Subway steak and cheese nutrition
The ,square-foot design features a natural ravine and tree-lined walkway that leads the visitor through an extraordinary experience of sights, sounds, and scents. The walkway traverses a stream that winds through a variety of plants and gradually descends to a plaza where bougainvillea arbors provide scale and a sense of intimacy.
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Subway steak and cheese nutrition
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Get our iOS app from the App Store. Get our Android app on Google Play. View other restaurant foods. Subway Steak and Cheese 12" Steak and swiss chese on italian herb, with honey mustard, mayo, bbq sauce, black olives and lettuce - Subway Sandwiches. Main info: Subway Steak and Cheese 12" Steak and swiss chese on italian herb, with honey mustard, mayo, bbq sauce, black olives and lettuce - Subway Sandwiches 1 each Find on Amazon. Percent calories from Report a problem with this food.
Subway steak and cheese nutrition
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Nutritional values for all Subway sandwiches are figured with sandwiches on 9-grain wheat bread topped with lettuce, onions, tomatoes, green peppers and cucumbers, according to the company's nutritional data charts. The calories is a particular food indicate how much energy it contains.
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