vintage molas for sale

Vintage molas for sale

Polly King. Lunette Fred. Charles Sawyer. Slim Aarons Golf.

Kuna Mola. Tropical Tapestry. Primitive Spanish. Gondola Chairs. Tree Of Life Tapestry.

Vintage molas for sale

Planning to travel to Panama City, Panama Central America or to San Blas Islands Comarca de Guna Yala , let us book your reservation, I can arrange your traveling to Panama, and then your stay in Comarca de Guna Yala San Blas Islands : including your hotel, food, and tours the tour include visit to 3 different Islands to observe the indigenous communities and the women making molas , tour to the beaches, bird watching, river tour, you can also rent snorkeling equipment, we have 2 different options for the hotel in Comarca de Guna Yala. If you planning to shop in the city. I can refer you to 2 or 3 different stores where you can buy art and craft directly from the Gunas or if you are interested in purchasing molas. E-mail: [email protected]. I am so thankful that you are here in my site and that I am here to provide you outstanding customer service. Is a priveledge to meet all of you who love and collect molas. Mola Art and craft seeks out for unique traditional handmade mola and mola items by some of the most distinctive Guna Artisans in the San Blas Islands. By committing to support the Gunas of San Blas, we strive to reinvigorate the appreciation of handcrafted arts and help the Kunas to carry on their culture and traditions. We do not buy molas by the bulk, only by individual piece-blouse and high quality, we buy what they have available, and from other Guna Artisans that we work with, the Artisans set their own prices and they are paid right away, their beautiful and traditional works is their only way of living. You can also e-mail me your questions: [email protected]. All molas are authentic with traditional motifs and techniques, high quality and has enough fabric around the theme so you can incorporated them into your quilting or craft projects, etc. I am very confident that you will be able to see that "the beauty of this Art speaks for itself". You are invited to browse my Gallery and my site it contains complete information about me, the molas and the Gunas.

Retro Tropical Pattern.


The Kuna have been making their art works for over centuries now and are pretty skilled in it. Because they where a nomad tribe back in the days they did not make much art in forms like statues or buildings but they did decorate themselves with their artworks. This decoration is also called Mola or Molas , in Kuna this means shirt or clothing. What is a Mola? Typical Molas consist of patterned cotton pieces of clothing.

Vintage molas for sale

Kuna Mola. Tropical Tapestry. Primitive Spanish. Gondola Chairs. Tree Of Life Tapestry. Palermo Chair.

Police bus livery

A gorgeous four-panel Japanese Byobu folding screen depicting a hunting scene with various warriors and animals spread across a vast, mountainous landscape with lush forest. By Modern History. I am sure you will find something you will love to treasure for the years to come. Modern Kids Chair. Category s Realist Vintage Molas. Category s Folk Art Vintage Molas. Ancient plaster Bas-relief: "Mason", Art Deco period, circa Many vintage molas are appealing in their simplicity, but Mola , Atelier Lam and Lenci produced popular vintage molas that are worth a look. Note the double faces, one with tubular eyes and mouth for the dancer and the larger a Stylized South American mola and. Vintage Framed Colorful Mola Textile.

Compact tool: the.

Ancient plaster Bas-relief: "Mason", Art Deco period, circa Kuna Mola. We offer a free shipping on all our products within the United States, we have priced all items according to the work and quality on each mola, some are more expensive than others, specially the ones with the triangle cuts, the work is very complicated and time consuming on these molas. A gorgeous four-panel Japanese Byobu folding screen depicting a hunting scene with various warriors and animals spread across a vast, mountainous landscape with lush forest. On 1stDibs, find a range of Latin American art from some of the world's top galleries. The mola forms part of the traditional costume of a Kuna woman, with two mola panels incorporated. Houston Decorator. If you are in the "art gallery" click on any of the pictures according to the "category" to view all the molas in that specific category. Besides this option, go the main artspan page locate the option Artisans on the main menu bar click there and choose Fiber arts, then type my name on the search art box "rita smith" click on go and that will display the page where I am. Primitive Spanish. By Max Ingrand. Grotto Clamshell Side Chair by Mola. All molas are authentic with traditional motifs and techniques, high quality and has enough fabric around the theme so you can incorporated them into your quilting or craft projects, etc. Framed in honey color wood and light color.

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