teen wolf derek

Teen wolf derek

Not everyone made it out of Beacon Hills alive.

Derek S. As a born Beta Werewolf in the centuries-old Hale Pack , Derek grew up knowing about the supernatural and embracing his lycanthropy. However, after the majority of his family was killed in a house fire set by Kate Argent and her co-conspirators when he was in his late teens, Derek and his sister Laura fled to New York for several years before they were both lured back home in late or early Shortly afterward, Laura was murdered in order for her killer to steal her Alpha powers , forcing Derek to track and battle against this mysterious and vengeful new Alpha, only to learn that it was actually his uncle Peter Hale , who sought to create a new pack with which to get revenge on those who orchestrated the Hale House Fire. Upon learning that Peter's killing of Laura was premeditated and not an accident like he claimed, Derek teamed up with Peter's first Beta , Scott McCall and his friends , along with Hunters Allison and Chris Argent , to kill him. It was Derek that gave him the killing blow in retribution for killing Laura, which caused Derek to gain Peter's Alpha status.

Teen wolf derek

The bite is a gift. My life for theirs. And I won't blame you if you don't follow me. I was evolving. Something you'll never do. He could never figure out why it wouldn't break down and stay down. And I don't think he ever realized that that's exactly the way we saw him. I have never seen anyone take the kind of punishment that Derek Hale took - and kept taking - in order to protect the people he loved. He kept standing back up. In Season 1 , Derek is a beta werewolf , in conflict with the Argent family of hunters , a reluctant ally of Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski , and is searching for an alpha werewolf who murdered his sister, Laura Hale.

In Night SchoolScott and Stiles continued to believe that Derek was dead, and since he never reunited with them, they had little reason to believe he had survived the Alpha's assault.

Derek initially served as a mentor to Scott McCall , but the relationship soured after Derek became an Alpha and began making choices Scott found immoral. Despite this, Derek has remained loyal and continues protecting and fighting alongside Scott against numerous supernatural threats. Derek was born into a family of werewolves. His mother, Talia Hale , was much respected within the werewolf community meaning Derek came into contact with members of a number of other packs. Peter Hale claims a year-old Derek conspired with an Alpha Ennis to have Derek's girlfriend Paige bitten in hopes of turning her into a werewolf.

Samantha is a writer based in Los Angeles. Television is her one true love, and she tweets about it. A lot. In the Teen Wolf pilot , Derek was the mysterious werewolf who helped guide Scott Tyler Posey and spent most of his time lurking in the background in leather jackets. But as the series continued, Derek's tough exterior melted a bit as audiences got to see his big heart and bigger muscles.

Teen wolf derek

Derek initially served as a mentor to Scott McCall , but the relationship soured after Derek became an Alpha and began making choices Scott found immoral. Despite this, Derek has remained loyal and continues protecting and fighting alongside Scott against numerous supernatural threats. Derek was born into a family of werewolves. His mother, Talia Hale , was much respected within the werewolf community meaning Derek came into contact with members of a number of other packs. Peter Hale claims a year-old Derek conspired with an Alpha Ennis to have Derek's girlfriend Paige bitten in hopes of turning her into a werewolf. The process didn't take and, to end her suffering, Derek killed her. Having taken an innocent life, his eyes changed from yellow to blue. Sometime later, Derek entered into a relationship with werewolf hunter Kate Argent. She used him to gather information on his family making him an unwitting accomplice to the arson fire at Hale House that killed most of his family. After his Uncle Peter killed the conspirators involved in the fire, Derek killed him and took the status of Alpha Werewolf.

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But that's only the beginning of the Nogitsune's plan to enact revenge on Scott Tyler Posey and his pack. Talia Hale. He cares for Cora, is protective of her, and cares about what she thinks of him. Once they had both calmed down, Derek finally revealed that he wasn't the Werewolf who gave Scott the Bite and that there was another Werewolf in town who did. He watched as the deputy, who was clearly unsettled by the sight of the house, debated whether or not to go inside. Peter thought they should take advantage of the fact that several Alphas were in town meeting with Talia, including Deucalion , Kali , and Ennis , since he knew that Talia wouldn't give Paige the bite without Paige's informed consent. Losing his patience and overwhelmed by the effects of the wolfsbane in his system, Derek accidentally lost control and grabbed Jackson by the back of the neck with his hand, inadvertently piercing his claws into Jackson's spinal cord. After learning that Derek had taken Allison home , Scott, now fully transformed and under the incorrect assumption that Derek was the one who turned him, followed Allison's scent into the Beacon Hills Preserve. Derek got on her nerves but later apologized. He accepted accountability for his own role in getting Derek arrested, as well as the fact that by doing so, he basically announced to the Hunters that Derek was in town, before bringing up the fact that he now knew what happened to Derek's sister Laura. Derek realized that Jackson thought that he was a drug dealer, which Jackson confirmed before making a rude comment about how Derek needed to stop "sampling the merchandise" because he looked so strung-out. As Isaac is being taken away in a sheriff's vehicle, Derek pulls up and tells Scott to get in but he refuses due to all of this happening because of Derek, he admits fault and explains that they have to get to the Lahey house before the cops do because whatever Jackson told them, they'll find something a lot worse in the house. When Scott threatened to tell the Argents everything, Derek was appalled that Scott would be more willing to trust Hunters than his own kind, but Scott retorted that they had been much nicer to him than Derek had been. That night, while filling up his car at a gas station, Derek was approached by Chris Argent and several other Hunters.

Prior to the events in the first episode, Derek returns to Beacon Hills after the death of his sister. Scott McCall initially blames Derek for biting him and turning him into a werewolf. He rescues Scott from a group of Hunters and claims Scott has a gift despite what he thinks right now.

She said my family didn't just live in Beacon Hills -- they protected it. He and Scott enter Isaac's house, Derek guarantees Scott that Isaac didn't kill his father, he knows this from using several of his sense, he goes on to tell Scott that he saw that stunt he pulled on the lacrosse field. When Derek snidely retorted that Chris didn't check his oil, Chris instructed his associate to do so for him and watched with amusement as the Hunter broke Derek's driver-side window. As Stiles is describing this creature, Derek looks up and sees it on the rails, as he pushes Stiles in order to get him out the way, the shapeshifter scratches him on the back of his neck, leaving Derek paralyzed. Despite this, Derek has remained loyal and continues protecting and fighting alongside Scott against numerous supernatural threats. However, after the majority of his family was killed in a house fire set by Kate Argent and her co-conspirators when he was in his late teens, Derek and his sister Laura fled to New York for several years before they were both lured back home in late or early Just give us Derek. Derek and Stiles began to argue about where to take him, and when a frustrated Stiles threatened to kick him out of the Jeep, Derek growled, "Start the car or I'm going to rip your throat out Unseen Characters Body Count Relationships. He and Boyd run into Chris Argent along with several other hunter outside the rave, the hunters begin shooting while Derek and Boyd hide behind a trashcan. Scott, who was about to ride his bike to Allison's house , rushed over to see what was going on when Derek collapsed on the tarmac in front of the queue of cars attempting to leave the school. Derek : You will as a wolf. This town needs someone to protect it. After some time, Scott finally finds the bullets Kate used in a box labeled "Nordic Blue Monkshood," and when he informed Derek of this discovery, he identified it as a rare form of wolfsbane and ordered Scott to steal one of the bullets so he could use it to cure himself.

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