tough tamil movie names for dumb charades

Tough tamil movie names for dumb charades

Not Rated min Action, Drama, War. A little girl is told by her parents that she is adopted. Determined to find her real mother, she begs to be taken to Sri Lanka, where her mother works with a militant group of activists. Votes: 9,

Movies for dumb charades can transport us to different worlds, evoke a range of emotions, and leave a lasting impact on our lives. From the grandeur of Bollywood to the glitz of Hollywood and the regional gems of Tollywood, Marathi, and Tamil cinema, the film industry offers a diverse array of stories, characters, and cultures. In this curated list of 50 movies for a thrilling game of dumb charades, we traverse through the cinematic landscapes of various languages and regions. From iconic blockbusters to hidden gems, these films have left an indelible mark on the hearts of movie enthusiasts worldwide. So, gather your friends, family, or fellow cinephiles, and get ready for a fun-filled game of dumb charades that will test your acting skills and movie knowledge across borders and genres. Let the cinematic journey begin! A timeless classic among Bollywood Movies for dumb charades , this film tells the story of two star-crossed lovers who meet on a European vacation and struggle to convince their conservative families to accept their love.

Tough tamil movie names for dumb charades

Log in or Sign up. Nov 15, 1. Messages: Likes Received: 3, Trophy Points: As I told before this is just for fun and diversion from routine monotonous life. Moreover just to spend some time post Tamil BB. I used to play dumb charades whilst in school and thought maybe modify same for this virtual platform. Just a name of a movie or a song. If needed can give some more clues. Then others can join in by posting their quiz and continue on. Also anyone who knows interesting titbits on any topics or related ones can tell, just like how we did in BB. I am talking only Tamil movies and songs. Ok, ippo naan summa oru quiz poduren!

Not Rated min Comedy, Drama. Votes: 1, But his luck changes, and he is able to lead a prosperous life, until his nemesis plots to ruin his happiness once more.


Dumb Charades is a popular party game that requires participants to act out movie titles without speaking, relying solely on gestures and body language. This action-packed cop thriller starring Suriya and Jyothika is a popular choice for Dumb Charades. The intense storyline and memorable scenes make it an exciting challenge to act out. Its catchy songs, and larger-than-life sequences will keep players engaged. This gritty crime drama directed by Vetrimaaran is filled with complex characters and intense emotions. Its engaging narrative and memorable dialogues make it an excellent choice for Dumb Charades. Its suspenseful plot and thrilling sequences provide ample material for a challenging round of Dumb Charades. Its unique narrative structure and diverse characters make it an exciting choice for Dumb Charades.

Tough tamil movie names for dumb charades

This action-packed cop thriller starring Suriya and Jyothika is a popular choice for Dumb Charades. The intense storyline and memorable scenes make it an exciting challenge to act out. Its catchy songs, and larger-than-life sequences will keep players engaged. This gritty crime drama directed by Vetrimaaran is filled with complex characters and intense emotions. Its engaging narrative and memorable dialogues make it an excellent choice for Dumb Charades.

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BTW Murano missing! Nov 15, 2. Sathya and Kiruba are friends. He eventually marries her and neither of them know about their husband's second relationship. Director: Sundar C. Last edited: Nov 15, One of the best movies for Damsharas, this heartwarming romantic comedy weaves a tale of friendship, love, and destiny as it follows Rahul, Anjali, and Tina through their years at college and beyond. However, growing religious tensions and erupting riots threaten to tear the family apart. Votes: 4, Ram Kamal Haasan is a playboy pilot. Thevar Magan min Action, Drama, Romance 8. From the heart.


Cheeniya , Sep 7, , in forum: Interesting Shares. One of the best movies for Damsharas, this heartwarming romantic comedy weaves a tale of friendship, love, and destiny as it follows Rahul, Anjali, and Tina through their years at college and beyond. Its a smooth story on how love blooms Edge of the seat fast movie By K. Not Rated min Romance, Thriller. Unaware that Adhinarayanan, a goon, is actually his father, Sathya, a college boy, decides to file a police complaint against him and his adopted son, Kutti, for shooting his girlfriend Sandhya. Not Rated min Drama, Musical, Mystery. Sj surya's best with twin brother's falling for the same girl. Nov 15, 4. Your email address will not be published. Four friends, Jaga, Ganesh, Ajay and Vishwas are motoring to a cricket game. A violent youngster and a shy Brahmin girl fall in love but tragedy intervenes when the youngster is brain-damaged following a fight.

1 thoughts on “Tough tamil movie names for dumb charades

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