videos de teletubbies

Videos de teletubbies

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This is a list of Teletubbies episodes [1] and videos. We are introduced to the Teletubbies as they ride down the slide inside Home Hill. They enjoy Tubby Toast until the Magic Windmill spins. Following this, the characters watch a boy named Ned and his father getting ready for a bicycle trip. Po finds a flag and leads Tinky Winky on a march across Teletubbyland. Dipsy and Laa-Laa see the flag and join in. The Teletubbies gasp in excitement as an animal parade march through Teletubbyland.

Videos de teletubbies


Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa and Po are playing with their favourite things on the path while listening to piano music from a Voice Trumpet before the Magic Windmill starts spinning, videos de teletubbies, and the Teletubbies watch a little girl play her piano.


Los Teletubbies se turnan para saludar y abrazarse. Luego, saludan a las flores. Los Teletubbies participan en carreras, donde cada uno tiene la oportunidad de ganar. Los Teletubbies celebran con globos y cornetas. Luego, los amigos ven a los Tiddlytubbies quedarse dormidos. Los Teletubbies se ponen de pie para comparar sus estaturas.

Videos de teletubbies

Los Teletubbies se turnan para saludar y abrazarse. Luego, saludan a las flores. Los Teletubbies participan en carreras, donde cada uno tiene la oportunidad de ganar. Los Teletubbies celebran con globos y cornetas. Luego, los amigos ven a los Tiddlytubbies quedarse dormidos. Los Teletubbies se ponen de pie para comparar sus estaturas. Po hace sonidos graciosos con las palancas y los botones dentro de la casa.

Ring fidgets

The Teletubbies are running around the house, then suddenly, the Magic Windmill spins, so they go off to watch some children visit a level crossing at Caersws, Wales and watch a train passing by. Po comes in and says "Eh-oh! Dipsy is very pleased with himself when he discovers his Eyes, Mouth, Nose, and Ears. Tinky Winky is marching with his bag, Dipsy is dancing in his hat, Laa-Laa is playing with her ball and Po is riding her scooter. The bag hits the ball and it falls out of the tree. The Teletubbies run round and round the House before the Magic Windmill spins, so they watch some children having fun building sandcastles. They look in all the tanks at the different fish. Also, Dipsy then goes for another walk. In Teletubbyland, the Teletubbies walk in different ways until the Magic Windmill stops spinning offscreen and it was time for Tubby Bye Bye. And then the Magic Windmill spins so Laa Laa and Po runs out and Dipsy walks to join the other Teletubbies and he suddenly noticed his hat is left behind on the path. Laa Laa steps into the puddle, Dipsy steps around the puddle, Tinky Winky steps over the puddle and Po rides her Scooter through the puddle spraying the other Teletubbies. It looks like fun so the other Teletubbies slide in the snow too.

Join friends Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa-Laa and Po on wonder-filled adventures as they learn and grow in this colorful refresh of the classic series. And the Teletubbies are having fun chasing and popping them! The Teletubbies form a pop group and make music for everyone, with Dipsy on drums, Laa-Laa on trumpet, Po on piano and Tinky Winky on the mic!

Afterward, the Teletubbies do the Jumping Dance. The bag hits the ball and it falls out of the tree. Lots of Tubby Toast for everybody! The Teletubbies run back and forth past some trees, then they watch Matthew, James, Mark, Angus and their Dad playing with their piglets. Just then she suddenly sees The Magic Windmill spinning. Laa-Laa keeps losing her ball, she meets the other Teletubbies, they learn that Tinky Winky's bag is red, Dipsy's hat is black and white and Po's scooter is pink and blue. The Teletubbies dance in and out of the trees. The Windmill starting spinning and the cloud disappeared. The Teletubbies love playing Boo! Then the Teletubbies take part in the Tubby Bye-Bye sequence. Tinky Winky takes them out again and the other Teletubbies get their favourite things back but suddenly, there is a strange noise from Tinky Winky's bag. The Teletubbies watch as some children layout a large piece of paper on the floor and put paint into trays. A voice trumpet makes a big roaring noise. The Teletubbies watch children make animals from papier mache.

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