the main course brothel reviews

The main course brothel reviews

Want to see who is on right now, photos of the girls, hot deals and more? Feel free to start following us on social media! Let your sexual fantasies run wild at The Main Course!

Good news! Melbourne is lucky to boast some of the finest working ladies in Australia. Some provide an up-market experience with prices to match whilst others offer a basic drop-in centre for those of us on a budget. From boutique bordellos to one-shot whorehouses, the City by the Bay has it all. Please note that every effort is made to keep these listings up to date, however prices may have changed since we published the guide. It is always recommended that you check the current prices either via the website or by confirming directly with the brothel owners before committing to any service. These listings are curated from information that is publicly available around the web.

The main course brothel reviews

Location The Main Course is located in a cosy building which boasts comfortable rooms for all clients to enjoy. The rooms are always topped up with the necessities for a truly memorable time with great company at your side. Visitors to the venue can make use of the side-street parking found at the rear of their building. A variety of women are on offer at this brothel in Melbourne , from blonde matures to slim and slender students. The ladies at this venue range in age, with most of them being in their early twenties but there are options if you would prefer a lady in her thirties. If you feel that you may require an additional boost of sensual action, consult with your service provider about any extra services she would be willing to provide you. This venue is not only for the gents, female clients are also welcome to sample the forbidden fruits of Main Course. I cant understand so many bad reviews about this place. I havent got a bad word to say especially about colleen the receptionist what a beautiful honest woman she is always loving and friendly towards me. She refuses to come upstairs with me as she laughs we dont give refunds. She knows I want to bang her All the girls I have stayed with have given me satisfaction not only in the sex department but as the woman they are. Age dosent matter to me if their 19 or 40 what I look for is their personallity. Best fuck place out. Inc her out of this world oral technique on us both.!

The current line-up at Club8 features Korean, Indonesian, Thai and Australian ladies with details being available to view on their website. Visitors to the venue can make use of the side-street parking found at the rear of their building. Location The Main Course is located in a cosy building which boasts comfortable rooms for all clients to enjoy.

Our staff will be more than happy to point out the perfect girl to satisfy your hunger. Not a problem! Whatever you want, we love to make you feel good. Visit us today and experience our sensual rooms where the lighting and mirrors set the perfect mood. Fantasy prices are available on request, but you need to ask first!

Started over forty years ago, The Main Course is the longest operating brothel owned and run by women. We take care of our girls, which means they love taking care of you. Men, women and couples are welcomed with open arms. Come take your pick from our diverse group of treasured girls. Woohoo Paris is here now…. Good times are always guaranteed at The Main Course, so tell us what you want and ask about our services and extras.

The main course brothel reviews

Location The Main Course is located in a cosy building which boasts comfortable rooms for all clients to enjoy. The rooms are always topped up with the necessities for a truly memorable time with great company at your side. Visitors to the venue can make use of the side-street parking found at the rear of their building. A variety of women are on offer at this brothel in Melbourne , from blonde matures to slim and slender students. The ladies at this venue range in age, with most of them being in their early twenties but there are options if you would prefer a lady in her thirties. If you feel that you may require an additional boost of sensual action, consult with your service provider about any extra services she would be willing to provide you. This venue is not only for the gents, female clients are also welcome to sample the forbidden fruits of Main Course. I cant understand so many bad reviews about this place.

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Melbourne is lucky to boast some of the finest working ladies in Australia. But , they do take pride in believing they offer one of the best services in Melbourne. Harlow 23, Aussie. Debbie 20, Taiwan. Waived house fee on your 8 th visit. They have 6 large private rooms plus spa facilities and a party room. This is a web-savvy modern cathouse with plenty of girls to choose from and is known as the brothel that never sleeps. Table Of Contents. Not much is known about the prices, ladies or standards here nor could we find any information on opening hours. Reviews Icon 0 Reviews. She is a crack. Come spend a night with our delectable girls and enjoy the company of a woman who is sexy, experienced and insatiable. Escorts in Melbourne CBD.

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All of the girls are Asian and you can find full details online…. Sandy 28, Aussie. AU NZ. Sexual Fantasies. Call 03 or contact us online today. Beeka 27, Indian. Basically, somewhere you can get your rocks off at a reasonable price but that wont leave a lasting impression. Melbourne Escort Services for Everyone! Log in and become a member of this great NEW Directory, and you can mark me as a favorite, so in a few weeks you can remember my name. I havent got a bad word to say especially about colleen the receptionist what a beautiful honest woman she is always loving and friendly towards me. You can also find customer reviews and some pictures of each girl via the website.

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