today rccg open heaven

Today rccg open heaven

And Joseph wept when they spake unto him. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them. When we live for ourselves alone, we negate the purpose of our existence.

Open Heavens ViroSoft Studio. Contains ads In-app purchases. Everyone info. Open Heavens Devotional by Pastor E. A Adeboye.

Today rccg open heaven

My Father in the Lord came to visit me in my little house in llesha in We prayed that night, and everyone went to bed — at least that was what I thought. When I went to the toilet at the backyard before I slept around 10pm, I saw my Father in the Lord praying. Around 5am, I went to the toilet again, and he was still on his knees praying. Later that morning, I asked him if there was any problem as I thought praying overnight meant there was a serious problem at hand. I was shocked to know that there was no problem, yet he prayed all night. I also knew that God had told me to emulate Him. One pastor came to me years ago and said,. Another man of God from another ministry was praying,. You cannot be great by loading your body with food and your mind with entertainment — those things only give surface and temporary benefits. Someone with financial issues can watch a funny movie and laugh, such that people will call him a happy man, but after the movie is over, he will go back to face his problems.

In Judgesthe Bible tells us that when they brought Samson to the Philistines, as soon as they began to rejoice, the Spirit of God came in the form of an invisible fire, causing the ropes that bound him to be burned off. Even the preacher may be unaware that God is about to today rccg open heaven down fire. In Exoduswe see those hands deciding the outcome of a war between Israel and the Amalekites.


Samuel also said unto Saul, The Lord sent me to anoint thee to be king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken thou unto the voice of the words of the Lord. Powerful Declarations For Today 17 January Open Heaven For Teens 17 January Open Heavens 16 January Open Heaven 15 January Today, I will progress in the discussion by looking at what happens to the enemies of God when He opens the book of remembrance concerning them. In our Bible readings today, the Amalekites attacked the Israelites for no just cause, and God recorded this evil act against them. He also promised to wipe them off from the face of the earth. Many years after, their past evil action against the children of Israel was brought to remembrance, and the Lord commanded Saul to wipe them off the face of the earth. Beloved, a terrible book of remembrance was opened to all men because of the sin of the first man and woman in Genesis In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.

Today rccg open heaven

Beloved, kindly share these life-changing messages, prayers, and declarations with the precious people around you. Daily Confession: I confess Today and everyday that I am empowered to overcome challenges, growing in grace, sharing His love passionately, and experiencing divine favor as I diligently seek Him, in the matchless name of Jesus. Somebody shout Hallelujah! Powerful Declarations For Today 13 November Open Heaven 14 November Open Heaven 12 November Those who want to be intimate with God must love what He loves and hate what He hates. If you want to get close to God, you must know the things that He hates and stay far away from them 1 Thessalonians

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The sound improved, and yet another finger joined in. Home About Contact. When you are anointed, everything you touch comes into contact with the anointing. In Exodus , we see those hands deciding the outcome of a war between Israel and the Amalekites. He could not bear doing anything that will displease God, and this made him say in Genesis If you get the fire of God, your life will be transformed for good. Tell everyone you come in contact with about Jesus Christ. Menu Footer Widget. Our Father in heaven wants us to live a selfless life so that we can attain the fullness of His purpose for our lives. What instruction was so important that He had to give them before leaving?

Philippians Daily Confession: I confess that in Christ, I am liberated from poverty, and I walk in the divine prosperity that God has ordained for me. Powerful Declarations For Today 13 January

The power of God turns the ordinary into extraordinary. I want you to ponder on the Bible verse above and on the fact that many people will go to hell if no one tells them about the gospel. Home About Contact. His truth set me free, Jesus! Preach the gospel anywhere you find yourself and set a personal target to win at least one soul to Christ per day. Daily Manna The God incarnate, Man divine,. How will you feel if any of your friends went to hell because you did not tell them about Jesus Christ and the dangers of hell? Your hands can also become anointed today, but first, they must be holy hands. Because the fire came on him, he took the jawbone of an ass, and it became a weapon of mass destruction in his hands. Leviticus And Aaron held his peace. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them. The benefits of a life without sacrifice are temporary. What instruction was so important that He had to give them before leaving?

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