the born loser comic strip

The born loser comic strip

The Born Loser began in as a strip with no central characters that revolved around the loser theme. Gradually, it developed into the comic we see today, the born loser comic strip, starring lovable loser Brutus Thornapple, his wife Gladys, mother-in-law Ramona Gargle, boss Rancid Veeblefester, dim-witted son Wilberforce and the mischievous neighbor Hurricane Hattie O'Hara. As it enters its golden 50th anniversary in MayThe Born Loser continues to mine the depths of everyday life, unearthing rich nodes of laughter and bemusement.

The original drawing for a panel of "The Born Loser" comic that ran on July 31, The comic pokes fun at the length of some of the chapters in James A. Inscription on the drawing reads, "Best wishes to my friends at the Michener Library! Chip Sansom. Copyright restrictions may apply.

The born loser comic strip

The Born Loser is a newspaper comic strip created by Art Sansom in His son, Chip Sansom , who started assisting on the strip in , is the current artist. The strip is distributed by Newspaper Enterprise Association. Art Sansom created The Born Loser after spending 20 years churning out the illustrations on his syndicate's serious strips. He originally titled it The Loser , but under the urging of the syndicate, renamed it The Born Loser. The dailies started May 10, while the Sundays premiered on June Brutus Perry "Thorny" Thornapple is the born loser. He simply cannot get a break, whether it involves his job, his family, or just plain everyday life. He's rather old-fashioned, and the modern times seem to run him over. His birthday is November 29, , though the May 10, edition proclaimed it to be his 46th birthday. Gladys "Hornet" Thornapple is Brutus's wife; she is even more old fashioned than Brutus and does not seem to be very bright, especially with popular culture or technology. Taller than Brutus, with blond hair, she is rather similar to Edith "Dingbat" Bunker. She can be a bit critical of Brutus, often scolding him or getting into fights with him that he simply cannot win.

He always scolds Brutus for being incompetent and seems to enjoy tormenting him.


The Born Loser is a newspaper comic strip created by Art Sansom in His son, Chip Sansom , who started assisting on the strip in , is the current artist. The strip is distributed by Newspaper Enterprise Association. Art Sansom created The Born Loser after spending 20 years churning out the illustrations on his syndicate's serious strips. He originally titled it The Loser , but under the urging of the syndicate, renamed it The Born Loser. The dailies started May 10, while the Sundays premiered on June

The born loser comic strip

The Born Loser is a newspaper comic strip created by Art Sansom in His son, Chip Sansom , who started assisting on the strip in , is the current artist after his father Art Sansom passed away in The strip is distributed by Newspaper Enterprise Association. Currently the comic strip is on Go Comics website by Chip Sansom. A common theme occurs in The Born Loser where Gladys has mothers day or explains the homework topics to their son Wilberforce and Brutus often replies with an insult joke which often annoys Gladys. Also Brutus and Gladys are often arguing to each other in the recurrence comic strips. The comic features Brutus yelling into the canyon with the echo often laughing at him or hearing different words coming at him. Another common theme that occurs is the bad customer service Brutus, Rancid, or Gladys gets when they order food or coffee.

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Identifier: JM He is friends with his neighbor Hurricane Hattie and enjoys baseball , but he is not very good at it. Statements consisting only of original research should be removed. American comic strip. He's a very curious boy who looks up to his father and often turns to him for advice. Sansom and his family currently reside in a Cleveland suburb. Roberts Diana West Byron York. By , the comic strip appeared in more newspapers worldwide. The Born Loser, features the everyday trials and tribulations of Brutus Thornapple, the title character. The character's name is a variation on veeblefetzer, a word popularized in the s by Harvey Kurtzman in early issues of Mad. This article has multiple issues. May 10, ; 58 years ago May 10, On November 1, , Chip Sansom took a two-month sabbatical from the daily requirements of producing the strip due to the unexpected surgery he underwent.

The Born Loser began in as a strip with no central characters that revolved around the loser theme.

University of Northern Colorado Born Loser comic. In , Sansom began apprenticing for his father on The Born Loser, , gradually assuming a greater role in the production of the strip, until completely taking over when Art passed away in Your email address required required. Being able to laugh at Brutus's misfortune makes it easier for the rest of us to face ours. A very cranky, unpleasant man, he works in an office surrounded by money bags and does not seem to do any real work. Sansom and his family currently reside in a Cleveland suburb. By , the comic strip appeared in more newspapers worldwide. Licensing Books, Calendars, Products, etc. Advertising and sponsorships opportunities. He always scolds Brutus for being incompetent and seems to enjoy tormenting him. A stereotypical mother-in-law , she often visits to pepper Brutus with insults and emotional anguish and criticizes Brutus over his weight. Inscription on the drawing reads, "Best wishes to my friends at the Michener Library! Please help improve it by rewriting it in an encyclopedic style. James A. Wilberforce Thornapple is the son of the Thornapple family.

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