soundwave transformers

Soundwave transformers

Soundwave is a fictional robot character appearing in various Transformers continuity lines within the Transformers franchise.

Soundwave aka Soundblaster is one of Megatron 's most reliable troops, and he has positioned himself comfortably and irreplaceably in the Decepticon upper command structure. Though "only" Communications Officer, Soundwave stands at Megatron's side as a confidant, comparable in rank to Starscream and Shockwave , but unlike them, entirely loyal to his leader. Though stoic and possessed of little outward personality as evidenced by his monotone computer-style speech , Soundwave is not without drives: he has worked hard to get where he is, and he guards his place in the Decepticon hierarchy fiercely. On top of hearing all in his role as Communications Officer and Decepticon spy-master, he is actually capable of "reading minds" by scanning and decoding the electrical impulses that carry "thoughts" in both organics and Cybertronians, and he will not hesitate to use what he learns as blackmail to keep himself high in Megatron's esteem. As such, Soundwave is not popular among the rank-and-file Decepticons, who see him as a two-faced snake and wouldn't mind abandoning him on the battlefield—if they thought Megatron would let them get away with it. Soundwave commands an ever-growing legion of cassette troops to carry out tasks big and small. Stored within his signature chest compartment and called forth on Soundwave's whim with a push of a button, these miniature menaces are most commonly employed as spies for either the Decepticon cause or Soundwave's personal objectives, but are just as effective as warriors, and are entirely devoted to their master.

Soundwave transformers

Soundwave was the Decepticons communications officer who appears as a major antagonist of Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and one of the three tertiary antagonists alongside Shockwave and Laserbeak of Transformers: Dark of the Moon. He is Megatron 's main staunchest supporters, and is the true eyes and ears of the Decepticons. Stationed high in the upper atmosphere and capable of processing millions of data streams at once, he is fully capable of taking over communications on a planetary scale. Whenever He or his master needed a deed done, Soundwave would leave it to one of his minions, trusting them to serve the Decepticon cause. In the film Bumblebee , he is voiced by Jon Bailey. During the s, Soundwave had tried to hide the Ark's presence on the moon by gaining human contacts in the United States and Soviet Union, whose creative accounting would render further trips to the moon financially unfeasible. One of these was Dylan Gould's father, while Dylan himself would later accept Soundwave as a client. Formulating a plan, Soundwave waited until it would be nightfall on Diego Garcia, then ejected Ravage who was equipped with Scalpel and the microcons comprising Reedman to Diego Garcia to steal the shard. Once they had stolen the shard, they reunited with a quadrio of Constructicons and managed to resurrect their leader. Soundwave remained in space, tapping into the satellite he had found. When Megatron decided to reveal the Transformers' presence on Earth after killing Optimus Prime , Soundwave issued the mobilization order to the waiting troops on the Nemesis. He called Judy on her cellphone, demanding to know where Sam was, which Judy dismissed as a prank call by a pervert. This allowed the Decepticons to track them down and capture them to use as bait for Sam. During Operation: Firestorm , Soundwave blocked the satellites covering the Egyptian area, making things appear normal.

In season 3, although operating in a less prominent capacity for most of the time, soundwave transformers, Soundwave played a prominent role in Galvatron's attempt to learn the secret of a sonic weapon on the planet Soundwave transformers, where sound and music were the way of life, leaving Soundwave entranced by the planet's perfect melodies. Episode 6.

Soundwave aka Soundblaster is the spy master of the Decepticons. One of Megatron 's earliest followers, and, many believe, instrumental to his rise, he uses his tentacles and a veritable army of Mini-Con Deployers to learn everything there is to know about his allies and his enemies. He was never very chatty, but these days, on Earth , he's become near silent, communicating by playing back recordings of other people's conversations. He just sneaks about, patiently looking for Autobot transmissions and creeping you out. Soundwave often finds himself acting as a restraint on Starscream , reining in his rather volatile emotions, and ensuring that Starscream's less than subtle ambitions are held in check.

Soundwave aka Soundblaster is the spy master of the Decepticons. One of Megatron 's earliest followers, and, many believe, instrumental to his rise, he uses his tentacles and a veritable army of Mini-Con Deployers to learn everything there is to know about his allies and his enemies. He was never very chatty, but these days, on Earth , he's become near silent, communicating by playing back recordings of other people's conversations. He just sneaks about, patiently looking for Autobot transmissions and creeping you out. Soundwave often finds himself acting as a restraint on Starscream , reining in his rather volatile emotions, and ensuring that Starscream's less than subtle ambitions are held in check.

Soundwave transformers

Sir Soundwave is a righteous dude! Though the charismatic Soundwave is the Decepticons' "Morale Officer", he's also an expert in communications. He can tap into any data source just through proximity, which not only helps him link his fellow Decepticons together while in battle, but also helps him tap any errant Autobot transmission. Sir Soundwave carries a sonic cannon that can also convert into a monomolecular blade which vibrates at the speed of sound. He is sometimes known as Monstroso, the Robot Horror from Beyond. As the Decepticons followed Starscream 's plan to disable the Ark 's launching platform, Soundwave was among the ground forces that followed Starscream, Divebomb and Whisper 's initial assault. Later in the battle he was seen assisting the injured Slugslinger. Shattered Glass. When the Autobots tried to take the Arch-Ayr fuel dump from the Decepticons and it was starting to look bleak, Soundwave called in the Mayhem Suppression Squad as the "cavalry". Starscream reported to Soundwave that the Slugfest and Overkill were missing.

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None of the Decepticons were sure what they were looking at until Ravage detected trans-temporal particles, suggesting that the humans had invented time travel. Although Death's Head's attempts to track down the Decepticon met with failure, Galvatron was ultimately entombed in lava, where he was later discovered by Susan Hoffman. Success Confirmation. Megatron Starscream Soundwave. Upon Starscream's return, Soundwave wielded Megatron in his gun mode, and blasted Starscream through the chest before the true leader of the Decepticons revealed himself to his usurper. What followed was the so-called Age of Rust , where Cybertron failed to find new inspiration after the disastrous end of their colonization program, and a metaphorical rust settled in to the population as well. Soundwave speaks only once in the episode "Minus One", mocking the Autobots before going offline "Soundwave: superior, Autobots: inferior". In , the Decepticons were offered a chance to regain control of Cybertron when Vector Sigma began to destabilize due to the release of the energy of the Matrix. Dark of the Moon Adaptation [ ]. When the time came for him and Starscream to massacre the Senate, he enslaved Ratbat by bestowing the smaller, weaker cassette body upon him. April

Soundwave is a fictional robot character appearing in various Transformers continuity lines within the Transformers franchise.

As part of a demonstration to prospective buyers, Rook had Soundwave join an assault against the Smitco Oil Refinery alongside half a dozen Transformers. Soundwave and Starscream were sent to investigate strange reports of space-time warps and UFOs on the planet Zel Samine, bringing a space bridge with them on their shuttle that they would use to transport Megatron to the plant once they had landed. Soundwave as depicted in the Marvel Universe tends to be the most intellectual and philosophical of the Decepticons. The Autobots manage to defeat him, but not before he delivers a fatal blow to Zeta Prime, absorbing what remained of his life force energy in order to regenerate his own strength, and then managing to escape before Optimus can finish him. The War Within 2 Soundwave, like the rest of his team, underestimated Prime and lost track of him early in the mission. Ever loyal, Soundwave backed up Megatron's opinion that they needed to test the ion-drive for their new space cruiser. Soundwave is later jailed along with Megatron and others when Sentinel Prime's forces capture them, but is released by Ratbat. He and Megatron then had to fight off hundreds of enemy robots before presumably retreating once more. This attempt was more successful, and Soundwave watched on as the underground oil reserves gushed out into the jungle. Soundwave flew through the rift and, along with Laserbeak, overwhelmed Bumblebee's team, throwing the yellow Autobot into the Shadowzone and knocking out Grimlock and Strongarm with his tentacles. Details vary depending on the paths taken in-story. Inexplicably, their ship wound up crashing, and when they attempted to use the space bridge, it malfunctioned, dumping Megatron some distance away. Their brawl was briefly interrupted when General Robert Hallo dropped a low-yield nuclear weapon on the Transformers. In the game his default weapon is a neutron assault rifle, although he does have an energon repair ray in level 5 of the Decepticon campaign. King of the Hill Part 2 Soundwave dispatched Trickout through another portal to find more of the weapons, Defrosted and the Mini-Con returned to him some time later with a second Decepticon Hunter that he obtained from Sideswipe.

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