upside pentagram

Upside pentagram

The recent Memorial Day weekend got me thinking about the pentagram. Well, upside pentagram, read on…. What could be more positive than upright?

A pentagram is a five-pointed star with a single point that faces upward and two points that face downward. An inverted pentagram is a five-pointed star that is upside down, with two points facing upward and one point facing downward. In modern magical traditions, there are important differences between the upright and the inverted pentagrams. While the upright pentagram has positive connotations and is a prominent symbol of modern witchcraft, the inverted pentagram typically has nothing to do with witchcraft and has negative or evil connotations. The pentagram has a long history that spans various cultures and peoples. Cross-culturally, people have used the pentagram for protection, magic, banishing and good luck. Mesopotamian clay pots from the fourth millennium B.

Upside pentagram

A pentagram sometimes known as a pentalpha, pentangle, or star pentagon is a regular five-pointed star polygon , formed from the diagonal line segments of a convex or simple, or non-self-intersecting regular pentagon. Drawing a circle around the five points creates a similar symbol referred to as the pentacle , [1] which is used widely by Wiccans and in paganism , or as a sign of life and connections. The word "pentagram" refers only to the five-pointed star, not the surrounding circle of a pentacle. Pentagrams were used symbolically in ancient Greece and Babylonia. Christians once commonly used the pentagram to represent the five wounds of Jesus. Early pentagrams have been found on Sumerian pottery from Ur c. Pentagram symbols from about 5, years ago were found in the Liangzhu culture of China. The pentagram was known to the ancient Greeks , with a depiction on a vase possibly dating back to the 7th century BCE. The pentagram was used in ancient times as a Christian symbol for the five senses , [17] or of the five wounds of Christ. The pentagram plays an important symbolic role in the 14th-century English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight , in which the symbol decorates the shield of the hero, Gawain. The unnamed poet credits the symbol's origin to King Solomon , and explains that each of the five interconnected points represents a virtue tied to a group of five: Gawain is perfect in his five senses and five fingers, faithful to the Five Wounds of Christ, takes courage from the five joys that Mary had of Jesus, and exemplifies the five virtues of knighthood , [18] which are generosity, friendship, chastity, chivalry, and piety. The North rose of Amiens Cathedral built in the 13th century exhibits a pentagram-based motif. Some sources interpret the unusual downward-pointing star as symbolizing the Holy Spirit descending on people. Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa and others perpetuated the popularity of the pentagram as a magic symbol, attributing the five neoplatonic elements to the five points, in typical Renaissance fashion.

The pentagram has these Unicode code points that enable them to be included in documents:. Grimoires: A History of Magic Books. United States Department of Veterans Affairs, upside pentagram.

The pentacle or pentagram is a five-pointed star surrounded by a circle. The branches of the pentagram symbolize the spirit and the elements water, earth, air, fire connected by the great whole symbolized by the circle. When the pentagram is turned downwards, as it is here, it is considered that the spirit is symbolically turned towards the earth, and thus, by extension, towards materiality. The inverted pentagram was also a symbol of protection that can still be found in some religious buildings Amiens Cathedral, Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Montmartre It was also later taken up by Satanism, considering that if the spirit is turned towards the earth, it is also turned towards what is under the earth, in other words hell. This inverted pentagram pendant, ancient pagan symbol of protection, is adorned with a large natural gemstone cabochon that you can choose via the drop-down menu.

A pentagram is a five-pointed star with a single point that faces upward and two points that face downward. An inverted pentagram is a five-pointed star that is upside down, with two points facing upward and one point facing downward. In modern magical traditions, there are important differences between the upright and the inverted pentagrams. While the upright pentagram has positive connotations and is a prominent symbol of modern witchcraft, the inverted pentagram typically has nothing to do with witchcraft and has negative or evil connotations. The pentagram has a long history that spans various cultures and peoples.

Upside pentagram

Every religion possesses a symbol that brings to mind the focal point of the belief system. For Christians, the cross or crucifix stands for the ultimate sacrifice and victory of Christ; Jews possess the Star of David ; Taoist ideas revolve around the symbol of the Tao; and witches use the pentagram. The pentagram represents the order of the cosmos and appears as either a pentacle, or five-pointed star, or as a pentacle enclosed in a circle. Generally one point faces upward in Wiccan symbology; however, some British traditions use an upside-down pentagram to denote the higher degrees that a witch may obtain through training.

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They exist to me in nature, life, love, and more. Cross-culturally, people have used the pentagram for protection, magic, banishing and good luck. Although there are three basic versions of the medal, they are all similar in design: Do you still think the inverted pentagram is necessarily Satanic or evil? London: George Redway. Some sources interpret the unusual downward-pointing star as symbolizing the Holy Spirit descending on people. Around , however, Alistair Crowley hijacked the symbol of the pentagram, inverted, to represent his representation of evil; the die was cast. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the magical tradition of the Golden Dawn gave the pentagram high-status as a major ritual tool. Today, in India, it is still a popular symbol and appears everywhere, including on spiritual items. The upright star relates to the five elements of earth, air, water, fire and spirit. Inverted Star symbol use to represent base of our interpretation.

The pentagram is a five-pointed star formed by connecting the tips of the five straight edges that make up the symbol.

With a single point upwards it depicted spirit presiding over the four elements of matter, and was essentially "good". September 22, The Wuxing is the fundamental philosophy and doctrine of traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. During the writing of The Satanic Bible , it was decided that a unique version of the symbol should be rendered to be identified exclusively with the Church. Levi, pseudonym of Alphonse Louis Constant, associated the inverted pentagram with evil. My belief is Theist. Some sources interpret the unusual downward-pointing star as symbolizing the Holy Spirit descending on people. He specifically associated the inverted pentagram with the horns of the goat of the witches' sabbat, or holy day. The pentagram of Venus is the apparent path of the planet Venus as observed from Earth. It is awful we still fight. This shape was described by John Napier in his book Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio Description of the wonderful rule of logarithms along with rules that link the values of trigonometric functions of five parts of a right spherical triangle two angles and three sides.

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