videos de barry white

Videos de barry white

I never take anything for granted Only a fool maybe takes things for granted Just because it's here today, it can be gone tomorrow And that's one thing that you never in your life Ever have to worry about me If I'll ever change towards you, videos de barry white, because Baby, I love you Yeah, I love you Just the way you are.

Others tried to do what he did, but nobody could do what he did like he could do it, baby. The best Barry White songs may have made him the boss of bedroom soul and the ruler of songs with brackets in their titles , but if you are stuck with the idea that he was an example of 70s excess, you should kick back and really listen. This guy had the funk, the soul, and the disco down to a T. They are sexy, steamy, and romantic, yes, but also full of the real low-down slow-jam swing. Let us know in the comments section below. The melody is logical, churning through the chord changes, while Love Unlimited offer vocal support.

Videos de barry white

Barry White was one of the most successful soul and disco artists of the s, and his music still lives on nearly 20 years after his death in Barry sold over million records during his career, and we've picked just a handful of his very best songs to make for a perfect playlist:. What a fascinating single! Yes, Barry and Tina teamed up for this minor hit in , only reaching number 32 in the UK. Amazingly, actor Antonio Banderas appears on the album version in a spoken word passage, and its claymation video featured a cameo from Wallace and Gromit! Lisa Stansfield later had a UK top 40 hit with a cover version over two decades later, and the pair even teamed up for a duet version on her song 'All Around the World'. Released in , this song was actually a collaboration with Ray Parker Jr, who would go on to score a huge hit with 'Ghostbusters'. Dance act Black Legend took a cover version to number one in the UK in If there's ever going to be one song to get you into the mood for lurve, then this is it. Barry's seductive track reached number three in the US, and has been used in various TV shows and movies over the years. Another seductive anthem from Barry, this song would later get sampled by Robbie Williams on 'Rock DJ', taking it to number one in Billy Joel 's song was already a brilliant love song, but Barry put his own disco spin on it in Released in , this became one of Barry's signature songs, and reached the top spot in the US.

Lisa Stansfield later had a UK top 40 hit with a cover version over two decades later, and the pair even teamed up for a duet version on her song 'All Around the World'. Sound familiar?


Others tried to do what he did, but nobody could do what he did like he could do it, baby. The best Barry White songs may have made him the boss of bedroom soul and the ruler of songs with brackets in their titles , but if you are stuck with the idea that he was an example of 70s excess, you should kick back and really listen. This guy had the funk, the soul, and the disco down to a T. They are sexy, steamy, and romantic, yes, but also full of the real low-down slow-jam swing. Let us know in the comments section below. The melody is logical, churning through the chord changes, while Love Unlimited offer vocal support. The White machine was in full flow for this monster.

Videos de barry white

Barry White was one of the most successful soul and disco artists of the s, and his music still lives on nearly 20 years after his death in Barry sold over million records during his career, and we've picked just a handful of his very best songs to make for a perfect playlist:. What a fascinating single! Yes, Barry and Tina teamed up for this minor hit in , only reaching number 32 in the UK. Amazingly, actor Antonio Banderas appears on the album version in a spoken word passage, and its claymation video featured a cameo from Wallace and Gromit! Lisa Stansfield later had a UK top 40 hit with a cover version over two decades later, and the pair even teamed up for a duet version on her song 'All Around the World'. Released in , this song was actually a collaboration with Ray Parker Jr, who would go on to score a huge hit with 'Ghostbusters'.

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Michael Jackson. I don't want clever conversation I don't want to work that hard, no, love I just want some, someone to talk to I want you just the way you are. Entre aqui. I need to know that you will always be The same old someone that I knew What will it take till you believe in me The way I believe in you? Barry sold over million records during his career, and we've picked just a handful of his very best songs to make for a perfect playlist:. Move Me No Mountain. This wickedly driven steady groover was a US No. Picture: Getty By Tom Eames. Most Popular. Yes, Barry and Tina teamed up for this minor hit in , only reaching number 32 in the UK. Billy Joel 's song was already a brilliant love song, but Barry put his own disco spin on it in I said I love you, that's forever And this I promise from my heart, oh, love I could not love you any better I love you just the way you are. This guy had the funk, the soul, and the disco down to a T.


The White machine was in full flow for this monster. Features Latest News. Watch this video on YouTube Click to load video Looking for more? The music is enough of a loving message in itself. Is it implying a fast-flicking tongue? Playing Your Game, Baby. See more More Song Lists. Another seductive anthem from Barry, this song would later get sampled by Robbie Williams on 'Rock DJ', taking it to number one in I need to know that you will always be The same old someone that I knew What will it take till you believe in me The way I believe in you? Click to load video. It took on a new lease of life in the s, when Ally McBeal character John used it as his own personal theme song, leading to Barry appearing as himself on the TV show. Compuesta por: Billy Joel. Others tried to do what he did, but nobody could do what he did like he could do it, baby. Dance act Black Legend took a cover version to number one in the UK in Most Popular.

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