top ten sith lords

Top ten sith lords

The Jedi are a peaceful, mindful, and spiritual kind, who always aim to bring balance to the force. Contrast that with the vicious, power-hungry Sith, who aims to destroy and rule the galaxy, and you have a great tale of light vs. Throughout Star Wars lore, there have been numerous incredibly powerful, red lightsaber-bladed Sith top ten sith lords wreak havoc upon the galaxy.

In the Star Wars galaxy and lore, wherever there exists Jedi, there must be those that oppose them. In most cases, those people are the Sith. The most powerful Jedi go up against the most powerful Sith in a seemingly never-ending battle for the fate of the Galaxy. As a future Emperor would say, the Dark Side is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. These 15 characters tapped into those abilities better than anyone else, leading them to become the most powerful Sith to ever exist. Despite defeating numerous Jedi, he was eventually struck down in battle but found that if he called upon the power of the Dark Side and surrendered himself to a life of pain and agony, he would never die. By doing this, he would become one of the most powerful Sith of his era.

Top ten sith lords

Being a Sith in the Star Wars universe is a prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition. However, there are several Sith who have gone beyond the traditional evils and have proven to be some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. That being said, and before I get into the list, I want to take a second to explain the logic I took to this list. Originally, I wanted to comprise this list of only canon Sith lords. That being said, here is the top Sith based on power. I know I am breaking my rule with this one since Jacen Solo and the entire New Jedi Order story line as well as relating stories have virtually no hope of becoming canon, but I really like Jacen Solo and his descent into the dark side of the Force. In his transformation into Darth Caedus, he caused a lot of problems for Luke and the other heroes. Luke even stated that Jacen had become more powerful than Darth Vader himself. His arc is also super similar to the next person on the list. It is debatable whether Kylo Ren ever earned the title of Sith Lord, but he does show some of the most powerful uses of the dark side of the Force in the Star Wars films. Obviously a gifted student of the Force, he was trained by none other than Luke Skywalker, but he also has trained under Supreme Leader Snoke or Darth Sidious if you prefer , making him gifted in both the light and dark sides of the force.

And Noctyss has gradually made her way into canon even though she is still a myth.

Star Wars couldn't have asked for a more foreboding cabal of villains than the dreaded Sith, many of whom vary in power in both Legends and canon. These nefarious individuals wield the immense power of the dark side of the Force, in direct antithesis to their Jedi competitors. As a result, the two factions have fought relentlessly for thousands of years, building up a series of pivotal moments in the history of the Sith Order. Over time, the Sith have become more powerful as they unlock secrets of the dark side, and certain practitioners have gone down in legend as the best of the best. These fearsome foes channeled all their hatred, malice, and passion into the dark arts, wreaking havoc across the galaxy in both continuities. It is worth noting that many of the more powerful Sith Lords are reserved for Star Wars Legends, but many impressive feats are accomplished in canon, as well.

The Jedi are a peaceful, mindful, and spiritual kind, who always aim to bring balance to the force. Contrast that with the vicious, power-hungry Sith, who aims to destroy and rule the galaxy, and you have a great tale of light vs. Throughout Star Wars lore, there have been numerous incredibly powerful, red lightsaber-bladed Sith that wreak havoc upon the galaxy. So, with that, here are the most powerful Sith lords in Star Wars history. Updated on September 20th, , by Nikole Finger: This article has been updated with additional content to keep the discussion fresh and relevant with even more information and new entries.

Top ten sith lords

Being a Sith in the Star Wars universe is a prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition. However, there are several Sith who have gone beyond the traditional evils and have proven to be some of the most powerful beings in the galaxy. That being said, and before I get into the list, I want to take a second to explain the logic I took to this list. Originally, I wanted to comprise this list of only canon Sith lords. That being said, here is the top Sith based on power. I know I am breaking my rule with this one since Jacen Solo and the entire New Jedi Order story line as well as relating stories have virtually no hope of becoming canon, but I really like Jacen Solo and his descent into the dark side of the Force. In his transformation into Darth Caedus, he caused a lot of problems for Luke and the other heroes. Luke even stated that Jacen had become more powerful than Darth Vader himself. His arc is also super similar to the next person on the list. It is debatable whether Kylo Ren ever earned the title of Sith Lord, but he does show some of the most powerful uses of the dark side of the Force in the Star Wars films.

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He ruled Onderon for a hundred years after having subjugated the world, but his true power extended far beyond that simple reign. Dooku went on to become the leader of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, which went to war with the Republic in the galactic war called the Clone Wars. Despite losing several midi-chlorians, his grasp on the Force and his ability to wield it with such might is second only to one. Count Dooku was once a predominant member of the Jedi Order before he became frustrated with its inefficiencies. After he and Sion began their purge, a large gathering of Jedi met on the planet Katarr where Nihilus drained the planet of its Force energy. Theory Explained. After Palpatine Darth Sidious killed his master , he decided to take on an apprentice. Much like Darth Bane himself, she was ruthless and cunning, and one of the most fearsome Dark Ladies on this list. Darth Tenebrous is another Sith that isn't likely to be recognized by fans, but his story has left a large impact on the Star Wars canon. Despite his elderly appearance, Sidious could have toppled the most powerful Sith in history with relative ease. He was regarded as a "wound" in the Force; a dark anomaly the galaxy had never before seen. He later grew to become a smart tactician and a threat to the newly formed Galactic Empire.

In the Star Wars universe, the Sith are still behind everything, with the most powerful Sith lords working tirelessly in the shadows to rule the Galaxy and bring about an age of darkness. The entire franchise is about the light side versus the dark side, good versus evil, and the Sith are the ultimate evil in this world.

Although he and many of the Sith's stories on this list are no longer canon they've since started to slowly be reintroduced due to fan interest, Exar Kun's tale is an interesting one. He was, as they say, not a great guy. He has bested some of the strongest Jedi and Sith to ever live. He managed to corrupt one of Luke Skywalker's Jedi disciples and turn him into a weapon before his influence was broken. Opress was, temporarily, a Sith Lord, though, and was not a total pushover. However, he was never fully sure of himself, and he allowed his self-doubt to cloud his judgment as far as his drifting to the Dark Side of the Force. Search for: Search. As well as being a gifted bladesman Sidious' connection to the Dark Side is extremely powerful, granting Sidious the ability to conduct force lightning. He would even serve as master to future Sith Lord Exar Kun, a being so powerful that he was able to haunt the Massassi Temples on Yavin 4 thousands of years after his demise. Darth Vader is the Sith lord we are probably most familiar with, and for good reason. The Jedi are a peaceful, mindful, and spiritual kind, who always aim to bring balance to the force.

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