sunglass hut prada mens

Sunglass hut prada mens

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Sunglass hut prada mens


After Security, near Gates 31 - 33 T1 International.


Prada is a synonym with quality, style, and luxury. No matter if we're talking about the clothing line, shoe line or eyeglasses, all their products are created with high-quality standards in mind and a desire to launch new style trends. Prada glasses are perfect for strong men who love classic and contemporary mixed together in high-quality eyeglasses. The Prada eyeglasses are built using modern technology that integrates the never-out-of-style classic frame shapes and the functionality of the modern design. Classic rectangle, Clubmaster and Wayfarer frame designs are reinterpreted in the Prada men's eyeglasses collection to offer comfort and strength at the same time. Plastic, metal and a combination of plastic and metal frames are available in full rim, semi-rim and rimless, in various color options to fulfill the needs of men who prefer a clean-cut look but also of men who want a modern minimalistic look. Acetate, the material used to create the plastic frames, is made by cutting and forming layers of plastic that are polished and eventually assembled to build the frames. Originating from natural cotton fibers, the material gives the frames a more natural feel, making them very flexible, lightweight and durable.

Sunglass hut prada mens

Prada sunglasses grace the faces of movie stars, models and pop music artists. Prada is the flagship brand of the well-known Italian luxury fashion design company that makes clothing, bags and accessories, including Prada sunglasses and glasses. A former mime with a degree in political science, Miuccia Prada brought an innovative flair to the company. After she took over, Prada grew to become one of the most famous fashion houses in the world. Prada designs bags, clothing, fragrances, jewelry, shoes and accessories, including eyewear. Prada has an agreement with global eyewear company EssilorLuxottica to design and manufacture sunglasses and eyeglasses under the Prada brand. Fans of Prada have plenty of styles from which to choose to help them stand out from the crowd.

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