sportzone bradford

Sportzone bradford

The Lord Mayor Image: Newsquest In Augustsportzone bradford, Powerleague completed the acquisition of the facility and began the process of a full regeneration.

Celebration Venue Hire in Bradford. Presentation Evenings, Functions, Private Parties Book a Local DJ. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Without this our website may look a bit odd in places e.

Sportzone bradford


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The following DJs and discos all cover the Bradford area and are suggested by needadisco. Gold DJmark Award holder. Diamond DJmark Award holder. Silver DJmark Award holder. To give you some idea about suitability, the following events have been or are planned to be held at SportZone:. We understand that a cash bar is available at SportZone serving a wide range of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks to hirers and their guests. Based on customer feedback, we believe that SportZone is only partially accessible to wheelchair users and the infirm. Usually this means that not all areas of the building are accessible, or there may be internal steps requiring assistance or ramps, for example.

Sportzone bradford

Celebration Venue Hire in Bradford. Presentation Evenings, Functions, Private Parties Book a Local DJ. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Without this our website may look a bit odd in places e. Apologies if this is the case but you are probably used to it as most websites rely on JavaScript!

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Sorry about that. We want it to be a hub for the community. From you directly if you decide to use our websites to request detail from. We want our comments to be a lively and valuable part of our community - a place where readers can debate and engage with the most important local issues. Let an expert help organise your event so you don't have to! These needadisco. Customer Reviews of SportZone. I used to spend my summer holidays there. Read the rules here. Lewis said: "They are amazing facilities. Children's Entertainment Mascots, facepainters, clowns, magicians, balloon modellers etc. Do you have to provide your personal information to us?


From you directly if you decide to use our websites to request detail from. How can you request details of the personal information we hold about you? Your details are not stored once the activity has completed. We invested in the playing facility to ensure they are first in class. Deactivate Piano meter debugger. If you ask us to send an email message on your behalf to SportZone in Bradford we will share your email address and, optionally if provided, your telephone number with the email address that we currently hold on file for this venue. Please allow 5 working days for a response. What are the legal grounds for our processing of your personal information? SportZone Venue Hire. We have appointed a Data Protection Lead who is responsible for overseeing questions in relation to this privacy policy.

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