swtor marauder pvp

Swtor marauder pvp

It describes both PvE and PvP elements of the gameplay for this discipline with a slightly heavier leaning towards PvE.

By cheeseforme May 5, in Combat Styles. With a raidbuff as well as predation they just bring more utility to the table. For PvP things might be different, and I don't really have the expertise to answer on that front. That said, both are totally viable for endgame pve, and dps tier lists change over time, so play what you like. In PvP both are very viable.

Swtor marauder pvp

By Seravis April 26, in PvP. With everyone calling marauders the new overpowered class and calling them the best at everything in PVP, it seems like a good chance to explain some of the strengths and weaknesses of the class as a whole. If only to educate the masses of people asking for nerfs to a class with very powerful strengths, and very glaring weaknesses. I'll start with the Pros to being a marauder without much detail given as I am sure with all the hate Marauders are getting most will agree with them. Marauders put out almost unparallelled damage to non-tank classes. If a marauder is able to stay in melee combat with a squishy target they can put out incredibly high damage. Have the best defensive tool set of any dps class when it comes to temporarily avoiding being focus fired. It is nearly impossible to kill a marauder quickly with all his defensive CDs up and a healer behind him. This is as it should be considering Marauders have purely backloaded damage and require to be in the middle of the enemy team to do anything. After their short defensive CDs end they die just as quickly as a dps operative. Have arguably the best tool set to chain interrupt casters.

Very weak to being kited as well as soft CC such as roots and knockbacks.

Being a marauder main in pvp is not for the feint of heart. It is probably one of the harder classes to master in pvp combat, especially if you are targeted or 1v1. So I was expecting some nice buffs to the defense of this class or maybe a bit more damage than it currently puts out. I know, some of you are thinking more defense or dps would make marauder the most OP thing in the game. But lets remember that there already is a "marauder" that hits harder and has better defense, the Rage Jugg. Reading the patch notes and feedback from the PTS, it seems that they have yet to realize that marauders are nothing more than lackluster juggs. Instead they buff jugg defense and leave marauder with some mediocre, at best, buffs to our avoidance and some new interactive ability.

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Carnage is the burst DPS spec for Marauders, and its burst is devastatingly and reliably concentrated. Thanks to the introduction of the Shard of Mortis tactical with 7. While damage boosts from taking damage e.

Swtor marauder pvp

Optimized to perform extremely well in solo content. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Trash mob encounters rarely last more than a few seconds while boss fights and PvP typically last at least a few minutes, requiring you to make use of far more abilities. I believe this disconnect was responsible for making skipping trash via stealth and cheese such a popular approach to playing PvE in SWTOR.

Starving explicit

By the words of the combat team themselves, quasi-burst spec is supposed to have more DPS that any burst spec. Their burst and damage output in PvP is excellent. But remember people without us tanksins those marauders will have a field day on ur healers and other friends. If you like the other roles, which right now there is a debate if they really are needed, then fine bring another toon. Furious Strike now causes its target to burn. Go to topic listing. Seterade, there is so much wrong with your post, I don't even know where to start. Maybe this all works differently in pve where a fury mara benefits from a carnage and jugg debiffs but I was under the impression he was talking about pvp, not pve and specificaly dueling. I am DPS sage, and have a lot of controls, and still have some issues killing them. Not much changes with PUGs, highest skill, highest gear, the Maras will outperform everyone else.

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7.

Reading the patch notes and feedback from the PTS, it seems that they have yet to realize that marauders are nothing more than lackluster juggs. I have slaughtered every class and have been slaughtered by every class. For perfect gearing, you should use a head piece from the Amplified Champion set which contains an extra combat-enhancing amplifier slot with 6 pieces from the Descent of the Fearless set. I would like to thank Anatessia for taking the time to produce this Fury Marauder guide. Very weak at killing tanks in PVP. You make it sound like those rage-less abilities are much easier than they are. It can also be useful in Flashpoints, but is not good for most Operations, since Obfuscate cannot be applied on most Operation bosses. Totally fatuous complaints. Is that parsing in PvE or PvP? Thing that amazes me the most is that people think that, in a PvP where randomly picked classes get to randomly fight each other, someone should be a counter for someone else, and that someone should be best in 1 vs. For PvP or for Dxun, you do not want to use warding mods or have any defense stat. For this guide I have used icons from the TorCommunity and Jedipedia databases. Guardians have reflect and enure, but maras have guarded by the force and rebuke.

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