superman vs thanos

Superman vs thanos

Thanos has begun to collect the infinity stones, and has just decimated a world to lay claim to the Power Stone. Hearing of this, Superman decides to intervene before things get any uglier. With an entire infinity stone amping him up, would Thanos be able to go toe-to-toe with the current Superman? In-character and bloodlusted, superman vs thanos.

As one of the most fearsome villains in comic book history, it's hard to keep track of all the heroes Thanos has killed in Marvel Comics over the years, but what if he set his sights on the world of DC? The plot centers around Thanos collecting the Infinity Gems and using them to wipe out half of all life - no small feat, but Thanos has plenty of superpowers without the stones , as well. Born to a race called the Eternals, Thanos innately has super-strength, durability, and stamina, as well as energy projection and immunity to virtually all poisons and diseases. Thanos is also well-versed in the mystic arts, granting him some magical enhancements. The Mad Titan built his intergalactic army from the ground-up and has proven time and again to be a genius tactician.

Superman vs thanos

Superman barely needs an introduction. In addition to his strength, Thanos has plenty of speed, stamina, and intelligence. This raises the interesting question of how Supes would fare if an even bigger crossover event than Avengers: Endgame occurred and the two titans found themselves pitted against each other in a fight. Furthermore, as long as yellow sunlight continues to shine on Superman, his power is practically limitless. The Kryptonian can also fly faster than the speed of light and, with his X-ray vision, see through objects. With his similarly named heat vision, Superman can also use his eyes to project heat beams strong enough to melt steel. Superman was also vulnerable to electricity in battles with one of his more recently conceived enemies, Livewire, in the s animated series. However, even without those magical stones, Thanos could easily hold his own in a fight. The big question is, would that still apply in a fight with Superman? Thanos, therefore, boasts superhuman strength as well as speed and stamina. He also has telekinetic and telepathic abilities and is capable of absorbing and projecting massive amounts of cosmic energy.

However, superman vs thanos, if Thanos had time to plan, things could go much differently. I considered going with an older version of Superman, but the New 52 has had some pretty impressive feats.

One of the most dangerous villains in any comic universe , Thanos has become one of the most popular villains in the world thanks to his role in the MCU. A crafty and powerful foe, there are few beings who can stand up to the Mad Titan on their own. Over the years, Thanos has proved that he's an extinction-level threat. One that it takes many heroes to stop. Superman is a hero who needs no introduction. He's faced down some of the most deadly threats of all time and is one of the most powerful heroes to ever exist. If there is any single hero who stands a chance against Thanos, it's him.

Also, if you read JSA. Superman from Kingdom Come is featured in that series and it has been said by Jay Garrick that he might be as fast as Wally. Hercules couldn't move Superman of Kingdom Come with a punch to the head while he knocked New Earth Superman into a wall with a nudge of his elbow. Oh and he doesn't age and Kryptonite doesn't effect him. I hate to say this since im a supes fan but thanos wins easily with or without prep time his durability and strenght are far beyond supermans the only advatange supes really has is speed and flight but thanos has beaten down the silver surfer like he was nothing. Dr Strange may be the ultimate master of magic but Thanos has "god-like intellect", QUOTE: "as a youth he became obsessed with the occult and specifically the entity Death. In order to win her love "he has trained to increase his power through meditation, mysticism" "mind is also invulnerable to most forms of psychic attack, Thanos knowledge of mystical arts". Thanos has QUOTE: "Telepathy and Telekinesis powers", he can "increase his powers by absorbing energy from an unknown source of quasi-mystical nature.

Superman vs thanos

The Avengers and their allies must be willing to sacrifice all in an attempt to defeat the powerful Thanos before his blitz of devastation and ruin puts an end to the universe. Rocket Raccoon : This is Thanos we're talking about. He's the toughest there is.

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For many years, Thanos liked to do his own dirty work but in recent years, he's gathered a group of beings to help him out in the Black Order. In a straight-up brawl, Superman would likely win pretty handily. If Thanos tells them to do it, they do what he says, no questions asked. His very existence inspires those around them and they're willing to go to Hell and back for him, no questions asked. Get Free Appraisal. There are few heroes out there who can deal with what he does on a daily basis and even fewer who would even want to. Thanos is an expert strategist. Sure, Superman can't throw planets without breaking a sweat like he used to, but he's still massively strong. The Kryptonian can also fly faster than the speed of light and, with his X-ray vision, see through objects. Thanos is powerful and skilled but that doesn't mean he's unbeatable. He didn't have the Gauntlet or a Cosmic Cube, just his own titanic power. His moral code also makes him hesitant to unleash the full extent of his power, which could be detrimental in a fight against Thanos. Determining who would win in a fight between Superman and Thanos depends largely on the circumstances of said fight.

One of the most dangerous villains in any comic universe , Thanos has become one of the most popular villains in the world thanks to his role in the MCU. A crafty and powerful foe, there are few beings who can stand up to the Mad Titan on their own.

He doesn't just protect one city or country or even one planet. This doesn't daunt Superman at all. The plot centers around Thanos collecting the Infinity Gems and using them to wipe out half of all life - no small feat, but Thanos has plenty of superpowers without the stones , as well. With an entire infinity stone amping him up, would Thanos be able to go toe-to-toe with the current Superman? As a master tactician, Thanos could figure out how to lure Superman into a trap, and if the Mad Titan obtained some kryptonite, it could be game over for the Big Blue Boy Scout. The Kryptonian can also fly faster than the speed of light and, with his X-ray vision, see through objects. Superman barely needs an introduction. Thanos has a lot going for him. Thanos is a guy who can go up against a being like Thor with nothing but the clothes on his back and not only expect to walk away but actually embarrass the God of Thunder. Superman is a hero who needs no introduction. Both characters have a general in-universe knowledge of each other - so, Thanos would be as aware of Superman and his feats as any DC character would be, and Superman as aware of Thanos as any Marvel character would be. Superman is the greatest hero of them all and it's not because of how powerful he is; while that helps, Superman is way more than his powers. Thanos is powerful and skilled but that doesn't mean he's unbeatable.

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