vintage african american barbie

Vintage african american barbie

With the pandemic forcing countless people to spend more time at home, Texas mom Sara Ahmed realized that her family of four needed more space. After searching and looking at several options, she fell in love with a house in Sugar Land.

We may earn a commission if you buy something from any affiliate links on our site. In the summer of , content creator and specialty baker Joshua Gash moved out of West Hollywood and returned to his hometown in North Carolina. He was ready for a change, but he had one major logistical hurdle to overcome: how to transport a cherished collection of more than Black Barbie dolls across the country. He considered stuffing the Barbies inside his black Volkswagen Beetle and shipping the vehicle. He quickly nixed the idea: Too many dolls.

Vintage african american barbie

First issued in , "colored Francie" was the first doll in the Mattel line with a dark complexion. She was a spinoff of the original Francie doll, which debuted in and was meant to be Barbie's European cousin. However, because the doll was made with the same head mold as the original white Francie doll and doesn't have Black American features, "colored Francie" isn't regarded by some as the first Black doll in the Barbie universe. Almost a full decade after the first Barbie debuted, she got a friend , dressed in a mod-inspired swimsuit with a short '60s hairstyle. The Christie doll is widely considered the first true African American doll in the Barbie line. She was introduced in the midst of the civil rights movement, when critics chided Mattel for failing to represent the diversity in America. Christie has since been a long-running part of the Barbie franchise, revived throughout the years in iterations like the Sparkle Beach Christie doll in and the Barbie and Christie Exercise Fun doll in The show was groundbreaking as the first weekly series to star a Black American woman in a non-stereotypical role. Kitty Black Perkins, who had become Barbie's principal designer in , was tasked with designing the first-ever Black Barbie. In , Mattel also released the first Hispanic doll named Barbie. Mattel created the line as an attempt to produce Black dolls with more accurate Afrocentric features, varying skin tones and hair colors and textures to represent the diversity of features in the Black community.

The line was discontinued after its initial production. View this post on Instagram. This comes after no charges were filed in a gang rape case involving the year-old.


The evolution of the Barbie brand has elevated so much during the course of her life from her career choices, the various lifestyles, and even the accessories. In the new millennium, inclusivity is most important to this generation but there was a time where Black women even had to fight for the rights to be seen in the doll industry. Ruth Handler, the co-founder of Mattel, Inc. Sources reported that Handler saw her young daughter ditching playing with baby dolls and instead played more with paper dolls of adult women. The mother believed that giving little girls a toy to imagine the future was the niche.

Vintage african american barbie

Now, of course, Mattel is making dolls that reflect all body types, skin tones, and physical abilities. To commemorate the 40 th anniversary of this racial breakthrough, Mattel commissioned a re-imagining of that historic doll. During Black History Month , the reissue of the first-ever Black Barbie seems to be an ideal talking point. Designed by Bill Greening, this is not a piece-by-piece re-creation of the landmark doll. Rather, it is a brand-new creation that was influenced and inspired by the original. Perkins is a legend among Barbie collectors and among the toy industry as a whole.

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So, I mean, it's been phenomenal," Ahmed reports. Clearly we have a collector here. The dolls included Grace, Trichelle, and Kara, who acted as "big sister" mentors to younger dolls, Courtney, Janessa, and Kiana. She was a fast hit, and since then, Mattel has steadily expanded its offerings of Black Barbies. In the summer of , content creator and specialty baker Joshua Gash moved out of West Hollywood and returned to his hometown in North Carolina. Barbie "Brooklyn" Roberts was introduced in as Barbie's friend. Yahoo Sports. But what exactly is a Black Barbie? Perkins, who joined Mattel in , was responsible for the first Christie doll. Black Barbie can be a version of Barbie herself and also her friend—maybe both at the same time. While no official reason was given, it's largely theorized that it was due to poor sales. Voices of Color.

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Composed of spirited individuals across the globe who often connect online and at in-person doll conventions, these collectors focus specifically on the more melanated versions of Barbie, which collectors call AA Barbies shorthand for African American. Close this content. More content below. Model No. Black Barbie can be a version of Barbie herself and also her friend—maybe both at the same time. He first began collecting the dolls a few years ago as a reprieve from the heaviness he felt in the world around him. The first Barbie was sold in by the toy company Mattel. View comments. But shoppers, many of whom are Black, still use the term. Read full article. Trump's latest loss in court extends a remarkable losing streak.

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