spongebob muscles

Spongebob muscles

SpongeBob orders a pair of fake muscles to impress his friends, spongebob muscles. Squidward : [notices a tombstone outside his house as SpongeBob and Patrick attempt to put spongebob muscles to rest] Spongebob, are you trying to put me in the nuthouse? SpongeBob : Nope, just into this hole. Squidward : [sighs] SpongeBob, I have a confession to make

In this episode, SpongeBob orders fake arms with inflatable muscles to impress Sandy. SpongeBob starts his day off by posing in front of a mirror as he gets ready to make himself "large and wide. Just then, Sandy comes inside, and SpongeBob shows off his stick arm "muscles," bragging about his "state of the art weight set. She then shows him her arms and asks if he wants arms like them. He then decides he could use some help and Sandy recommends he starts using her own personal training program. SpongeBob is ecstatic, imagining himself being big and muscular in various situations - flipping Krabby Patties, jellyfishing and sleeping - with a bodybuilder's physique and agrees to come to Sandy's treedome at 5 AM to begin his new workout. At the treedome, SpongeBob is put through a progressively intense series of warm-up exercises from push-ups to boxing to running on a giant hamster wheel, each resulting in his arms separating from his body.

Spongebob muscles


Current Wiki. Patchy's Beach Bash! Krabs has the best line, but it would be a spoiler.


Encyclopedia SpongeBobia Explore. Main show. Production music Original music List of songs. Television Books Films Video games. I don't need it! Savage Patrick More

Spongebob muscles

Please note: Due to constant attempts by spambots to get access to SpongePedia, account creation is currently disabled. We apologize for any inconvenience. You are not logged in. Please log in to get the full benefit of SpongePedia. For further questions go to SpongePedia:Contents! SpongeBob: It's time to grow myself large and wide. Walks over to his weight, which is a pink bunny and a blue bear and has struggle lifting it but gets it over hit head. Doorbell rings. Opens door. SpongeBob: Not too close, Sandy.

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Scared of being exposed, he tries to stop her but finds himself pressured down by the drink. Details Edit. Unfortunately, Sandy has already signed them up, and there's no turning back. He nervously says he is ready when Sandy comes by to check, but quickly begins inflating more into his Anchor Arms in desperation when she turns away. Krabs voice. Top cast Edit. Everyone else promptly begins armpit farting, while Sandy congratulates SpongeBob for finally finding a workout that works for him. Upon realizing this, the crowd exclaims that he lost and start cheering for Sandy, since she won. See the list. Morena Films United Plankton Pictures. The ending is great, but it's slow in parts. The way this episode unfolds is hilarious. Incidental 24Q is then replaced by Incidental 24B with his color palette in the next scene. To SpongeBob's surprise, she then suggests he needed to put those muscles to the test, and it just so happens the Anchor Toss Competition is today.

In this episode, SpongeBob orders fake arms with inflatable muscles to impress Sandy. SpongeBob starts his day off by posing in front of a mirror as he gets ready to make himself "large and wide. Just then, Sandy comes inside, and SpongeBob shows off his stick arm "muscles," bragging about his "state of the art weight set.

SpongeBob is a total weakling and Sandy's work-out regimen isn't working for him, so he buys inflatable muscles. Related news. Krabs has the best line, but it would be a spoiler. Hillary's 6 Picks for March and Beyond. SpongeBob Fan Favorites. Release date October 2, United States. Sign In Register. Everyone else promptly begins armpit farting, while Sandy congratulates SpongeBob for finally finding a workout that works for him. Notes Policy Guidelines Update. Let me down! Thanks, Sandy. These were two good episodes. SpongeBob manages to fool them by claiming armpit farts are his secret workout, pushing aside skepticism by pointing out the results. SpongeBob starts his day off by posing in front of a mirror as he gets ready to make himself "large and wide.

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