susan miller december horoscope

Susan miller december horoscope

Ruled by expansive, fortunate, lucky Jupiter, you think big and broad, and you aim high, just as the centaur half-man, half-horseyour emblem, does by pointing his bow and arrow high, susan miller december horoscope. Remarkably, you fully expect to hit all your lofty aims and do, time after time. You believe in total susan miller december horoscope, but at times you forget to temper your thoughts. Friends will always love you for your generosity, perpetual optimism, and easy-going free spirit.

The Capricorn woman is the one with the good gold jewelry, neutral tweed or classic Brooks Brothers suits and silk shirts. Your Capricorn woman realizes the value of a solid social network and will join organizations which will help her up the career ladder. Her lover will soon realize that he will need to share her with the world, and will be proud of her long list of accomplishments. She will come across as serious, conservative, shy, detailed, organized and self-disciplined. She delivers on her promises. She keeps her word and everything that bears her name is the best she can muster. Your Capricorn lover is practical—coming from a good background and having success potential is important to her.

Susan miller december horoscope

The Sagittarius woman is vivacious, funny, self assured, and sophisticated. She probably had an opportunity to travel as a child, and will need to continue to do so throughout her life. Sag women are often highly successful at what they set out to do simply because they are so positive they will succeed. Since the sign also rules international communication, they are either known worldwide or deal with matters of global importance. This is not an overly-sensitive sign, and when criticized, they listen carefully to the feedback. Her man should also be sure to allow her a sense of freedom which is highly important to the Sag woman. To keep her intellectually stimulated will be a lifelong struggle. This is no dumb bunny, and you may have to struggle to keep up with her. Her idea of fun is listening to National Public Radio. She gets bored easily, so be forewarned!

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Your Sagittarius guy has a strong intellect, penetrating thought process and continual curiosity about the world around him. Your man is ready for a deep discussion on ethics, morality, politics, philosophy, or religion, so go ahead one night and tackle The Meaning Of Life. Unlike Gemini, who focuses on details of the here and now, Sagittarius looks at the entire sweep of collected knowledge and tries to make sense out of the big picture. His most attractive qualities are his faith and optimism, and his customary cheer will endear him to you. This sign also has major wanderlust, so pack your glacier glasses and bug spray if you want to travel with him on his jaunts to the most exotic locales.

Ruled by expansive, fortunate, lucky Jupiter, you think big and broad, and you aim high, just as the centaur half-man, half-horse , your emblem, does by pointing his bow and arrow high. Remarkably, you fully expect to hit all your lofty aims and do, time after time. You believe in total honesty, but at times you forget to temper your thoughts. Friends will always love you for your generosity, perpetual optimism, and easy-going free spirit. You approach all matters with an intense intellectualism, and you love a good debate to see all facets of a matter. You are particularly philosophical and will tackle the deepest questions, even those that involve the mysteries of life. The viewpoint of other cultures fascinates you, and many Sagittarians choose to live in another country for at least a short time, if not longer, for you quite effortlessly fit in. You are interested in the dogma of other religions and may spend time studying the various ways different cultures approach faith. Gemini, your opposite sign, loves to collect information on a daily basis, but the difference in your sign is that you look at the entire picture of life and all the detail that is collected and ask, what does this all mean?

Susan miller december horoscope

December is a fascinating month with negotiation, action, and clarity themes. Mercury retrograde brings info revelations, while Aries Point activation offers new ideas. Psychic sensitivity and creative energy flow around the full moon in Cancer. Send out loving energy and maintain your equilibrium. In December , we begin with the sun and Mars in Sagittarius, bringing purple flavors, elevating the energy in a different way than November. Three main themes for December are negotiation, action, and clarity. Negotiation energy will begin with a beautiful Mercury retrograde, coinciding with the holiday season.

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This sign adores animals too, so you could surprise him with that pet Dalmatian puppy he wants. You will now think about the best way to approach it and choose the methods you will use. Examen Isotherm Examen Isotherm. Age of Aquarius. In my newsletters I will discuss astrology and philosophical topics. Next month, a plethora of planets in C apricorn will arrive to make you the star of the zodiac at the new moon in C apricorn January 11, so you have a very exciting time coming. Her likes her look sporty, preferring pants to skirts and sportswear to anything more formal. December 30 should be a good day for money matters! Read for your rising sign too, all at no additional cost. Uranus is moving through your fourth house, so if you've been concerned with a vacillating situation involving home or family, you will see heartwarming news that makes you realize that you've finally turned a corner and that things won't rock as much as they have in the recent past. Dates to Note: Capricorn Most romantic dates: December 1, 5, 6, 13, 14, , 22, 24, and They have no sense of diplomacy, so if you ask their opinion, be ready to hear it! I always use my name, Susan Miller, in all my applications, too. C all toll free in the US: Or dial direct:


For you, nothing is done offhand or casually, but deliberately and with care. It is a choice location, with many shops and restaurants nearby to sample at lunchtime or after the event. You were born at the time of the harvest, when the fresh, most delicious produce reaches peak flavor and ripeness. Daily Horoscopes. You may choose to travel at some point during the time when Mars is in Aquarius, December 25 through all of January. Of course you will want to apply your most elegant and sophisticated makeup. By Susan Miller This will be an exciting, busy time for you, as you still have Mars, the action planet, in C apricorn, giving you enormous favor. Astrology Zone for Apple Watch. Astrology Zone for Apple Watch. Be happy! As said, you will have Mars in C apricorn, making you super attractive. Download now. However, if you marry a partner who loves travel as much as you do, you will make a fabulous pair and build a life of adventure that need never end.

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