urban diction

Urban diction

Raise the underboob urban diction a man or woman with your index and second finger. Cameron gave Lori a "bean dip" to celebrate the fun evening.

Urban Dictionary continues a long history of recording low-brow language. Urban Dictionary , as you may know, is a crowdsourced website where anyone can suggest a new word—or a new definition of a word—years before establishment lexicographers catch on. It was founded in by computer science student Aaron Peckham to make fun of the comparatively staid Dictionary. Yet Urban Dictionary has become much more than a parody site, drawing approximately 65 million visitors every month. Of course, Urban Dictionary is also a repository of adolescent grossout humor, often humor about sexual practices that are the stuff of urban legends uh, penis McFlurry? Bigoted words and definitions have thrived on the site, but Peckham believes that offensive words should be left intact. With its crowdsourced definitions and high speed of coinage, Urban Dictionary is very much a product of the internet age.

Urban diction

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Despite several attempts to contact Urban Dictionary to confirm their data sharing policies, the authors have not been able to confirm that deposition of our data in a public repository would breach their terms and conditions. Furthermore, owing to these concerns it has not been possible to host the current dataset in a public repository. The authors are happy to provide researchers with the original data in case they contact us personally. This statement has been agreed with the journal. The Internet facilitates large-scale collaborative projects and the emergence of Web 2. On the other hand, the decentralized and often unmonitored environment of such projects may make them susceptible to low-quality content. In this work, we focus on Urban Dictionary, a crowd-sourced online dictionary. We combine computational methods with qualitative annotation and shed light on the overall features of Urban Dictionary in terms of growth, coverage and types of content. We measure a high presence of opinion-focused entries, as opposed to the meaning-focused entries that we expect from traditional dictionaries. Furthermore, Urban Dictionary covers many informal, unfamiliar words as well as proper nouns.

We therefore asked the crowdworkers whether the definition describes the meaning of the word, expresses a personal opinion, or both.

Urban Dictionary is a crowdsourced English-language online dictionary for slang words and phrases. The website was founded in by Aaron Peckham. Originally, Urban Dictionary was intended as a dictionary of slang or cultural words and phrases , not typically found in standard English dictionaries, but it is now used to define any word, event, or phrase including sexually explicit content. Words or phrases on Urban Dictionary may have multiple definitions, usage examples, and tags. As of , the dictionary contains over seven million definitions, while around 2, new entries were being added daily.

Urban Dictionary may have originally started as a joke, but the online authority of all things slang is now a legitimate source on what popular sayings mean — and a ton of the words published in their pages are commonly accepted vernacular. Of course, being the crowdsourced slang resource that it is, none of the words were actually invented by Urban Dictionary. However, many including some of the words below have since been added to more traditional dictionaries — and others may have been in old-school dictionaries first, but the peeps at Urban Dictionary just defined them better. In honor of our ever-changing English language , here are the big pop culture words we think everyone needs to know. A crapella — singing badly while listening to music through headphones.

Urban diction

I know! I'll go on urbandictionary and give words fake sexual meanings! That'll help my self-esteem! A site where people go on to search words, even if they know what they mean, just to see what it says. I went on urbandictionary and searched urbandictionary even though I obviously already know what it means! Supposed to me a user-inputed dictionary for words. However, has become a mindless forum of jokes, view-points, sex, and basically anything but the real definition of a word. A website founded on a great idea but saturated by people trying to make personal insults to millions of people who don't give a flying fuck about your vendetta with someone we've never met , and to make sexual connotations like alaskan pipeline or pipe line. Urban Dictionary is a place where you can be as stupid or vulgar as you want. Urbandictionary is what you get when you cross wikipedia with mental retardation.

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But it also continues a long history of recording low-brow language: dictionaries of English slang have been around in some form for centuries. Quill Pig. The agreement for the first question, asking whether the word is a proper noun, is the highest. Categories : Online English dictionaries Slang dictionaries American websites Neologisms Internet slang Internet properties established in establishments in California. Visitors to Urban Dictionary may submit definitions without registering, but they must provide a valid email address. Figure 10 shows that in higher frequency bins, more definitions are marked as being familiar , suggesting that the number of definitions per headword is indeed related to the general usage of a headword. In contrast, many dictionaries require that included headwords should be attested i. Of course, Urban Dictionary is also a repository of adolescent grossout humor, often humor about sexual practices that are the stuff of urban legends uh, penis McFlurry? Wiktionary entries thus undergo a deeper level of curation. Figure 7. For each headword, we include up to three entries top ranked, second ranked and random based on up and down votes.

Raise the underboob of a man or woman with your index and second finger. Cameron gave Lori a "bean dip" to celebrate the fun evening.

Along with the definition is an example or two of how it is used in a sentence. Furthermore, people have different thresholds of what they consider to be offensive, making it challenging to ask for a binary judgement. The number of unique headwords in UD is much higher and the lexical overlap is relatively low. UD thus not only captures new words rapidly, but it also captures the many variations that arise over time. Examples include nick names and proper names e. The number of new definitions for fleek and on fleek and other variations per year December —July Analyzing lexical emergence in Modern American English online. Well, surely some are trying to. As a response, various online platforms have integrated different mechanisms to detect, report and remove inappropriate content. For him, the first example that comes to mind is the interjection eh. As such, "to define" a word or phrase on Urban Dictionary does not necessarily entail providing a strict definition; merely a description of some aspect of the word or phrase could suffice for inclusion in the dictionary. Smith RE. Table 5.

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