theodore bruce sydney

Theodore bruce sydney

See full record. Type an artist name above or browse by artist last name: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Search by: Recent Auctions Art for Sale Advanced Artist Search. Whoa, you've got an older theodore bruce sydney

Type an artist name above or browse by artist last name: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Search by: Recent Auctions Art for Sale Advanced Artist Search. Whoa, you've got an older browser! Or, we've got a glitch For a better experience, we recommend a newer browser. Ok, hide this. Clear filters.

Theodore bruce sydney

View upcoming auction estimates and receive personalized email alerts for the artists you follow. Filter by media, style, movement, nationality and activity period. Charts on artist trends and performance over time, ready to export. Get your artworks appraised online in 72 hours or less by experienced IFAA accredited professionals. Get the best price for your artwork or collection. We notify you each time your favorite artists feature in an exhibition, auction or the press. Access detailed sales records for over , artists, and more than two decades of past auction results. Buy unsold paintings, prints and more for the best price. Sydney Australia. Sign up to MutualArt for all the latest in the art world, including upcoming auctions, exhibitions and press coverage for the artists you love - straight into your inbox. Log In Sign up. Access complete market analysis. Unlock exclusive artist performance data. Art History. Book Reviews.

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Click here to subscribe if you a new user or click here to log in if you are a current subscriber. Susan began purchasing art in Australia around after meeting Barry Stern in his Pymble gallery. She also visited his Paddington gallery, often wandering through Paddington to other galleries which clustered the suburb at that time. They spent time with the artist enjoying his beautiful gardens and from whom they purchased the major Friend works in their collection. As a thank you Friend gifted the Marks the many small sketches which are also included in the Collection. The sale will be a timed online auction on 27 November , closing from 6pm. You need to subscribe and then login prior to accessing restricted content. You are about to subscribe to the Australian Art Sales Digest, a comprehensive listing of art sold by public auction in Australia and New Zealand from the s to the present time. We have over , lots listed of which about , have accompanying images. Lot descriptions, images and prices are included for reference purposes only.

Theodore bruce sydney

View upcoming auction estimates and receive personalized email alerts for the artists you follow. Filter by media, style, movement, nationality and activity period. Charts on artist trends and performance over time, ready to export. Get your artworks appraised online in 72 hours or less by experienced IFAA accredited professionals. Get the best price for your artwork or collection.

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Ok, hide this. We notify you each time your favorite artists feature in an exhibition, auction or the press. Search Auctions. Art History. Type an artist name above or browse by artist last name: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Search by: Recent Auctions Art for Sale Advanced Artist Search. Good news! Show upcoming only. Sydney Australia. Clear filters. Search History. Please contact us , so that we may accommodate your needs. Recent auction results. Auction Name. Digital copying of these images and content strictly prohibited; violators will be subject to the law including the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. Art for Sale.


Charts on artist trends and performance over time, ready to export. Book Reviews. Please contact us , so that we may accommodate your needs. Theodore Bruce Beaconsfield Sydney. Buy unsold paintings, prints and more for the best price. Auction Houses. Fine Decorative Arts 31 Mar Log In Sign up. Anticipate greater use? Unlock exclusive artist performance data. Type an artist name above or browse by artist last name: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Search by: Recent Auctions Art for Sale Advanced Artist Search. Unsold only.

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