the one above all vs the presence

The one above all vs the presence

Note: Its has been proven neither of them are fully omnipotent. TOAA needs " things " in place inside his creations to do something with them, that is the answer.

The presence would scale high then both of them in terms of power since he is their creator and father plus he is compared to the amount of power from the source and over monitor. The Living Tribunal is a multiversal level being that is above all the cosmic abstracts including Eternity and Infinity. The One Above All scales higher above him and is outerversal. The One Above All was only ever bested by thanos because thanos used a regulator on him and thanos absorbed the one above all. This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. Likes

The one above all vs the presence

Entity I'm sure someone has done this but once again I couldn't find a thread for this specifically. So which is greater. I'm going to have to go stalemate but, I want to see your opinions to the topic. I did see the thread in the comic book forum about the presence not being the DC's one above all but, you tell me what you think! There's a Celestial with exactly the same name However while the Presence is a fictional character, the One Above All is the writer. Honestly, the same can be the same for the presence. Let me show you how: Superman is important to the Presence: Why? Superman is the top selling character and the first written Superhero in the real world. So, if they got rid of Superman, the company would fall to crap. In the DC world, it would fall apart.

Originally posted by Stoic Marvel has other dimensions as well. Subscribe Email Facebook Twitter. I am pretty sure most of this stuff is explained on the pages jcn.

They are the same representation of a comic concept. There is know info to use to get a winner here. The Presence and One-Above-All are essentially the same being, just in two different realities. This is a stalemate. I personally like to consider them to be the same in a way.

Marvel and DC, both have cosmic entities whose powers go way beyond that one could ever imagine. Both have hierarchies within their universes and one superhero would beat the other in a death battle. Both these entities currently hold the highest position in the power hierarchy. He exists outside of existence, creation, or the omniverse. You must have read about The Living Tribunal. Yes, the three-faced all-powerful entity. Well, he is merely the creation of him. He is everywhere and nowhere. The level of existence is completely beyond and outside of the Marvel Omniverse. But we have to agree on the fact that they are both described as omnipresent, omniscient, and omnipotent.

The one above all vs the presence

In the world of comic books, two supreme beings reign over their respective universes — The One Above All and The Presence. These characters are often considered to be the ultimate authority figures in their respective comic book universes and are said to possess almost limitless power. But when it comes down to it, who is truly stronger? Is it the enigmatic and mysterious One Above All or the all-powerful and ever-present Presence? The Presence was created, shaped, and inspired by outside forces, meaning he is not the ultimate creator of everything. If you want to see how these two creators measure up against each other, stay with us and keep reading! This is because they are basically the source of all life, creation, and powers in the Universe.

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I am right and you are wrong. Originally posted by Enzeru but only The One Above All is a metaphysical being and the actual embodiment of the writer. I just proved that Presence wasnt the supreme being in DC He destroyed the Living Tribunal with ease. Originally posted by DarkSaint85 He's referring to them being fictional entities. I came to the theory, that both are the same individual, they represent all sort of science-fiction writers or fictional universes, both are a collective representation IMO. Nov 14, Antvasima. So the Infinity War isn't canon? Side effects may include vulnerability to yellow, Kryptonite, not being able to lift your hammer, might need to wear a metal mask or shoot lasers from your eyes. When did I say they were the same? Was not the Presence likewise shown as not all powerful? TOAA is a hyperversal being at absolute best. Is he not? The Presence has clearly stated that he still answers to someone above him, meaning he's not all powerful.

Note: Its has been proven neither of them are fully omnipotent. If TOAA needs " things " in place inside his creations to do something with them, that is the answer. TOAA is a far lesser thing by comparison.

Nothing to be taken seriously, as for this battle, The Presence curbstomps since he has way more feats than TOAA of actually being a Multiversal being. They have been retconned to be MUCH weaker. To that end, fan boys can argue for thier favorite "god" until the end of time. What do you mean, "what feats"? Galan I hate these kind of threads, they are completely pointless Star Wars Toggle child menu Expand. These forces are either the DC Comics writers themselves, or the beliefs and imaginations of humankind. Originally posted by Astner "X is as powerful as the writers make him," is stupid argument because it can be said of any character. Read the comic. TheHulkster I was speaking of Jack Kirby, who existed at one time. And I want you to cease and desist of this immediately, or pay for it. In a "grassland" that was actually the arena the One-Above-All created to meet the Presence, the One-Above-All walked to meet an old man in a boulder hat. Can you explain that?

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