sun cancer moon sagittarius

Sun cancer moon sagittarius

The Cancer Sun Sagittarius man or woman is a mix of dominating and traveling energies. Once they meet a light, they can say many things. They have lively and highly active imaginations sun cancer moon sagittarius often rack their brains over distant places they would like to visit or places they would like to live in.

Sagittarius Sun Cancer Moon person is a dynamic individual with strong emotions. They are fun and enthusiastic, especially when they are close and comfortable around people. Creative and curious, they enjoy immersing themselves in new things and experiences and have no problem stepping out of their comfort zones when needed. Sagittarius Sun Cancer people can be clingy and intense when they form an emotional attachment to someone. They can be possessive and their possessiveness can make them overly protective of them. Insecurity can also be an issue and can make them feel suspicious or question the loyalty of others which can sometimes hinder their confidence. They speak their mind and what they say usually comes straight from the heart.

Sun cancer moon sagittarius

No matter how many ups and downs you experience, you will never lose your cheerful and tolerant perspective. Your inner nature is expansive, idealistic, and spiritually inclined. Having a Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon, you have had many dreams and lofty ambitions in your lifetime. And with your high standards, you are never content to settle for less. Narrowing down your ambitions can be difficult, since your vision is so broad. You can almost lose yourself in contemplating all the wonderful things you could do; the problem is in deciding on one. As an individual with a Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon, there are two sides to your nature. The Cancer personality has a strong need for security in a home or a vocation, but the Sagittarius inner soul longs for freedom, adventure, and romance. Although, after much experimentation, you may finally opt for a conventional career, you will never fully shake off that longing adventure. Because of this, you will often experience capricious moods that undermine your efforts. Whenever you feel overburdened with work or responsibility or drudgery, the temptation to drift off into exotic daydreams can be overwhelming.

His adventurous side always comes out when he goes on holiday with his Sagittarius Sun friend.

Lost Your Password? Sun in Sagittarius Cancer Moon person is a dynamic, emotionally intense individual. They are entertaining and enthusiastic, particularly when they are close to and at ease with others. Creative and inquisitive, they appreciate being immersed in new things and experiences and have no problem leaving their comfort zones when necessary. Sagittarius Sun Cancer people can be clingy and intense when they establish an emotional attachment to someone. They may be possessive, and their possessiveness may cause them to be excessively protective of them. Insecurity can also be a problem, as it can make a person feel suspicious or cause them to doubt the loyalty of others, thereby hindering their confidence.

The combination of Sun in Cancer and Moon in Sagittarius blends the contradictory elements of caution, tenacity, and a need for security, with the much more outgoing Sagittarius tendency to be outgoing and independent. This pairing gives you a more sociable and progressive demeanor. You can relate to generalities and ideals, but on a more real and practical basis. You can inspire confidence in people. In your relations with others you demand absolute honesty. When you detect falsity and insincerity in your dealings with people, the sensitive and defensive side of your nature quickly appears. Petty jealousies and trite behavior repels you.

Sun cancer moon sagittarius

Disclosure: This post may include useful product links. Buying through these links may earn me a commission at no additional cost to you. Read my affiliate disclosure. When it comes to love, people born with a Sagittarius sun Cancer moon are likely to prefer someone a bit mysterious. They could have many potential partners, but they will still have a list of things that they want in a partner. People born with Sagittarius sun rising and Cancer moon are likely to follow their path in life. They are not easy to predict, and sometimes their reactions can be very unpredictable.

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If they want to make a difference in the lives of people and the world at large, then social work can be an ideal profession for them. She has a lively imagination and there is drama in her life, both internally with her feelings and also externally. They will be very close to the person who raised them. The Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon woman will find it difficult to choose just one man because she will desire them all. The Moon in Cancer will use the energy of Sagittarius to reveal a personality that requires emotional security above all else. His fantasies can sometimes get the better of him, especially if he has a difficult life at work or in his family environment. Financial security is less important than enthusiasm for this vagabond who likes to stand out from the rest in style and appearance. They love to learn and appreciate exploring the world through both traveling and reading. Adaptable creatures, they know that they are the only ones who can bring security. Even if they are never moderate, they require a partner who appreciates all of these qualities. He is a free spirit looking for adventure and thrill, he may roam from place to place or job to job. According to Love Marriage Astrologers , those born under this Sun-Moon conjunction feel the need for other people to grow dependent on them. The Cancer Moon and Sagittarius Sun woman is warm, affable, sociable, and trustworthy.

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. The Sagittarius sign is the ninth of the twelve zodiac signs , originating from the constellation Sagittarius.

Moon Sagittarians have many choices, whether they act on them or not. The Sun in Sagittarius is Cancer Moon women are typically affable, possess a seductive personality, and have difficulty saying no. The Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon woman is a warm, friendly, sociable, and honest person. The influence of the Sagittarius Moon will inspire others to be like them. People are drawn to her high ideals and enthusiasm; it is difficult to remain indifferent in her presence. This individual prefers to feel liberated and unburdened by emotional ties or complicated relationships. He sees the big picture and has lofty goals. Your likes and dislike are often based on gut reaction, as you are essentially an emotional person. They can learn more readily than others because emotional personalities are more open and adaptable. If their loved one is grieving, the Cancer Sun Sagittarius Moon will comfort them, but some good arguments about the situation will also come up quickly. They need someone who appreciates all these things in them, even if they are never moderate. He enjoys traveling and has the personality of a social enthusiast.

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