swtor commando dps

Swtor commando dps

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Assault Specialist AS Commandos deal their damage through a combination of blood, fire, explosives, swtor commando dps, and blaster shots. While all of that definitely is amazing, the spec has ridiculously strict and unforgiving Energy Cell management.

They excel in target swapping. They do well in fights with mobility. With proper utilities, every Gunnery ability is instant or can be used on the move except for Grav Round. Unfortunately, Grav Round is the most frequently used ability in the rotation. In fights with lots of mobility, a Gunnery player may have to use a basic attack occasionally but generally can maintain very good DPS on the move with practice.

Swtor commando dps

Cons - Umm.. None of the 2nd Tier abilities in the Combat Medic or Assault trees really lend themselves to Gunnery gameplay either, aside from possibly Parallactic Combat Stims, which just isn't a good payoff for the point cost. Flexibility - If you have no intention of PVP'ing, there are plenty of points here that you could reallocate elsewhere. I'm just about to turn level All along the way I was messing around with Tren's build, but now that I'm almost to 50 and have experimented with just about every way to play DPS Commando myself, I have to say that Tren's build really is one of the more efficient builds and should be a template for anyone looking to play Commando with a DPS spec. The issue I have is in regard to my last few points--which I am completely undecided about. Tren put 2 points into Cover Fire and neglected Reserve Round. I'm either going to put them into Reserve Round mainly for the shorter cool-down on Reserve Powercell or Weapon Calibrations in the AS tree for 6 percent more alacrity. My question is this Obviously, playing gunnery Commando equates to a ton of spamming of abilities. That's why I think alacrity may help, but I've read so many post saying that alacrity is worthless. This is my first build in a MMO and my first post in these forums, so I apologize for being a noob. I welcome any and all constructive criticism and advice. Alacrity is not important to put on gear since you can always get something better crit, surge, accuracy, power but you really don't have any good choices for the last two skill points.

Operative Medicine Concealment Lethality.

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Gunnery Commando is capable of dealing gargantuan amounts of damage with individual destructive rounds and high-velocity blaster bolts that can penetrate armor! Unfortunately, these massive bursts are inconsistent and do not translate to high sustained DPS throughout a boss fight or possess sufficient reliability for burst checks. Yes, you will have to work a bit harder compared to your mDPS peers in group content to pull viable numbers, but you should still be able to clear almost all content with Gunnery. The Thermonuclear Fusion tactical from 6.

This guide explains the best builds for Commando DPS disciplines that are optimized to perform extremely well in solo content. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Trash mob encounters rarely last more than a few seconds while boss fights and PvP typically last at least a few minutes, requiring you to make use of far more abilities. I believe this disconnect was responsible for making skipping trash via stealth and cheese such a popular approach to playing PvE in SWTOR. BioWare clearly understood this and mostly solved it by introducing extremely powerful new ability tree buffs and legendary implants that synergize with existing tactical items.

Swtor commando dps

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Assault Specialist AS Commandos deal their damage through a combination of blood, fire, explosives, and blaster shots. While all of that definitely is amazing, the spec has ridiculously strict and unforgiving Energy Cell management. AS Commandos have vastly superior mobility compared to most other ranged specs. Utility points are gone!

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I recommend using Electro Net outside of the filler slot so that it can fully benefit from your Supercharged Cell and Adrenal. Just be careful to avoid lots of extra casts to maintain energy properly. This ability costs slightly more than Mortar Volley, so you should never use this ability if Mortar Volley is off cooldown. Want to support the site and read ad-free? Below Level 80 If you are below level 80, there are no true guides available to tell you what specific abilities you should be using, because the ideal rotation would change every level. Gravitating Compound. Demolition Round A very high damage ability that should be used on cooldown. Grav Round and Hail of Bolts finish the cooldown on Boltstorm. In addition, whenever Assault Plastique combusts, it deals a small amount of additional burn damage over 6 seconds. Vanguard Shield Specialist Plasmatech Tactics. Grav Round if proccing Boltstorm. Not recommended for Gunnery if Apex Predator is available, but a decent alternative if it is not available. This implant was introduced in 7.


Slow Burn. Make a habit of reading through all of your ability tree choices each time you log in. Shadow Kinetic Combat Infiltration Serenity. This ability works a bit differently compared to past expansions. This is my first build in a MMO and my first post in these forums, so I apologize for being a noob. Since the stat pool for tertiary stats is much smaller than that of primary or secondary stats, adding 41 is a more significant upgrade than it would be if you were to add 41 to one of the primary or secondary stats mastery, power, or endurance. Can the healers deal with it without too much stress? Summons a probe that heals. This means you should be reserving it for moving long distances and getting out of fairly large circles. Be very careful about extra uses of Grav Round as that is the way newer players most frequently get into energy trouble.

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