Star wars senate

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The Galactic Republic , commonly known as the Republic , is a fictional political entity in the Star Wars universe that predates the formation of the Galactic Empire. It is prominently featured in the prequel trilogy of Star Wars films , offering a glimpse into its history and functioning. In the original trilogy , which takes place after the events of the prequels, the Republic is referred to as the Old Republic , suggesting its long-established nature. The Republic is portrayed as a democratic republic that has sustained itself peacefully for over twenty-five thousand years, but was tied up in layers of bureaucracy. It was mainly overseen by the Galactic Senate, the Republic's legislative branch.

Star wars senate

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! The chamber was the meeting hall for the Galactic Senate of the Galactic Republic [1] and the center of political activity. It was lined with 1, repulsorpods for the senators and representatives from the various political delegations, [1] [7] with some delegations, such as the Naboo delegation , having their own pod, while other representatives had to share. At the center of the chamber was the Chancellor's podium , [1] itself extended from the " working office " of the Chancellery Secretariat , [8] where the Supreme Chancellor and the Vice Chair would preside over meetings of the Senate. During the Clone Wars , since the Infiltrator demolition droids blow up the central power distribution grid on Coruscant goes the mandatory blackout , even to stop the vote for the bill to de-regulate banking conglomerates, the repulsorpods and the chamber goes to the emergency power mode. It was in the Galactic Senate Chamber that Chancellor Sheev Palpatine proclaimed the formation of the Galactic Empire with himself as emperor in front of the newly christened Imperial Senate. In the early Imperial Era , the podium had changed and replaced the senate symbol with the Imperial crest. Wookieepedia Explore. Royce Hemlock Dr.

The Senate was under the leadership of a Supreme Chancellor, who would be democratically chosen for a ruling term of four years.

At the height of its rule, the Galactic Republic was governed by a body of Senators representing the many worlds of the galaxy. Within the cavernous Senate rotunda, hundreds of politicians would fill the viewing platforms that lined the curved walls. After Palpatine declared himself Emperor, power was increasingly wielded by regional governors. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Palpatine disbanded the Senate. Naboo's Senator Palpatine demonstrates his political acumen and Machiavellian tendencies when he reveals the hidden workings of the Galactic Senate to Queen Amidala. By the final days of the Republic , the Senate had become hampered by grinding bureaucracy and rampant corruption. The post went to Palpatine, marking the beginning of his ascent to power.

At the height of its rule, the Galactic Republic was governed by a body of Senators representing the many worlds of the galaxy. Within the cavernous Senate rotunda, hundreds of politicians would fill the viewing platforms that lined the curved walls. After Palpatine declared himself Emperor, power was increasingly wielded by regional governors. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, Palpatine disbanded the Senate. Naboo's Senator Palpatine demonstrates his political acumen and Machiavellian tendencies when he reveals the hidden workings of the Galactic Senate to Queen Amidala. By the final days of the Republic , the Senate had become hampered by grinding bureaucracy and rampant corruption. The post went to Palpatine, marking the beginning of his ascent to power. A decade later, the Separatist Crisis left the Senate paralyzed, as star systems led by Count Dooku broke away from the Republic and prepared for war.

Star wars senate

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Some vital systems used their importance to the Republic as leverage, so while the Secessionist voting bloc was quite small, it could have an outsized influence. Amidala was adamant on taking immediate action to liberate the people of Naboo ; acting on the counsel of her advisor , Senator Palpatine, Amidala called on the Senate to remove Valorum from power through a Vote of No Confidence , rendering the office vacant. Yoda was forced to flee, going into exile on Dagobah. In Empire's End , his reputation amongst children in Theed and striking a friendship with Mapo who also becomes his own apprentice. His exile after the Battle of Endor also did quite a number on his emotions. According to the hypothesis, humans are thought to have originated from Coruscant, a central planet in the Star Wars galaxy. Jar Jar: Yousa find rest, Senator. Follow TV Tropes. A political ally of Padme and her bloc seen in deleted scenes of Revenge of the Sith. Start a Wiki. The Exile : His overall clumsiness results in his exile when he crashed Boss Nass's heyblibber submarine. Supporting the High Chancellor was the Vice Chair , who would help set the agenda for the senate and call for votes on varying pieces of legislation. Rebel Alliance. Senator Halle Burtoni.

The Galactic Republic , commonly known as the Republic , is a fictional political entity in the Star Wars universe that predates the formation of the Galactic Empire.

Speaks Fluent Animal : He's actually able to communicate with the flora and fauna of Rodia when he visits during the Clone Wars, though initially it's played for laughs when all it gets him when he shows it off is a barrage of thrown fruit and the swamp laughing at him. Bantha Droid Sarlacc. Evil Old Folks : She is the oldest Kaminoian in the canon, and needs a cane to walk around. Anakin Skywalker's line "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy" is an echo of Bush's war on terror dichotomy that "Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. Serkis Folk : Jar Jar is one of the first live-action characters to be portrayed completely using computer-generated imagery CGI and motion capture technology, which allowed Jar Jar to be depicted performing feats of acrobatics and clumsiness difficult for a real person in a costume to achieve. Worthy Opponent : He regarded Onaconda as one, and respected him greatly. After the end of the Galactic Empire, the New Republic was founded. Voiced by: Anna Graves. The Senate has some form of judicial power as well, although the Republic has a judicial branch, in which the Supreme Court was the main body. Kharrus Kinyen. Politicians include Senators, the Supreme Chancellor, the Vice Chair of the Senate, the Administrative Aide, various Representatives from systems, and to an unofficial extent, the members of the Jedi Council. He is killed early on and solving his murder and the resultant crimes forms the main plot of the episode. The Jedi will be overwhelmed. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.

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