terra teen titans

Terra teen titans

The Titans meet and befriend an insecure girl named Terra who has tremendous power. Robin : Hi, I'm Robin. And we're the

In Teen Titans , Terra holds a special place as a character that was introduced to betray the team. She was also one of the first major characters introduced in such a way that she was never redeemed. Her legacy made new versions of her inevitable, first as part of a future group of Team Titans, and later as a new hero that departed from the Tara Markov mold. Recently, Tara Markov has come back, appearing as recently as Doomsday Clock There are little details that give a deeper understanding of the characters to use the name Terra. Tara Markov was an illegitimate child of King Viktor of Markovia.

Terra teen titans

She possesses the ability to telekinetically manipulate the earth. She made her debut in the episode " Terra-ized " where she serves as the true main antagonist after she tried to steal the Titan's secrets. She lived on the Trash Hole for a while, courtesy of Raven. Terra is a tall, pale, teenage girl, with waist-length blonde hair. She wears a black short-sleeved shirt over her long-sleeved shirt, that ends just above her navel. She also wears short yellow compression shorts, a thick brown belt with a circular buckle, and a pouch on both sides of her hip. She also wears gloves and boots of the same color. She has big, sky-blue eyes. Her mouth design is slightly similar to Robin 's. When she first debuted in " Terra-ized ", Terra was shown to be quite manipulative and conniving, able to infiltrate into the secret room of Titans Tower by using Beast Boy's feelings for her. In later episodes such as " Rocks and Water " and " Girls Night In ", she displays an impatient and temperamental side by crushing Beast Boy with rocks, mainly provoked by Beast Boy's pestering. She is also shown to be vindictive, only dating Aqualad just to enact revenge on the Titans, or double-crossed her girl teammates in " Operation Dude Rescue ".

She was now a dark and evil person who wanted nothing more out of life than to please him.

Terra : You said you'd be my friend no matter what, remember? Beast Boy : Slade was right. You don't have any friends. Raven : Terra. Terra : Raven. Raven : Traitor. Terra : Witch.

Tara Markov , or just Terra , is a former member of the Teen Titans , whose role as a hero or villain is complicated. Until the episodes " Aftershock - Part 1 " and " Part 2 ", she was confused and insecure, only wishing to be a heroine and a friend of the Teen Titans. However, she was led astray by Slade , who tempted her by promising her that he could teach her to control her powers, in return for her unwavering loyalty and devoted apprenticeship. Terra and her brother Geo-Force were the prince and princess of Markovia. She was a hard-headed child and was confused with who she was. Terra hated being told how to act.

Terra teen titans

She possesses the ability to telekinetically manipulate the earth. She made her debut in the episode " Terra-ized " where she serves as the true main antagonist after she tried to steal the Titan's secrets. She lived on the Trash Hole for a while, courtesy of Raven. Terra is a tall, pale, teenage girl, with waist-length blonde hair. She wears a black short-sleeved shirt over her long-sleeved shirt, that ends just above her navel. She also wears short yellow compression shorts, a thick brown belt with a circular buckle, and a pouch on both sides of her hip. She also wears gloves and boots of the same color. She has big, sky-blue eyes. Her mouth design is slightly similar to Robin 's. When she first debuted in " Terra-ized ", Terra was shown to be quite manipulative and conniving, able to infiltrate into the secret room of Titans Tower by using Beast Boy's feelings for her.

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The Teen Titans soon show up with the intention of helping her; but when they arrive, the girl reveals her power to move the earth and eliminates the scorpion by dropping a large piece of earth on it. Her first actual adventure is in issue 11 " Countdown " , which takes place after she joins the team. Terra attempts to fight Slade but he is easily able to avoid her attacks and reveals to her that he has been watching her for a while. Comics character. During the Teen Titans Season 2 finale, "Aftershock Part 2," former member Terra sacrifices herself and defeats the villain Slade , but turns into stone in the process. Terra makes her debut in the episode " Terra-ized ". Clear your history. High school's more her style. Glass Cannon : Terra is very strong in the offensive, almost unstoppable, but she has all the weaknesses of a normal human being, which is shown when the Titans almost injure her in the rebound. He does not take the hint. Big Eater : She can beat Cyborg in eating competitions. Dying Moment of Awesome : She breaks free of Slade's control and turns herself to stone to prevent him using her to destroy the whole city. She was one of the many villains who participated in a game of Heads Up-Seven Up led by Robin as he tried to cheer up the clouds and make the rain stop. As the Titans congratulate her; they receive a signal that Slade has returned and track his location. Death Glare : She gives an absolutely chilling glare in Beast Boy's direction as she departs in the shadows with Slade.

From the beginning of 's Teen Titans series, the five young heroes have already become established crime-fighters in Jump City. However, they all found their way there from different places and for different reasons.

Riches to Rags : From a princess who used to live in a castle to a vagabond who sleeps on the ground. Power Incontinence : Why she's broken and paranoid; she can't control her powers, and people have always lashed out at her when they realise that she is the one inadvertently causing the disasters. She then returns several episodes later and joins the team, only to be revealed as The Mole with a subsequent Face—Heel Turn. Animal Motifs : Butterflies. He seemed to like that she was back when she came back in "Titan Rising". She latter rebels against him and sends him into molten lava. She refused to participate at first but agreed when Robin bribed them with chocolate milk. Walking the Earth : Given that she is from Markovia, a fictional country that exists in Europe, she travelled quite the distance from one continent to another. When Rose and Warblade have difficulties in capturing the Ravagers, [19] Harvest makes a deal with Deathstroke to hunt down the Ravagers and attack each one using a special weapon called the Abeo Blade. Doom Magnet : The reason Terra never stayed in a single place, is that whenever she tried to help the people, she ended up doing more harm, like mudslides and avalanches. The Titans honor her sacrifice by placing a plaque in front of her statuesque form that reads "Terra.

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