Vi pets in grand rapids

Hot dog buns, tortillas, motzerella and fish sticks and so much more!!!! Good Places. We use the latest and greatest technology available to provide the best possible web experience.

Open until PM. With store managers Dan Manrose and Rebecca Nickoles at the helm, the Cutlerville location is known for its mascot, Jimmy the tortoise, who can be seen on photo 13 of the slide show and followed on Instagram. Additionally, Cutlerville provides grooming services and is a popular destination for pet owners in the area. At VI Pets, customers can find a variety of new products for their furry friends, conveniently available through the online store. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, VI Pets is a trusted name in the pet industry, catering to the needs of pet owners in Holland, Cutlerville, and Plainfield. I was a bit disappointed, their shelves were not very well stocked.

Vi pets in grand rapids

Open until PM. Owned by Jillian Wisner, the Plainfield store stands out with its extensive selection of saltwater fish and coral, as well as an expanded range of reptiles. With recent renovations, the Plainfield location has become a go-to destination for pet enthusiasts seeking a diverse range of aquatic life and reptilian companions. As a franchised store, it may have different policies and products compared to other V. Pets locations. Staff are always super helpful and quick to assist where needed. I appreciate the knowledge and effort they've put into keeping the freshwater and saltwater fish happy. Make sure Came in to talk to an "expert" about what kind of fish I could add to my 2. Long story short, I won't be recommending VI Pets to anyone for

Mon AM - PM. I went right at the beginning of the day on Sunday and was able to be seen


Open until PM. With store managers Dan Manrose and Rebecca Nickoles at the helm, the Cutlerville location is known for its mascot, Jimmy the tortoise, who can be seen on photo 13 of the slide show and followed on Instagram. Additionally, Cutlerville provides grooming services and is a popular destination for pet owners in the area. At VI Pets, customers can find a variety of new products for their furry friends, conveniently available through the online store. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, VI Pets is a trusted name in the pet industry, catering to the needs of pet owners in Holland, Cutlerville, and Plainfield. I was a bit disappointed, their shelves were not very well stocked.

Vi pets in grand rapids

Hot dog buns, tortillas, motzerella and fish sticks and so much more!!!! Good Places. We use the latest and greatest technology available to provide the best possible web experience. Please enable JavaScript in your browser settings to continue. Download Foursquare for your smart phone and start exploring the world around you!

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Very limited selection of cat supplies, especially treats and food. Sat AM - PM. They were very helpful in pointing out what I was looking for and explaining how to use it for my bearded dragon. Mon AM - PM. Long story short, I won't be recommending VI Pets to anyone for I went right at the beginning of the day on Sunday and was able to be seen Great fish helpful and knowledgeable staff! I felt that the person I talked to had a good level of knowledge and I could trust They told him he was friendly and liked walking on a leash. Diane Altschul August 14,

Pets-Plainfield was opened in It has sq. Phone:

Own this business? Long story short, I won't be recommending VI Pets to anyone for A Hound's Haven. Search MapQuest. Places people like to go after VI Pets. Great place to purchase tropical fish. Grand Rapids. Retail ยป Pet Supplies Store. Get directions. Claim it. Tue AM - PM. Great fish helpful and knowledgeable staff! Donald Vidro March 15, We strive to make shopping hassle-free and affordable with more than 15, convenient, easy-to-shop stores.

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