spice world dvd

Spice world dvd

The film stars pop girl group the Spice Girlswho all play themselves.

Welcome aboard the Spicebus for a rollercoaster ride around London with The Spice Girls in their debut movie Spiceworld. The Girls' first live concert at the Royal Albert Hall is in just five days' time. With trusty bus driver Dennis Meatloaf at the wheel, they hurtle from guest appearances to parties, photoshoots and even dance camp! But when evil tabloid editor Kevin McMaxford steps up his campaign against them, their best friend goes into labour and their manager collapses in hysterics, the girls must draw on all their Girl Power to make it to the show on time Packed with hair-raising adventures, serious fashion and the hit songs Wannabe, Spice Up Your Life, and Too Much, Spiceworld reveals the kaleidoscopic world of the five girls who took the pop world by storm. Item limited to max quantity of Sold out.

Spice world dvd

But now, they're making a movie. Synopsis: Climb aboard the double decker Spicebus and get ready for a madcap musical movie adventure with the sexy phenomenons of pop - the Spice Girls. A humorous encounter with extra-terrestrials, a night in a haunted castle, and a moment of truth in a maternity ward are just a few of the funny escapades you'll enjoy as the girls gear up for their first live concert at London's Royal Albert Hall. Emma, Victoria, Mel B. Grant, Roger Moore and Meatloaf in this hip and sassy movie. There are performances of the Spice Girls mega-hits plus new songs, andfeatured cameo appearances by Elton John, Elvis Costello and more! In a year packed with successful reunion tours, none shocked me more than the return of the Spice Girls. Not only did it seem unlikely the Nineties phenoms would ever come back together, but also I thought that even if they did so, no one would care. I imagined that a edition of the Girls would be greeted with incredible indifference. I was wrong. Boy , was I wrong! One London concert turned into 17 , one New York-area show became six, and they added many other dates in multiple places as well. A tour I figured would be a quick blip on the pop culture horizon has turned into a true phenomenon. And I remain stunned by the success. They appeal to people like me, orsomething folks who grew up with the bands and now have the wherewithal to spring for their pricey tickets.

Melanie C breaks the fourth wall and tells the other spice world dvd that the outgoing audience is watching them. Archived from the original on 26 July The supporting cast later talk about the girls' film during its closing credits.


The big screen debut for the late s phenomenon 'The Spice Girls'. A comedy thriller with the odd documentary piece, it follows the girls as they build up to a live gig at the Royal Albert Hall. As well as rehearsing for the show, the band have to deal with car chases, aliens, paparazzi, hordes of fans and a bungling documentary team getting in the way the whole time. Also included is a minute video featuring exclusive behind-the-scenes interviews, plus the bonus track 'Mama', performed live at the Albert Hall. Skip to main content. Currently unavailable. We don't know when or if this item will be back in stock. Image Unavailable Image not available for Colour:.

Spice world dvd

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Worst Screenplay. Customer Reviews There are currently no reviews. The Spice Girls and the production team agreed that his cameo should be deleted from the final print, although the band's performance of Glitter's " I'm the Leader of the Gang I Am " was retained. This distracted me as I watched and made absolutely no sense. However, no one ever said Spice World was better than or as good as A Hard Day's Night ; it simply followed a similar structural and plot path. Retrieved 17 February British Board of Film Classification. Janet Maslin of The New York Times stated that the film "is pleasant and painless enough to amuse ardent fans, who figure in the film quite often. Discography Songs recorded Awards and nominations Filmography. Emma is pushed forward and explains to the policeman that she and the other girls were late for their performance at the Albert Hall. The entire movie essentially consists of a bunch of semi-related skits and the too occasional musical performance. This was an awfully grainy image for a modern flick.

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Please double check the email you have entered! Archived from the original on 24 May CBS Interactive. The Independent. He was unaware of the group when first offered the job until his friend Jennifer Saunders advised that he take it. British Board of Film Classification. However, the girls have one more obstacle to overcome: a London policeman charges them with "dangerous driving, criminal damage, flying a bus without a licence, and frightening the pigeons". My original semi-positive thoughts about the movie mainly revolved around the fact I found it much more enjoyable than I expected. The girls open their Albert Hall concert with their song " Spice Up Your Life ", which is broadcast live on global television. Sony , Columbia. The film was ranked at 5.

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