vanessa stockard cat

Vanessa stockard cat

As a teenager I had a couple of cats. One was a Manx, and she was not a nice cat, but I loved her like crazy, vanessa stockard cat. Vanessa stockard cat in life I met a couple more cats, just as diabolical, and similarly I clung onto, and stored away impressions I liked of their silliness, and ridiculous malice.

Vanessa Stockard - Artist Statement. I paint from a head full of imagery. From a lifetime of watching and looking at the world, filing away the small beauties, the absurdities, the injustices, the delicacies and then allowing my subconscious to somehow conjure these similes up in the studio, often years later. As a teenager I had a couple of cats. One was a Manx, and she was not a nice cat, but I loved her like crazy. Later in life I met a couple more cats, just as diabolical, and similarly I clung onto, and stored away impressions I liked of their silliness, and ridiculous malice.

Vanessa stockard cat

Vanessa Stockard This is not a cat. What a coincidence. How do you get an emotion out of your brain and onto a canvas? Where do all of those lost socks go, and what do we do with the stray ones? First things first. What was your relationship with art like as a child? My relationship with art was very tight when I was little — as a very young child, I would spend hours drawing every day. I mixed that with learning the piano when I was three, so between the two forms, basically, I just wanted to be creative. However, both my grandmother and mother were painters, so I grew up looking at a lot of books about art. When I was older, I would visit the art galleries in the city whenever I could. Why do you think this happens, is there some horrible creature that deals exclusively in stolen imagination and socks? I think the loss of imagination has a lot to do with the schooling systems, the compartmentalizing aspect of learning subjects as singular entities. Once your brain learns how to think that way, it stops the meandering natural way the creative mind behaves. I believe that the young creative mind sleeps in a castle made of lost socks. There are certain disciplines that we typically associate with painting — still life, portraiture, landscapes.

Vanessa Stockard This is not a cat.


I paint from a head full of imagery. From a lifetime of watching and looking at the world, filing away the small beauties, the absurdities, the injustices, the delicacies and then allowing my subconscious to somehow conjure these similes up in the studio, often years later. As a teenager I had a couple of cats. One was a Manx, and she was not a nice cat, but I loved her like crazy. Later in life I met a couple more cats, just as diabolical, and similarly I clung onto, and stored away impressions I liked of their silliness, and ridiculous malice. In my practice, I draw on these saved mirages of cats, and dogs, people, landscapes, art, literature, the natural world and often myself, and seek to pull some of the parts together in a painted work, like an existential Frankenstein. The technique I use is a combination of brush strokes with the drawn line and is a daily juxtaposition of control and letting go. The idea of being something other inspires my works. Growing up I often felt like an outsider.

Vanessa stockard cat

Vanessa Stockard - Artist Statement. I paint from a head full of imagery. From a lifetime of watching and looking at the world, filing away the small beauties, the absurdities, the injustices, the delicacies and then allowing my subconscious to somehow conjure these similes up in the studio, often years later. As a teenager I had a couple of cats. One was a Manx, and she was not a nice cat, but I loved her like crazy. Later in life I met a couple more cats, just as diabolical, and similarly I clung onto, and stored away impressions I liked of their silliness, and ridiculous malice. In my practice, I draw on these saved mirages of cats, and dogs, people, landscapes, art, literature, the natural world and often myself, and seek to pull some of the parts together in a painted work, like an existential Frankenstein.

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One was a Manx, and she was not a nice cat, but I loved her like crazy. I hope Leonardo Da Vinci would get over the shock, feel some empathy and refrain from using Kevin as a test pilot in one of his helicopters. How do you get an emotion out of your brain and onto a canvas? Valentines after vansantvoort. Instagram , opens in a new tab. The thought of being hung in the good ones is validating, in a good way, so it is worth the risk. Kevin after Giorgione. Please contact us to find out more about our Cookie Policy. It really depends on how I feel that day. I choose where he should show up next as an excuse for which painting I want to ad homage to, validating my drive to copy the masters. Privacy Policy. She is four years old and is a full-on, vibrant, funny little actress. I guess these bright colours and textured fabrics remind me of a well made and decorated cake.

You can participate in this pastel pastry shop, sans decapitation. Perpetually seeking a time long since passed and lucky for us, not forgotten.

I will just keep on doing my thing and something will happen. If light and shade were students, she would be their master. How do you select your color palette? I do appreciate antique chairs and the beautiful fabrics that they are made from. Solo Exhibitions. From a lifetime of watching and looking at the world, filing away the small beauties, the absurdities, the injustices, the delicacies and then allowing my subconscious to somehow conjure these similes up in the studio, often years later. Lost in Hold. Cake imagery and its relation to a childlike nostalgia for happiness which may never be real, but rather imaginary, unattainable and unachievable. I could wallpaper my studio with them. The subconscious is like the deep web, its chock full of random information, painting can bring some of that information together to create personal stories. Vanessa Stockard This is not a cat.

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