video sexy and funny

Video sexy and funny

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A Comedy Central original, Olivia Lee stars in this all new hidden-camera sketch comedy. Featuring outrageous stunts and pranks as Olivia disguises herself as a bunch of crazy modern women, they're dirty, sexy, and very, very funny. This video is currently unavailable to watch in your location. Share Android. Episodes Details. Episodes Sort Episode number Newest episodes Available to watch.

Video sexy and funny


Miss Single goes on a test drive; and 'bewty expert' Lorraine Rhodes employs laser technology.


T he raunchy comedy is having a comeback. And all of them have been female-led stories, with women in front of and in several cases behind the camera, as well. In June, Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence leaned into her comedy chops in No Hard Feelings , a rom-com of sorts about a shiftless something hired by helicopter parents to date their son and give him his first sexual experience ahead of college. Directors like Judd Apatow and actors like Seth Rogen became household names during this time, as did their films—projects like The Year-Old Virgin , Knocked-Up, and Superbad —which helped to establish the aughts as a golden age of raunchy comedies. More specifically , these movies embodied a certain kind of slacker masculinity, which helped double down on the genre's reputation as a boys' club. All that began to shift with the advent of films like Bridesmaids and Girls Trip in the following years.

Video sexy and funny

In an era of unrest and protests, audiences lined up around the block just to watch one wild and crazy guy. Perhaps no genre is as disreputable as the sex comedy. Naughty by nature, these movies tackle a subject many people consider not meant for polite company. The laughs are mixed with titillation, and especially in an era before the internet — back when the opportunity to see naked people randomly was far more difficult — the sex comedy gave impressionable horndogs a chance to check out a little nudity. Rude and raunchy, these movies thumb their noses at prudes and squares, who are sometimes the villains in these films. Sex comedies are pure id and pure immature pleasure. Click right here to get the best of Cracked sent to your inbox.

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April 29, Featuring outrageous stunts and pranks as Olivia disguises herself as a bunch of crazy modern women, they're dirty, sexy, and very, very funny. S1 E1 - Episode 1. Random citizens show respect to soldiers at stop light with gifts Video. S1 E5 - Episode 5. Miss Single kicks off the show by going out on a test drive Adorable koala would rather cuddle on handler than tree Video. S1 E8 - Episode 8. Blue marlin almost spears fisherman in the face Video. Hurricane Irma drains Bahamas beach of water Video. Male Female Other.

By providing your information, you agree to our Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. We use vendors that may also process your information to help provide our services. As film festivals pivot to the ever-shifting landscape of distribution and sales, the way we consume independent film is changing more dramatically than anyone could have predicted.

National Anthem breaks out in empty lobby of student hall Video. S1 E6 - Episode 6. Man gets pulled over for an unexpected ticket Video. By clicking play, you agree to our Terms of Use. March 28, April 4, Cute girl has some impressively gory makeup skills Video. Featuring outrageous stunts and pranks as Olivia disguises herself as a bunch of crazy modern women, they're dirty, sexy, and very, very funny. March 15, March 8, The very best of Olivia Lee's hidden camera sketch show, with Neurotic Flatmate and all the others up to their most devious tricks. Lady Gatecrasher talks some bull at a cattle auction, and Terrible Therapist turns out to be a bit of a sucker. Login Sign up. Officers share dance with bride who lost her father in the line of duty Video. This video is currently unavailable.

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