Swtor mercenary dps build

This build basically skips Critical reaction and Med tech, swtor mercenary dps build, and instead will put your Jet Boost on a 15 second cool down which is amazing for PvP with the 2 PvP set bonus. Don't bother with alacrity at all, the 1.

The Arsenal Mercenary specializes in distance attacks, employing long-range weapons to demolish anyone unlucky enough to be in their sights. Devastating missile-fire combinations and relentless blaster volleys generate a spectacle of explosive brilliance and transform the Bounty Hunter into a virtual artillery platform. You can start playing Arsenal at level 1. To start playing Arsenal, you will need to first create a Mercenary character, which can be played by Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Smugglers or Imperial Agents. Once you are ingame, press K on your keyboard to open the Combat Style tab, and choose Arsenal from the three options.

Swtor mercenary dps build

This guide explains the best builds for Mercenary DPS disciplines that are optimized to perform extremely well in solo content. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Trash mob encounters rarely last more than a few seconds while boss fights and PvP typically last at least a few minutes, requiring you to make use of far more abilities! I believe this disconnect was responsible for making skipping trash via stealth and cheese such a popular approach to playing PvE in SWTOR. BioWare clearly understood this and mostly solved it by introducing extremely powerful new ability tree buffs and legendary implants that synergize with existing tactical items. These ridiculously potent effects form the basis of the solo builds and are able to exist without causing too many balance issues in group content because they are short-lived and only reliably trigger off of combat events that are fairly unique to and common when fighting trash mobs. Please refer to the 7. The damage and multi-target potential of your missiles is dependent on whether or not the enemies are affected by your Heat Signature debuff. Heatseeker Missiles and Death from Above deal more damage to targets affected by your Heat Signature and Heatseeker Missiles fires additional weaker missiles at secondary targets affected by your Heat Signature. You are slightly limited by ability cooldowns being too long, though you should be able to do this against most groups of trash. The main idea here is to start by applying Heat Signature to everything and then use the abilities that benefit from Heat Signature being applied and deal damage to multiple targets. Tracer Missile with Triple Trace is enough for groups of trash that have 3 enemies or fewer, but sometimes you need to include Fusion Missile to spread it to everything, especially if there are more than 3 targets. If you used Supercharged Gas earlier and you have obtained the Concentrated Fire legendary implant, your Rail Shot will autocrit.

Spiteful Saber. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7.

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Arsenal Mercenary is capable of dealing gargantuan amounts of damage with individual missile attacks and high-velocity blaster bolts that can penetrate armor. Unfortunately, these massive bursts are inconsistent and do not translate to high sustained DPS. Yes, you will have to work a bit harder compared to your mDPS peers in group content to pull viable numbers, but you should still be able to clear almost all content with Arsenal, and even without massive crits, throwing out missiles like candy is still extremely fun. The Thermonuclear Fusion tactical from 6. Utility points are gone!

SWTOR 7. The guide is up-to-date for Patch 7. Pyrotech is a DoT spec that attempts to kill things with fire by utilizing high-tech gauntlets as weapon platforms for a flamethrower, incendiary missile launcher, and railgun. They also use a special type of combustible gas so that their blaster shots can more easily set their foes ablaze. Pyro PTs now have a fairly unique capacity to do powerful burst damage rivaling that of actual burst DPS specs alongside being able to deal considerable AoE damage that is competitive with what the best other DoT specs are capable of. Pyrotech is only competitive with the top burst and DoT specs during 15s windows while the Explosive Fuel ability is active, and that ability has a 2min cooldown. Assuming Explosive Fuel is used as often as possible, Pyrotech is capable of single-target damage output that is competitive with what is offered by other mDPS. In addition, almost all of their rotational abilities have a range of at least 10m, which makes it much easier to maintain high uptime on bosses. Pyrotech also features some of the best survivability in the game and they are especially adept at mitigating sustained damage like you often find in burn phases because all of their DCDs last an incredibly long time while having relatively short cooldowns. Their only real weakness when it comes to damage mitigation is the fact that they lack easy access to a cheese DCD unless they want to give up one of their DPS implants in favor of a tank implant that comes with useless stats.

Swtor mercenary dps build

Complete Bodyguard Mercenary 6. Focuses strictly on PvE! Out of the 3 imperial healing classes, the mercenary is your quintessential single-target burst healer. Using a combination of medical scans, missiles that heal you somehow, and medpacs fired from a pistol, the mercenary healer is a valuable asset to any raid team.


Your cleanse can help remove harmful effects from you or other players. How can I do as much damage as possible in each GCD global cooldown, 1. While channeled, Recharge and Reload generates stacks of Supercharge. Fusion Missile spreads your Tracer Missile's Heat Signature to the targets it damages, if it damages at least one target already affected by your Heat Signature. General Suggestion: Energy Rebounder - Arsenal certainly doesn't run into heat issues as easily as other styles might, and Energy Rebounders is a really great defensive boost in all content. I would like both buff instances to change to be applied on ability use rather than on ability damage. Toggle navigation. This is your mez, a CC ability that breaks on damage. The options have several similarities across the Combat Styles:. I was posting about the doing damage part but yes, taking much more damage is also very important in organised PVE and unless my memory fails me I swear there was a promise that loss of defensives would be compensated in defensive improvements of another sort. Superheated Fuel. Grade 11 augments require MK Kits. Unloads your blaster into the target, dealing weapon damage and generating 24 heat over the duration.

Read on for all the information you need about Mercenary Bodygiurad Healers. Happy to receive feedback on this guide, especially improvements or corrections. Quality feedback will be compensated!

The energy regeneration and damage boost are the best choice in this tier. Instead, you can use this guide to figure out which of your abilities are attacks, which are defensive, and which are just useful. Vanguard Shield Specialist Plasmatech Tactics. Instantly heals a friendly target. Those affected by Supercharged Celerity become Exhausted and cannot regain Supercharged Celerity for 5 minutes. Cure Cleanse 30m long range Cleanses a friendly target of up to 2 negative tech or physical effects. Posted June 7, Followers 1. Guarding is now a tank-only ability, which is the logical next step since the nerf to Guard for DPS partway through 6. Imagine waking up one day and deciding that you're going to post in a class issues thread saying you don't want any fixes to happen to it.

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