star wars zabrak

Star wars zabrak

Los zabraks son una especie humanoide inteligente procedente del planeta Iridonia. Su idioma es el zabraki.

To all our Our Patrons for their unwavering love and support. Toggle Menu. The Zabrak are an early spacefaring race distinguished by patterns of vestigial horns on their heads. Zabrak hail from many worlds and have been spacefarers for so long that they define themselves and each other according to their colony of origin. The harshness of Iridonia, their homeworld, forged in the Zabrak an iron will to survive. Driven to escape their world, they sought to obtain the knowledge of space flight. When Duros scouts began exploring the Mid Rim Territories, they encountered Zabrak in eight sovereign colonies in five different systems.

Star wars zabrak

Zabrak are near-human sentients from the planet Iridonia renowned for their independence and wandering spirit. They have distinctive facial horns, whose number and pattern denote which subspecies an individual Zabrak belongs to. Most Zabrak wear ritual facial tattoos, which vary from simple lines to more elaborate patterns. The designs can mark significant events in their lives, or merely be a matter of personal preference. After discovering space travel early in their civilization, they quickly colonized worlds throughout the Mid Rim and gained a reputation as pioneers and explorers. Zabrak are also skilled warriors, engaging in inter-clan competitions to hone their talents; their physiology, which includes a secondary heart and some resistance to pain, gives them surprising endurance in battle. Zabraks are automatically available to all players. However, there are two kinds of Zabraks — the neutral-colored Iridonian Zabraks, and the red-colored Dathomirian Zabraks, and which ones are available by default changes based on what type of character you are creating. The Cartel Market sells this unlock for Cartel Coins, the price and availability on the GTN will change day to day and per server, but it is likely very expensive. This unlock is per-server, not account-wide, and requires that you have an existing character of any type on that server who has reached level 10 and created a Legacy. The icon looks like a half-and-half Zabrak to make it clearer its for both types of Zabraks.

Later he founded the crime syndicates Shadow Collective and Crimson Dawn. Eventually, tales of Peridea became legend, and their knowledge was lost to most. Long ago, the Sith had made contacts with the high council of Iridonia in order to hire the services of their star wars zabrak talented mercenaries.

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage. Zabraks were a near-human carnivorous species native to the planets Iridonia and Dathomir.

A legendary Jedi Knight who later held the title Battlemaster , Darach trained a young Jedi Padawan named Satele Shan , who was present with him on a space station in orbit around the Sith homeworld of Korriban , along with Corporal Jace Malcom and the imprisoned smuggler Nico Okarr. The station was suddenly attacked by the Sith Empire , which had been believed to be destroyed for centuries , and who sought to retake the planet. Darach and Shan freed Okarr to help them warn the Galactic Republic , and fought the infiltrating Imperial soldiers as they raced to the hangar. As they arrived, two Sith, Vindican and Malgus , entered the station and engaged in lightsaber combat with Darach and Shan. The Jedi Master had to save his apprentice from Malgus's blade during the fight, after which he instructed her to leave on Okarr's quickly departing ship. Darach stayed behind to continue fighting the Sith, now wielding Shan's double-bladed lightsaber. Darach defeated Vindican, leaving him wounded. However, he was later killed by an enraged Malgus. Because of her Master's sacrifice, Shan was able to escape and warn the Republic of the Sith Empire's return.

Star wars zabrak

A nightbrother warrior and leader of a village on Dathomir, Viscus served Mother Talzin. Even though he was defeated by Kenobi and believed dead, the fallen Sith apprentice returned years later during the Clone Wars to seek revenge. Later he founded the crime syndicates Shadow Collective and Crimson Dawn. Deathstick is a nightsister operating as an assassin for the crime syndicate, Crimson Dawn. A powerful Dathomirian Zabrak and Nightbrother. He was chosen as the best fighter of the Nightbrother village by Asajj Ventress. After the death of Feral, the remaining two brothers reunited, and they seek to destroy Obi-Wan Kenobi. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Until you earn points all your submissions need to be vetted by other Comic Vine users. This process takes no more than a few hours and we'll send you an email once approved.

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Koth was a noteworthy addition to the Jedi Order in that he was born on Nar Shaddaa instead of Iridonia or one of the colony worlds and was taken as a youngling when he was older than the age of four. The harshness of Iridonia, their homeworld, forged in the Zabrak an iron will to survive. This edit will also create new pages on Comic Vine for:. Some Zabraks carried themselves with an air of superiority toward other races, frequently discussing the achievements of their people with pride that could border on arrogance. Like any member of the Jedi Order, Consulars can hail from any planet and Force-sensitive species in the galaxy. The Empire established garrisons on all Zabrak-inhabited worlds, plundered or dismantled the Zabrak factories, subjected trade routes through Zabrak-inhabited systems to heavy taxes, and allowed disease to run rampant through Zabrak colonies. Use your keyboard! They were a species known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence. Conditions are harsh on Dathomir. Wookieepedia Explore. Bao-Dur Engineer. The term "Iridonian" is sometimes used to refer to Zabraks, and sometimes to a bloodthirsty people also called Iridonians. Designing an alien species for a science fiction franchise can be harrowing. The Zabrak are an early spacefaring race distinguished by patterns of vestigial horns on their heads.

The Zabraks were a carnivorous near- human species native to Iridonia.

The Zabrak are an alien species known for their horns, facial tattoos, and fierce sense of independence. He developed a rival in the fellow apprentice Bane , whom Sirak believed was one of the few students that could eventually challenge his place at the Academy. However, Maul managed to survive his defeat at the hands of Kenobi by harnessing the power of hatred and the dark side. Zabraks from colony worlds also shared that drive for excellence, but encouraged their children to express it in other ways. Don't have an account? Explore Wikis Community Central. Star Wars. Their unique physiology, such as a second heart and high pain tolerance, makes Zabrak highly sought-after soldiers—and, in the Empire, valuable slaves. Physiology Zabrak resemble humans in skin tone and physique, but they are easily distinguished by their vestigial horns. He rarely speaks, has no notable personality, and is violently excised from the mainline franchise after his first appearance.

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