Songkick for artists

Get up to speed with the latest concert updates and music news from the best artists on Songkick.

Songkick Concerts Songkick. Everyone info. Be the first to know about concerts. Never miss your favorite artists live. Songkick makes it so easy to go to concerts. Our free app lets you track artists in one tap, connecting with services like Google Play Music, Spotify and Facebook.

Songkick for artists

With Songkick you have everything you need to reach your fans and manage a successful tour, anywhere in the world. Whether you're a solo artist or have a full support team, you can use Tourbox to promote live shows, engage fans and control your presence on Songkick. Promote your artist's tour and reach their fans wherever they are. We've got all the bases covered including Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Deezer and Pandora. See where your artist is popular and how much of a buzz they are creating. Find the right cities and venues for their next tour. Get your events from Songkick in sync with your website so your fans always know where you're playing. Expand the reach of your concerts to reach fans wherever they are. We have integrations for Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Deezer and Pandora. We love live music but we understand there is so much more to being an artist. Get whatever you are promoting in front of your fans. Everything you need for your tour. Get started with Tourbox Join over , artists and their teams.

How can Tourbox help you? One of the best performers I have and will ever see. Deceased artists could be marked as such.


Get up to speed with the latest concert updates and music news from the best artists on Songkick. These are the names blowing up across the globe. Get to know the fastest growing artists on Songkick. Know what you like? Discover artists in your preferred genre, and check out their upcoming tour dates. Dive into some of the best reviewed artists on Songkick, and find out what makes their performances so awesome. The most incredible, angelic, beautiful person to ever grace this earth. I've never been more stunned by a performance.

Songkick for artists

With Songkick you have everything you need to reach your fans and manage a successful tour, anywhere in the world. Whether you're a solo artist or have a full support team, you can use Tourbox to promote live shows, engage fans and control your presence on Songkick. Promote your artist's tour and reach their fans wherever they are. We've got all the bases covered including Soundcloud, Bandcamp, Deezer and Pandora. See where your artist is popular and how much of a buzz they are creating. Find the right cities and venues for their next tour.

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My only complaint is that when I'm in the Artists tab, if I tap on an artist to see their upcoming shows, when I hit the back arrow it goes to the top of the list instead of where I was. Whether you're on our site, or using our free app for iPhone and Android, the Songkick artists search engine is the fastest and simplest way to keep track of who's doing what right now. Everybody's looking for a completely different type of experience, every night of the year. Looking to discover someone new? Sorry, you have to enable javascript to view this page! What can I say? Hi there! Lizzo What can I say? Two full sets of material plus an encore was probably more than any of us expected. Find concerts Sorry, you have to enable javascript to view this page! Hip-Hop 1. It doesn't hurt that she rips it up on guitar and is a pretty kick ass drummer too…All in all, HAIM was amazing, and I would go back tonight if I could get a ticket Her voice was powerful and her performance flawless, as usual.


Follow anyone or anything You like at the touch of a button, all via our up-to-the-minute global listings database. Buy tickets with confidence At prices the artists and promoters intended: no inflated costs or charges, no unwanted spam. Absolutely incredible!! Any time you check in, our 'most popular artists worldwide' and 'trending artists this week' leaderboards always read like a line-up for the greatest, most diverse live festival on Earth. Genius — Song Lyrics Finder. Bon Iver Literally the best thing I have ever seen. It was a privilege to be in that room and witness something so beautiful. Dive into some of the best reviewed artists on Songkick, and find out what makes their performances so awesome. This app may collect these data types Location and Personal info. Get started with Tourbox Join over , artists and their teams. Are you an Artist Manager? Everybody's looking for a completely different type of experience, every night of the year.

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