synonyme de mentionner

Synonyme de mentionner

Jan Huitema, rapporteur. Voor mij was het een enorme eer om deze onderhandelingen namens het Europees Parlement te mogen leiden, synonyme de mentionner. Voor het Europees Parlement waren de volgende zaken van enorm belang en die zijn volgens mij ook duidelijk opgenomen in de uitkomst van de trialoog.

Write an e-mail. Press Press releases Press releases of Anuga. Copy text to the clipboard. Anuga Wide range of products from all over the world at "Anuga Organic The focus is on international organic innovations The coming edition of Anuga from 7 to 11 October in Cologne provides an overview of the worldwide offer of organic products. A concentrated spectrum of organic products that carry proof of a recognised organic certification commonly-found on the marketplace awaits the visitors in the specialised "Anuga Organic" trade show. The theme "organic" has gained additional significance over the past few years due to the consumers' growing awareness for health and the environment. Due to the Corona pandemic and the trend towards healthy, regional and natural products, the global market for organic food and beverages and the related innovations have experienced an additional boost.

Synonyme de mentionner


Today we are debating and voting about new CO2 standards for passenger vehicles and vans. Und auch in Kiew. E nel mentre i femminicidi continuano, le molestie continuano e le violenze continuano sotto gli occhi di tutti, synonyme de mentionner.


Translation of mentionner — French-English dictionary. Add to word list Add to word list. Veuillez mentionner vos hobbies sur la fiche ci-jointe. Examples of mentionner. The resolution neglects to mention this. I would like to mention one other aspect of education. Je voudrais mentionner quatre points en particulier. I should like to mention four points in particular. I nevertheless wish to mention a few shortcomings. Still, please allow me to mention some myself.

Synonyme de mentionner

Let me mention another source of great pride: the proclamation of the twenty-first of June, the longest day of the year, as National Aboriginal Day-a day to honour the First Peoples of this land. It is very strange that the government would mention the unique character of Quebec society and the diversity inherent in the federation and yet not mention equality. I regret the fact that time does not allow me to comment on all aspects of what I truly believe is an enlightened framework, but there are a few more points I would like to mention. They do not want to talk about the fact that in unemployment rates were

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Vinden we dat normaal? I will not do it because I believe administrative bans will not lead to the transformation that we want. Solo la sinergia tra i vari campi del sapere permette uno sviluppo appagante della persona. This year's W addresses one of the main challenges of our times: how to ensure that the digital transition, innovation and science, technology, engineering and mathematics — the STEM sectors — are an opportunity for all and that obstacles or abuses are tackled in particular from a gender perspective. Such solutions must equally incorporate the national and historical experiences and actual equitable interests of all Member States. Voor andere aspecten probeer ik vanuit economisch oogpunt met argumenten te komen. Therefore, online safety is urgently required and needs to play a central part in the teaching of digital skills. Elke acht dagen. We will not live in a truly fair and equal union until women and girls live free of fear of aggression or violence. Attenzione, il problema industriale arriva un attimo dopo. Now, when it comes to the actual work, of course we will need the help of the Member States with the most knowledge. Me refiero, por ejemplo, a Euro 7.


Er wordt langs alle kanten met modder gegooid. Inoltre Koelnmesse propone numerose fiere del food dedicate a varie tematiche e contenuti specifici in molti altri mercati importanti di tutto il mondo, come per esempio Brasile, Cina, India, Giappone, Colombia, Thailandia ed Emirati Arabi Uniti. Zo komen we dichter bij onze klimaatdoelen, verbeteren we de luchtkwaliteit en voorkomen we vooral Europese Stanleys. Come Unione europea oggi abbiamo due scelte: quella di ratificare la Convenzione di Istanbul e avere tutti gli strumenti per combattere la violenza contro le donne, salvando migliaia di vite, oppure quella di girarci dall'altra parte, nascondendoci dietro un po' di burocrazia. Me refiero, por ejemplo, a Euro 7. Electricity is the cleanest and the most efficient energy source for road transport: for cars and vans, but also for trucks and buses. No one is free before all women and girls are also free in our Union. I would like to inform you that we have received two motions for resolutions. Currently a call for proposals is published with an envelope of nearly EUR 25 million, which aims to select intermediaries to re-grant funding to civil society organisations active at local, regional and national level to prevent and combat gender-based violence. And now it is there. The speaker agreed to respond to a blue-card speech. And we have the oldest cars but many still find it more convenient to drive their personal 20 year old vehicle rather than use the public transportation, for example. En het ideaal van een eigen auto voor iedereen dreigt te verdwijnen. Listen to the European Battery Alliance.

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