star trek assault phaser

Star trek assault phaser

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Assault Phaser c. An unusual design in that the butt contains a removeable magazine powerpack. Details vary, notably the shape and design of the emitter, and of the magazine butt-plates. This image , of uncertain origin, shows three different variants; the details, though, present problems - were there assault phasers on the Enterprise -nil? Does an Excelsior -class starship need to carry more than hand-weapons, with a crew of only around ? Until recently, there was nothing to indicate, either on the prop or from any official sources of information, that the Assault Phaser might incorporate a Type-I hand phaser; the only likely spot was at the rear of the upper body. However, Andrew Fisher recently sent me this image , which shows that there is a Type-I located under the barrel housing!

Star trek assault phaser

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the finale of Picard and the continuations of Discovery , Lower Decks , Prodigy and Strange New Worlds , the advent of new eras in Star Trek Online gaming , as well as other postth Anniversary publications such as the new ongoing IDW comic. Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. The assault phaser was a much stronger version of the phasers commonly used as ship mounted weapons on Federation starships. It was developed simultaneously by the Federation and the Klingon Empire , with the same basic premise driving both designs. Due to the energy required to power the weapon, ships equipped with assault phasers occasionally found their systems overloaded after using them, leaving them vulnerable to attack. The Federation Yamato-class prototype was the only starship known to possess two assault phaser emitters, while starbases employed them as a primary defensive weapon. TOS video game : Klingon Academy. Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki. The High Country. Malibu Comics. WildStorm Comics.

They've also added more detail such as an emitter! The magazine mechanic has been reworked. For the MR version, the magazine had a light at the very top that was meant to shine light through the Type-1 phaser.


Star Wars may have lightsabers, but Star Trek has unquestionably cornered the marker on cool ray guns. Like so many other parts of the franchise, phasers have developed a lexicon and terminology all their own. In addition, timeline changes and the need to make each new Star Trek series distinctive have resulted in numerous versions of the same basic gizmo. Phasers are divided into three basic categories. Type I phasers are about the size of a garage door opener and are designed for concealment. Type IIs are larger and have a pistol grip, with more power and a longer range.

Star trek assault phaser

Assault Phaser c. An unusual design in that the butt contains a removeable magazine powerpack. Details vary, notably the shape and design of the emitter, and of the magazine butt-plates. This image , of uncertain origin, shows three different variants; the details, though, present problems - were there assault phasers on the Enterprise -nil?

Swinger en toledo

Starfleet hand weapon in use at the end of the 23rd century. Details vary, notably the shape and design of the emitter, and of the magazine butt-plates. Hopefully, this carries over to the phaser as well. I'm a huge phaser collector myself and had no idea FE was doing the assault phaser as well. Jeyl , Jul 27, This was very problematic since the Type-1 had to be fitted on top of the magazine while it was loaded, so whenever you took the magazine out, the Type-1 would become loose inside the phaser. While the mechanic is still technically there, the level now closes the phaser shut instead of sliding it open. Gaming and apps. The Federation Yamato-class prototype was the only starship known to possess two assault phaser emitters, while starbases employed them as a primary defensive weapon. Sign in to edit. It's a powerful weapon, yes, and one that could conceivably be carried on a starship in tandem with the TMP-TWOK phaser that we surmise could have been in service during the same period. Galileo7 , Phaser Two and th Gebirg like this. Start a Wiki. It makes sense. Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release.

August 24, By: Jeff Bond 65 comments so far. Now you can have your own, courtesy of Master Replicas. From the original series design executed by Matt Jefferies and finalized by artist Wah Chang, this pistol energy weapon has retained its unique "two-in-one" design, with a small, rectangular "phaser one" or hand phaser locked into a larger, pistol-shaped "phaser two"—and a distinctive, rear-swept silhouette that has always set the phaser off from the countless other blasters, lasers and other sci fi ray guns seen in film and television over the years.

The opening front part of the phaser has been "reversed". Until recently, there was nothing to indicate, either on the prop or from any official sources of information, that the Assault Phaser might incorporate a Type-I hand phaser; the only likely spot was at the rear of the upper body. Gaming and apps. Start a Wiki. Hopefully, this carries over to the phaser as well. Forum Blog. In short, he also had some misgivings about the MR replica since he states that this was made before the company folded and he was given almost no budget to make a lot of it's features shine. It makes sense. Liam Kavanagh has recently turned up the following information from The Making of the Trek Films , edited by Edward Gross: " William Shatner's hoped for revolutionary approach to Star Trek V extended to such things as the crew's hand held weapony, the phasers, which are a far cry from the small plastic weapons of the earlier films and TV series: big, black and very dangerous looking, they may well change the look of STAR TREK hardware to come. Joined: Dec 29, Show Ignored Content. The Type-1 Phaser was just a hollow piece of plastic with no detailing that sat cumbersomely on top of the phaser magazine Which provided it light. A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! Cosmos12 , Jul 27,

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