tommys place port jeff

Tommys place port jeff

If you are going out to catch up with old friends or to watch tommys place port jeff game then Napper Tandy's is great. Not for a first date or if you expect attentive and knowledgable service. Great people, cute girls, cute guys

Open until AM. I ordered through the drive the for a late dinner. Very quick service! I had the spicy chicken nugge Great food.

Tommys place port jeff

If you are going out to catch up with old friends or to watch a game then Napper Tandy's is great. Not for a first date or if you expect attentive and knowledgable service. Great people, cute girls, cute guys Also very comfortable place for couples. Guide to Port Jefferson's best spots. Created by BIG D. Josto's DownFall. Top 10 favorites places in Port Jefferson, NY. We use the latest and greatest technology available to provide the best possible web experience. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings to continue. Download Foursquare for your smart phone and start exploring the world around you!

The wings are amazing. Stephen Juliano June 3,


Police say two young men were shot outside of Tommy's Place on Main Street after an argument early Saturday morning. Ladd's attorney, Steven Politi, says his client has no prior criminal history and was "being pursued" by the people he called "alleged victims. But I do know a lot about the people who were shot. I don't know who shot them, but I know about the people who were shot. And they are violent gang members who pursued individuals for the purpose of harming them.

Tommys place port jeff

I definitely recommend! Make sure you get your drinks from Rachel or Dan! Great people, cute girls, cute guys Also very comfortable place for couples. Josto's DownFall. Top 10 favorites places in Port Jefferson, NY. Long Island. We use the latest and greatest technology available to provide the best possible web experience.

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Ratings and reviews. Maximilian Montagnino September 2, Eating places, Mexican restaurant. Great food, great staff! Fri AM - AM. Not exactly the quick meal we expected when we sat down Very quick service! You must enable JavaScript to use foursquare. Log In Sign Up. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings to continue. The tacos are slamming! Food and service was great. Stephen Juliano June 3, Try the Ragin' Cajun burger!

We brought a very large group to Tommy's Place last night and the staff were absolutely wonderful! They helped us out with everything we needed and were friendly and professional and accommodating the entire time.

Awesome sauce. Great staff! Try the Ragin' Cajun burger! I like to make sure my kids aren't underage drinking HighsterMobile. If you are going out to catch up with old friends or to watch a game then Napper Tandy's is great. Little pricey though. Great live performer too. Tue AM - PM. I like to make sure my kids aren't underage drinking HighsterMobile. Try the Ragin' Cajun burger! United States. Created by BIG D. Read more.

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