transit mars square saturn

Transit mars square saturn

You have strong urges to pursue your passion but before you are able to succeed, you have to resolve old Karmic issues.

Mars - the planet of will and self-expression is currently squaring Saturn — the planet of karma and limitations. This is an incredibly challenging transit that we usually only experience briefly, once a year. AND again on January 12th after going direct. You might experience this as a sense of being held back. That despite your most sincere efforts to move towards something of importance, you're being thwarted by circumstances outside of our control. Sometimes this dynamic can play out internally.

Transit mars square saturn

We are in the middle of Kickstarter season for Nightlight where we fundraise to keep the channel going and growing. Learn more about our rewards and become a backer today! Today, we delve into the complexities of Mars' upcoming square with Saturn, an aspect that presents notable challenges as Mars enters Sagittarius and confronts Saturn in Pisces. We build on our previous exploration of the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius and its square with Saturn, focusing on the profound impact of understanding the nature of difficult transits. Through this lens, we aim to comprehend the intricacies of Mars-Saturn aspects, particularly squares, and oppositions, discovering the liberating power of awareness in astrology and how it helps us navigate life's diverse chapters with greater consciousness and participatory engagement. Hey everyone, this is Adam Elenbaas from Nightlight Astrology, and today, we're going to take a look at Mars's upcoming square to Saturn. Mars is entering the sign of Sagittarius, where it will immediately make a square to Saturn in Pisces. This is coming over the weekend. We looked yesterday at the Sun's entrance into Sagittarius and its square to Saturn in terms of what makes the transits so difficult, and I said something. Yesterday, I said, understand with understanding, there's freedom, and I think that is what that's that is the golden opportunity that astrology provides us with. There are all sorts of seasons in life that we walk through daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly for long periods of time in our life that, you know, create major chapters of our life, and astrology is there to help us understand the archetypal nature of these different periods of time so that we can live through them more consciously and find more.

Aug 31 Written By Christina Webster.

Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. Most astrologers nowadays regard the term 'prediction' as something of a misnomer, as modern astrology does not claim to directly predict future events as such. Instead it is claimed that an astrological pattern with regard to the future can correspond with any one of a variety of possibilities. What is in fact foretold is the trend of circumstances and the nature of the individual's reaction to the situation. When Mars dances across one's natal chart in its transit, it ignites a profound surge of vitality and drive.

By Corinne Lane 18 Comments. When Saturn transits to your natal Mars, you may experience heightened competitiveness and irritability as you become aware of your limitations and restrictions. However, these moments can also be highly productive, as they require you to exert a great effort and work hard to prove your worth and assert your individuality. During this time, you may find yourself either victimized or provoking aggressive intentions from others. Threats or circumstances that feel threatening are likely to surround you, so it is important to conserve your energy and exercise patience and caution.

Transit mars square saturn

A square when it comes to planets means that two planets are present at an angle of 90 degrees from each other while still being present in the same modality. Whenever this happens, it can suggest that there might be opposing parts of your personality that you need to resolve. Mars and Saturn are both seemingly opposite in terms of what they represent for you in the natal chart. While Mars is meant to represent energy, disorder, impulse and conflict, Saturn represents order and uniformity. Thus, when these two planets are in a square together, it can be quite conflicting to understand what this means for you, which can also make it difficult for you to move forward from the current conflict in your life. A Mars square Saturn position in your natal chart can suggest that you have plenty of energy and drive within you to prove yourself but that you are facing setbacks when it comes to being able to live up to this energy. Things might constantly be getting in your way when all you want to do is put your desires and dreams out into the world. This could be a result of constant failure, fears, stress or a lack of support from the people around you.

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It's just that that activity does something good for the soul in the same way that going for a jog or a hike and working up a sweat is somehow just good for the body. March 29 until Jul 10 Unleash Inner Wisdom Pallas Retrograde in Sagittarius The retrograde motion of Pallas in Sagittarius offers a profound and intricate journey into the self, far beyond the sup Lilith in 1st House Houses. Instead of starting new projects or hunting down your desires, it is better to concentrate on holding onto what you already have. So that is the little degree range. I'm not saying I've been pushed to my limit. You know, it's like, well, maybe there's just a very legitimate thing you want to do again and get better at something, okay, sacrifices required, and nobody really bats an eye at that. It's not worth it, you know, and then often it's gonna be natural for us to seek ways of trying to take a path of least resistance. AND again on January 12th after going direct. So I actually looked up the etymology of the word sacrifice and one of the things that it means is an offering. Hope you guys are having a good one. I'm not going to give up the sacrificial attitude, like a sacrificial dimension of my psyche, and my relationship with the universe isn't going to be dependent on what I get from that act. A quick scan of the celebrities below with Mars square Saturn confirms this and should give you confidence that striving for your passionate desires will lead to success. I once heard someone describe Mars-Saturn as a pressure cooker, and I think this is why because you can have all the right reasons and motivations and the right kind of, you know, the willingness to do hard things, and then it none of it can turn out and like it doesn't necessarily turn out in your favor.

Keep reading for the natal meaning of this aspect or jump to the transit interpretation. People born Mars square Saturn are true perfectionists. What they want the most is to identify their emotional and psychological grounds to make them feel stable in life.

He always takes a father stance with me and today, was really limiting my personal ideas and talking down to me. How can you overcome your fear of failure and embrace your practical abilities without being overwhelmed by unrealistic expectations? Who can bear that? Like, Yo, you know, the problem is that over time, that tension breaks things. Maybe that's even harder? I'm not going to give up the sacrificial attitude, like a sacrificial dimension of my psyche, and my relationship with the universe isn't going to be dependent on what I get from that act. But it is an archetypal reality that we seem to celebrate people who get kicked, and they don't become bitter. Making the most of your Saturn Return Tutorial. But I know this territory well enough now. Delve into the complexities of your astral narrative with our deeply personalized astrological readings. There's a bunch of interesting talks; they're all four-part talks, eight to 10 hours worth of content that I don't release anywhere but through the masterclass series. This sits in my natal chart.

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