Star hunters 40k

Star hunters 40k are infamous for their acts of piracy, which involve attacking spacecrafts of various races, as well as worlds, and salvaging abandoned facilities, bases, Space Hulks and even battlefields.

But that is as nothing to the peril you face if you cannot see us, and all you can hear is our laughter. Known and feared throughout the Imperium of Man for their highly mobile way of war, the White Scars are considered the masters of the lightning strike and hit-and-run attack and are particularly adapted to the use of the Astartes Assault Bike as their mechanical steeds and their forces contain an unusually large number of Bike Squads compared to other Chapters. Bearing the ritual scars of bravery, these fierce warriors fight with all the tribal savagery that define the fierce steppe nomads of their homeworld Mundus Planus , known to them as Chogoris , bringing swift death to all of the enemies of the Imperium. Recruited from the most savage nomad tribes of the Feral World of Chogoris, the White Scars fight in the manner of the nomad warriors of the steppes. Mounting lightning assaults utilising the fastest of vehicles, the White Scars descend upon their foes in an unstoppable torrent, their hearts filled with savage joy and the battle cry "For the Emperor and the Khan!

Star hunters 40k


Khazogh's left knee-plate decal indicates that he is part of the 2nd Squad, while his sergeant's right knee would bear a further pattern showing the squad belongs to the 9th Brotherhood. With the final battle for star hunters 40k Kolarne Circle fought and won upon the desolate ash-fields of Kolarne itself, star hunters 40k, the many inhabited worlds fell into the Great Khan's hands. Yet, as the Great Crusade moved into its final throes in the first years of the 31st Millennium, the White Scars found themselves called upon less and less.


The Star Hunters were a team of outcasts led by the soldier of fortune, Donovan Flint. The only way to end their exile from Earth is to find the origin of man in the universe. The Star Hunters were infected by the Corporation controlling Earth with a virus which would cause their genes to mutate if they set foot on the planet again without receiving an antidote which the Corporation would only give to them on completion of their mission - to learn the true origins of man. The Corporation also implanted a device in the brain of Star Hunter Mindy Yano which enabled them to periodically download her experiences to them causing her to have epileptic seizures , making her an unwitting spy. A near death experience following the destruction of the Sunrider, however, led Donovan Flint to an encounter with an alien known as the Entity which revealed to him that he and his comrades were caught up in an eternal war for control of the multiverse between the forces of light and darkness; the Corporation and their allies, the alien Blood Legion, were the champions of the opposing side though they were unaware of this while Flint had been chosen to be the champion of the Sornaii, the Entity's race. Flint was left trying to figure out how to get off the planet before he began to mutate. Whether Flint and his crew succeeded in defeating the Corporation and averting universal chaos is unknown. Transportation: the starship Sunrider ; later, Sunrider II after the original was destroyed.

Star hunters 40k

Our Emperor be before us. Our Emperor be beside us. Our Emperor be in our tread. The Red Hunters Chapter has a long history of putting itself at the service of the Inquisition and the entire Chapter has been known to serve under the command of an Inquisitor Lord on certain occasions. What little is known about the Red Hunters Chapter suggests that it may have been founded immediately following the Horus Heresy , and was intended to hunt down and eliminate the Traitor Legions.

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Their nature was untamed, but still bound by the chains of duty and honour as defined by the Chogorian code. Even the mighty Horus felt the behemoth's mental whip, and though he repelled its will, the effort left blood gushing from his eyes in crimson rivers. Every move that the White Scars made was reflected by Alpha Legion warships in what had become a bizarre game of mirrors. In those early days, the Legion lived by one credo: each new day is a victory. In the wake of his victory, the Khagan showed mercy to his foes and left their cities untouched. The Khan's armour sensors told him the surfaces around him were still warm from the afterglow of whatever apocalypse had overtaken Prospero. So the Khagan bargained for his loyalty and that of those he ruled, taking from the Emperor those guarantees he deemed fair regarding the treatment of the people of Chogoris and of his role in the future empire. The ranks of the V th Legion were swelled by the intake of warriors inducted from Jaghatai Khan's fierce army, the Legion inheriting the traditions of the Chogorian steppes nomads. Despite this, the proliferation of these Warrior Lodges quickly spread amongst the other Legions -- even into the White Scars Legion. If such a gifted individual was properly trained in order to obtain the greatest results, like any weapon, he or she could still be used, but with respect and not indiscriminately. Since so few of the other Legions had ever fought alongside the White Scars, this specialisation had not become widely known, except for a few speculative reports here and there of strangely elongated engine-housings, extravagant thruster formations and oversized fuel lines. Passing through the terror of Old Night by cutting themselves off amid the sub-zero wastelands of Thule in the far north, they well-understood the cruel dictates of survival.

It took part in the final days of the Badab War and the final assault upon the Astral Claws ' homeworld of Badab Primaris , helping bring the war to a successful conclusion.

In a similar fashion, the tribes themselves were consolidated, merged together or split apart in order to foster unity and end the feuds that had kept them at each other's throats for Terran centuries. Yet in these beginnings can be seen the shadow of the Legion's future. Veteran Primaris Marine Kanjubal Stormblade. The tale of the Pale Emperor is known to very few. With the final battle for the Kolarne Circle fought and won upon the desolate ash-fields of Kolarne itself, the many inhabited worlds fell into the Great Khan's hands. Jaghatai was discovered just after his arrival on the world as an infant by Ong Khan, the chieftain or khan of a small Chogorian nomadic tribe called the Talskars, who adopted the extraordinarily beautiful infant into his family, foreseeing that he would one day become a great warrior unlike any other the steppe-lands had ever known. The lands of the horse nomads, barren and inhospitable as they were, had always been beneath its notice, save as a hunting ground for bored nobles seeking to slake their bloodlust. Where other Legions might have faltered or fallen back to regroup, losing the momentum of victory, these rugged warriors thrived, taking heart from the presence of their new lord. It all made for a ferociously fast set of warships, from the largest behemoths to the most slender of system-runners. Many tales of their exploits speak equally of their ferocious skill-at-arms and the strategic insight of their commanders, different in style to that of other Legions, wilder and more direct, but no less effective. In years gone past, the son of a fallen khan would have set out on his own murder-raid, slain some few of the rival clan's own warriors or driven off their prize horses, perpetuating the endless cycle of the feud. But due to the effects of the Ruinstorm , a monstrous Warp Storm unleashed by the Word Bearers during the Battle of Calth , astropathic communication was unreliable and vast tracts of the Imperium were made all but impassable. Every starship in the service of the Imperium was different. The Alpha Legion had already been given every chance to explain themselves.

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