4j-over-slf4j. Here is the command:. See the page on Bridging legacy APIs for more details. Logger interface. Logger class is a direct implementation of SLF4J's org. Does a similar vulnerability exist in logback? The former attack point requires no privilege whereas the latter requires significant prior privilege. Where are the Maven coordinates? Also note that poisoning the configuration file is not enough. Under the hood the Java compiler transforms the varargs part in methods into Object[]. Note that explicitly declaring a dependency on reload4j Here are few usage examples: The statement logger. The sample code below illustrates the typical usage pattern for SLF4J.

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