tpol enterprise

Tpol enterprise

Unlike most of the shows in Star Trek canon, Enterprise wanted to do something different.

At the time of Enterprise in Star Trek 's chronology, the United Federation of Planets has yet to be founded, Starfleet's ships have a maximum warp factor of five, and the Vulcans are monitoring humanity's development. The Vulcan High Command expects T'Pol to guide Enterprise's crew with their own brand of pure logic, but in serving with humans she grows to understand them better than most other Vulcans of her time. T'Pol's connection to humanity, which she initially dismissed as mere fascination, serves as a bridge between the two cultures that eventually help form the United Federation of Planets. These 10 episodes bring out the best of this unusually adaptable Vulcan. En route to a black hole, Enterprise 's crew members begin exhibiting increased irritability and erratic behavior. Due to her Star Trek Vulcan physiology , T'Pol is the only one immune from the effects of a nearby radiation field, and it falls on her to save the crew more or less alone, with only a semi-coherent Archer to assist her.

Tpol enterprise

She was the first Vulcan to serve aboard a Human ship for any substantial period. T'Pol was born to T'Les and her husband in ENT : " Home ", " The Forge " She was also told about family secrets not recorded by her second foremother , T'Mir — who had been an officer in the Vulcan High Command — regarding a duration in which T'Mir had stayed in Carbon Creek , Pennsylvania , after her ship crash landed nearby in T'Mir had kept her Human purse from Earth and it had become a family heirloom. During her early career, T'Pol operated as an agent with the Ministry of Security. Through this work, she often contacted Klingons within the Klingon Empire who, years later, would help her locate a Klingon penal colony , Rura Penthe. Managing to capture five of the seven she was assigned to locate, T'Pol tracked agents Jossen and Menos to Risa in There, she killed Jossen but was unable to capture Menos. T'Pol thereafter underwent the Fullara ceremony at the sanctuary of P'Jem , which erased her memory of having killed Jossen, along with any associated emotions. ENT : " The Seventh ". She acted as the ship's deputy science officer , working under Captain Voris and alongside Chief Engineer Commander Solin. She resided in the Vulcan Compound in Sausalito , where she formed a strong working relationship with Soval. Like him, she believed that Humans were too "volatile" and "provincial" to leave their solar system. By that time, she had already been on thirty-six different Minshara class planets. Overhearing "unusual, chaotic" jazz music piqued her curiosity, so she entered the Fusion restaurant, where the music was being performed, and listened to the saxophonist there.

Fan Feed 1 Helmsman 2 Q 3 Starfleet uniform ss.

Kirk William Shatner , Mr. Spock Leonard Nimoy , and Dr. But while Captain Archer and his best friend, Chief Engineer Commander Trip Tucker Connor Trinneer , were thick as thieves, T'Pol was left out in the cold at first despite her superior knowledge and experience. But Enterprise encountered obstacles like the Suliban, and Archer's crew quickly learned that the galaxy is even more dangerous and unpredictable than they imagined. When Captain Archer was incapacitated, T'Pol surprised Enterprise's crew by anticipating his orders and fulfilling their mission. T'Pol chose to remain aboard Enterprise at Archer's request after they delivered the Klingon home, but she still faced a surprising amount of resentment and mistrust.

Published Mar 17, One fan uncovers T'Pol's true power. Star Trek , fortunately, is not lacking in strong women characters, providing role models for fans of all gender identities. As an alien minority on a ship of humans, her character illustrates how one can stay true to oneself whilst maintaining an open mind. That is where her true power lies. Personally, I was a mid-'90s kid who caught Trekkie fever in elementary school when most of the different Star Trek series had already come to an end. I became obsessed. TNG is the series that holds the most nostalgia for me. I fell in love with all of the characters and treasured the messages of valuing diversity and resolving conflict through dialogue, not violence. However, Star Trek: Enterprise was addressing more current political and social issues in the early s.

Tpol enterprise

She was the first Vulcan to serve aboard a Human ship for any substantial period. T'Pol was born to T'Les and her husband in ENT : " Home ", " The Forge " She was also told about family secrets not recorded by her second foremother , T'Mir — who had been an officer in the Vulcan High Command — regarding a duration in which T'Mir had stayed in Carbon Creek , Pennsylvania , after her ship crash landed nearby in T'Mir had kept her Human purse from Earth and it had become a family heirloom. During her early career, T'Pol operated as an agent with the Ministry of Security. Through this work, she often contacted Klingons within the Klingon Empire who, years later, would help her locate a Klingon penal colony , Rura Penthe. Managing to capture five of the seven she was assigned to locate, T'Pol tracked agents Jossen and Menos to Risa in There, she killed Jossen but was unable to capture Menos. T'Pol thereafter underwent the Fullara ceremony at the sanctuary of P'Jem , which erased her memory of having killed Jossen, along with any associated emotions. ENT : " The Seventh ".

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Despite being technically a civilian, she remained as first officer of the Enterprise and the crew continued to refer to her by her High Command rank of Sub-Commander during the mission. On Rigel X, Trip almost started a fight with a Lorillian because he thought he was witnessing child abuse when the parent was helping her child breathe in the alien atmosphere. Commander Tucker : I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. Subcommander T'Pol : To Vulcans, certain information is considered In , then holding the rank of sub-commander, she was selected by Soval to accompany Captain Jonathan Archer during his initial first mission aboard the Enterprise NX as observer and Vulcan representative. Create a list ». T'Pol is the first Vulcan officer to serve a prolonged term on a human vessel. Star Trek Monthly issue 84 , pp. Enterprise needs every bit of pizazz she can supply. Series bibles are later updated when a character's specific information is established on screen. T'Pol asked Trip to return to the Enterprise and, when he replied that he "would think about it" she showed her emotional commitment by pursuing him down the corridor and kissing him. Initially, Jolene Blalock felt the prospect of portraying T'Pol was a huge challenge and "an enormous responsibility.

At the time of Enterprise in Star Trek 's chronology, the United Federation of Planets has yet to be founded, Starfleet's ships have a maximum warp factor of five, and the Vulcans are monitoring humanity's development. The Vulcan High Command expects T'Pol to guide Enterprise's crew with their own brand of pure logic, but in serving with humans she grows to understand them better than most other Vulcans of her time. T'Pol's connection to humanity, which she initially dismissed as mere fascination, serves as a bridge between the two cultures that eventually help form the United Federation of Planets.

A softer, more emotionally-connected T'Pol has grown attached to Archer over the twelve years since his initial infection, and taken it upon herself to become his caretaker, no matter what she must sacrifice for him. T'Pol prevented an interspecies incident, but Trip was angry at the Vulcan instead of grateful she saved him. Capable of taking over the bodies of members of the ship's crew, the lifeforms were unable to affect T'Pol, who used a telepathic link to learn about the entities. Subcommander T'Pol : I apologize. I don't believe she should be so desperate to be like everyone else, because the original Star Trek which I grew up with, had a very simple message that I took from it, and that is that not everyone is like me, and I'm not perfect, and nobody's perfect, and that's okay. She's the Science Officer assigned to 'oversee' our progress. But whatever's going on with you lately, I've had enough. She's the Science Officer assigned to oversee humanity's progress on board Enterprise. Unlike most of the shows in Star Trek canon, Enterprise wanted to do something different. She recovered upon returning to the Enterprise.

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