tiefling name

Tiefling name

Are you ready to discover the ultimate list of DnD tiefling names?

To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every eye: this is the lot of the tiefling. And to twist the knife, tieflings know that this is because a pact struck generations ago infused the essence of Asmodeus—overlord of the Nine Hells—into their bloodline. Tieflings are derived from human bloodlines, and in the broadest possible sense, they still look human. However, their infernal heritage has left a clear imprint on their appearance. They have thick tails, four to five feet long, which lash or coil around their legs when they get upset or nervous. Their canine teeth are sharply pointed, and their eyes are solid colors—black, red, white, silver, or gold—with no visible sclera or pupil.

Tiefling name

Tieflings that hold their origins in high regard take names derived from the Infernal language passed down through generations highlighting their fiendish heritage. However, those born into alternative societies typically take names that reflect their adopted culture. Younger tieflings have also taken pseudonyms or aliases that signify a virtue or concept vital to their ideals or morals. For many, it serves as a reminder that informs their behavior, acts as a noble quest, or stands as a kind of grim, righteous destiny. Persecution lies at the root of all those descendent of the infernals. Fear, hate, and violence follow these tortured souls wherever they go. Mistrusted and greeted with stares and whispers, the struggle for acceptance and understanding plagues the lives of tieflings. As human-based planetouched, tieflings are humans who can trace their heritage to fiends, like demons, Yogoloths, devils, or other evil deities. Legend speaks of the first tieflings as acolytes of the Nine Hells ruler, Asmodeus. Those mad and deranged enough struck a pact with the overlord, infusing their bloodline with his essence. Unlike half-fiends, tieflings are not necessarily predisposed to evil alignments. Only the passage of time may soften the suffering of these poor creatures and their future progeny. Though tieflings are derivative of humans and retain a broadly humanoid form, their infernal heritage still leaves a clear and distinct mark on their general appearance—one of the more distinctive of these features being their large horns. Some may have horns that curl like a ram, stand straight and tall like a gazelle, or even have a pair that spiral upward like an antelope. Tieflings also have thick tails that can grow four to five feet in length and often twitch or curl to show their true feelings or intentions.

Virtue Tiefling Names.

Are you looking for a suitable name for your Tiefling? With our Tiefling Name Generator, you will find the perfect name! DnD Tiefling names can be very different, depending on where and how they were raised. They often live in the worst parts of the settlement and are found with other marginalized races. A tiefling born into a certain culture is going to have a name that reflects this culture.

I have a soft spot for Tieflings, so they crop up in my homebrew campaigns a lot. From forming new Tiefling names out of Greek words to taking inspiration from ancient literature and medieval folklore, the best Tieflings names always have a touch of evil about them. This guide to the best Tiefling names will give you plenty of best Tiefling name ideas and some tips on how to create your own Tiefling name for your next character or NPC. They are part devil, after all. So here are my top Tiefling names:. Because of their Infernal heritage, Tieflings tend to have Infernal names — names based on the Infernal language and from the Nine Hells. Some Tieflings may come from a family of fiend-worshiping warlocks and cultists, while others may be much more integrated into non-Infernal society. These names are split into two types: Infernal names and Virtue names. Infernal names tend to be gendered, while Virtue names are gender neutral.

Tiefling name

Tieflings are a fascinating race, and ones that come inherently with huge potential for interesting back stories and roleplaying. Those sources of names are:. I hope you enjoy this list, complete with a stunning number of Tiefling back stories for characters and NPCs alike! Backstory 1: Despised by those around her, suffering because of ancestry beyond her control, a deep dark anger familiar and comfortable to her ancestry rose up and she forsook her given name, the insults of others, and claimed the mantle of Oblivion — a promise of the fate she would bring upon those who wronged her and all like them. Backstory 2: Facing her fair of hardships, but refusing to give into the angry whispers, she was inspired by the example of a traveling monk. Enduring insults from locals and deflecting violent attacks of bandits, the monk appeared content and nonplussed. Oblivion took this lesson to heart, later learning of the word Oblivion and taking that name not out of anger or threat, but as a reminder of the inevitability facing them all, that made anger and despair fade away. Horrified by the results, the Tiefling fled the scene of tragedy. Whether leant a hand by a Druid or Paladin, or simply from self-reflection, the youngling promised that they would never let the base instincts take over again and would live a life with a name reminding them of that oath.

Phantom muspah

Best Khajiit Names With Meanings. Their environment thrusts upon them a strong will to survive, a keen sense of independence, and an understandably large amount of skepticism. Best Lizardfolk Names With Meanings. They often use human names until they seek to differentiate themselves from their parents. Caspia — referencing the Caspian Sea, known for its magical properties and mythical creatures. Jorvik — referencing the demon prince of war and battle who is known for his military genius and tactics. What are tieflings? Best Pixie Names With Meanings. They also tend to butt heads a lot because they both want the city of Neverwinter for themselves. Jezelian — referencing the daring and adventurous house of Jezelian, known for their love of exploration and discovery. Best Yeti Names With Meanings. Best Pirate Names With Meanings. Iblisal — referencing the militant and fiercely loyal house of Iblisal, known for their dedication to defending their people and their homeland.

Are you ready to discover the ultimate list of DnD tiefling names? Look no further!

Tiamat — referencing the powerful demon queen and her knowledge of the universe, the elements, and cosmic forces. Clawborn — referencing razor-sharp claws that protrude from their fingers and toes. Zagan — referencing the demon prince of deception and trickery who delights in playing cruel and wicked games with mortals. If you are searching for boy names for Tieflings, then this list of names will give you the best solution for your search. Best Necromancer Names With Meanings. Related Game Content. Aamonar — referencing the infernal and demonic house of Aamonar, known for their mastery of dark magic and their connection to the underworld. Niamh — referencing the Irish goddess of beauty and youth, associated with magical transformation. Dagonis — referencing the ancient and revered house of Dagonis, known for their deep connection to the sea and its creatures. Razorwing — referencing the razor-sharp edges of the wings that some tieflings possess. Best Gnome Names With Meanings.

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