Ursa avatar

She grew up in the Fire Nation village of Ursa avatar until she was forced by Fire Lord Azulon to marry his son, Prince Ozai, in order to fulfill a prophecy that said that a royal descendant ursa avatar Roku would bring great power to Azulon's own lineage. Many years later, when she learned that Azulon ordered ursa avatar husband to murder their son, Zuko, ursa avatar, and that Ozai intended to go through with it, she conspired against the Fire Lord, ensuring that her only son's life would be spared, and that Ozai would be crowned Fire Lord. This resulted in her subsequent banishment from the Fire Nation Capital for treason, ursa avatar. In order to lead a normal life again, she went to see the Mother of Faces with Noren and requested that the spirit grant her an entirely new face and identity, though this also wiped clean all of her memories linked to her life with Ozai, including her children.

Avatar: The Last Airbender 's Prince Zuko lost his mother when he was just a child, and she is presumed dead, but the tie-in comics tell the story of exactly why she disappeared and where Zuko's mom has been. In Avatar: The Last Airbender , it is only revealed that she made a bargain for Zuko's life when his father was planning to kill him, and Zuko's mom was later exiled from the Fire Nation. In Avatar: The Last Airbender's ending, the young Fire Prince confronts his father in jail, demanding to know anything about what really happened to Zuko's mother. One of the Avatar: The Last Airbender comics' story arcs, The Search , details Zuko's quest to find out what happened to his mother — and perhaps even be reunited with her. The comics reveal that Ursa was very close to a local boy named Ikem as a young woman and that the two were part of a theater group together in town. The play that Ursa and Ikem rehearse in the comic is Love Amongst the Dragons , a play that Ursa would later take her children Azula and Zuko to see on Ember Island , as it was her favorite play.

Ursa avatar

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She was a kind, caring, and loving mother to her children, though Azula believed she favored Zuko over her. Prior to the series, she grew up in the Fire Nation village of Hira'a until she, as a descendant of Roku, was forced by Fire Lord Azulon to marry Ozai in order to fulfill a prophecy that would bring great power to Azulon's lineage. When she learned years later that the Fire Lord had ordered her husband to murder Zuko and that he was going to go through with it, she ensured her son's life was spared, but was subsequently banished from the Fire Nation Capital for treason. She was only seen in flashbacks throughout the story. Ursa returned to her home town, where she rekindled her relationship with her boyfriend, Ikem. In order to lead a normal life again, she requested that the Mother of Faces grant her an entirely new face and identity while also wiping all of her memories relating to her life with Ozai as a Fire Nation princess. As Noriko, she had another daughter, Kiyi, though after her two elder children tracked her down, she encountered the Mother of Faces again and decided to have the spirit restore her old face and memories. Earth Kingdom Baatar Jr. Heroes Wiki.

Ikem tried to stop them from leaving, forcing Ursa to lie about her true feelings for him and claim that Prince Ozai was the better option for her future. Surprised, Noren questioned the accuracy of his wife's statement. At his request, they rehearsed a scene of ursa avatar play in which they would have to kiss on stage, but Ursa expressed her dissatisfaction with "masked kissing", since the props stood in the way, ursa avatar.


Avatar: The Last Airbender 's Prince Zuko lost his mother when he was just a child, and she is presumed dead, but the tie-in comics tell the story of exactly why she disappeared and where Zuko's mom has been. In Avatar: The Last Airbender , it is only revealed that she made a bargain for Zuko's life when his father was planning to kill him, and Zuko's mom was later exiled from the Fire Nation. In Avatar: The Last Airbender's ending, the young Fire Prince confronts his father in jail, demanding to know anything about what really happened to Zuko's mother. One of the Avatar: The Last Airbender comics' story arcs, The Search , details Zuko's quest to find out what happened to his mother — and perhaps even be reunited with her. The comics reveal that Ursa was very close to a local boy named Ikem as a young woman and that the two were part of a theater group together in town. The play that Ursa and Ikem rehearse in the comic is Love Amongst the Dragons , a play that Ursa would later take her children Azula and Zuko to see on Ember Island , as it was her favorite play. On the night that Ikem proposed to Ursa during one of their play rehearsals, Zuko's mom returned home to find Fire Lord Azulon and his son Prince Ozai in her residence. Zuko's grandfather, Fire Lord Azulon, heard a prophecy from the Fire Sages that suggested that he should mix his bloodline with that of Avatar Roku. This would supposedly produce descendants with great power, securing his family's place on the throne long after he was gone. He managed to track down Ursa and forced her to marry Zuko's father, Ozai, even though she was already betrothed to Ikem.

Ursa avatar

If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! She was a kind, caring, and loving mother to her children, though Azula believed she favored Zuko over her. Prior to the series, she grew up in the Fire Nation village of Hira'a until she, as a descendant of Roku, was forced by Fire Lord Azulon to marry Ozai in order to fulfill a prophecy that would bring great power to Azulon's lineage. When she learned years later that the Fire Lord had ordered her husband to murder Zuko and that he was going to go through with it, she ensured her son's life was spared, but was subsequently banished from the Fire Nation Capital for treason. She was only seen in flashbacks throughout the story. Ursa returned to her home town, where she rekindled her relationship with her boyfriend, Ikem. In order to lead a normal life again, she requested that the Mother of Faces grant her an entirely new face and identity while also wiping all of her memories relating to her life with Ozai as a Fire Nation princess. As Noriko, she had another daughter, Kiyi, though after her two elder children tracked her down, she encountered the Mother of Faces again and decided to have the spirit restore her old face and memories.

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As a half-asleep Zuko lay down to bed, she pulled the hood of her cape over her head and walked away into the shadows. Ursa and her family took the submarine on a detour to the capital via a hidden pathway through the forest. Days later, Ursa was sitting near the pond when a servant delivered another letter from Ba Sing Se. Ursa gave the poison to Ozai to administer and then made her way to the rooms of her children to say her goodbyes. Ursa's confrontation with Ozai, while her maids are watching in fear. However, when Zuko found that Noriko was happy with her life, he felt satisfied about her wellbeing and turned to leave. Zuko forgave her and Ursa decided to share her past with her son, starting right from the beginning. Ursa was taught a great deal about many medicinal herbs and poisons from her mother, a master herbalist. The princess kept the masks hidden in her quarters behind a painting of her and Ozai to remind her of the people in Hira'a, [11] and, in particular, Ikem with the Dragon Emperor mask. Before she went below the deck, Zuko promised to keep her family, especially Kiyi, safe with all his power. A month later, Ursa and her family were witnesses to Ukano being escorted from the palace. Thankfully, one of their own had a change of heart and freed Zuko before reinforcement arrived and drove off the attackers. If she tried to stay or take the children with her, Ozai would have all three of them hunted down and killed.

The lore of Avatar: The Last Airbender is deeply rich and fleshed out across innumerable mediums. As such, characters who seem to be only minor, ancestral figures who influenced the main actors of the story have a chance to be thoroughly well-developed. This is absolutely true of Ursa, who is best known in the Avatar series for being Zuko's mother.

A few weeks after reuniting with her son, Ursa and her family were arranged to travel by ship to visit the Fire Nation Capital for the first time since Ozai banished her. However, Ursa's forceful attitude was shown even against his fury when she confirmed that he read her letters through a risky plan, which would indirectly affect Zuko negatively at the end. When Zuko announced that they were nearing the main island, she was pleased to notice he still had the same sparkle in his eyes from childhood whenever he became excited. Despite her royal duties to her new family, she was unwilling to forget the loved ones she left behind, nor could she stop thinking about the life she would have led in Hira'a. In Avatar: The Last Airbender , it is only revealed that she made a bargain for Zuko's life when his father was planning to kill him, and Zuko's mom was later exiled from the Fire Nation. Ursa with her son, Zuko. Zuko forgave her and Ursa decided to share her past with her son, starting right from the beginning. Archived from the original on August 15, Current Wiki. April 15, Ursa offered an untraceable and odorless poison , credited to her mother's expertise in herbalism, which could work quickly and efficiently. Ursa questioned him about it and he promptly proposed. As Ursa was leaving town with her betrothed, Ikem blocked the carriage's path.

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