Viscaya prado animal hospital

United States Florida Cape Coral. Viscaya Prado Veterinary Hospital.

Open until PM. Everything and everyone at this practice is awesome! I and my guys look forward to many year in partnership with Viscaya Prado, my Silken Windhounds have been so well treated and I too have been Please do not bring your pet here. They misdiagnosed my cat a year ago and I still have indescribable guilt that I brought him here. All they care about is money. I understand it's a business, but

Viscaya prado animal hospital


We arrived at pm and were greeted, viscaya prado animal hospital, immediately and then told to take a seat. They actually care about the animal not just the almighty dollar. I get she was terminal and I believe everything happens for a reason but she didn't have to go that quickly.


John G I"m sure these complainers went somewhere else. I had to take my dog in for emergency at 4am on a Sun. I wish I remembered their names but it doesn't matter. In been their for3 different procedures and they have always been great. The counter help also pleasant, professional and careing. If not a little busy from all the happy customers I might add that I talk with in the waiting room. So at the Del Prado Location, some of the staff was really unprofessional. In particular the older woman with big eyes, blondish hair. Forgot to catch her name as my intentions were not to write a negative review.

Viscaya prado animal hospital

Open until AM. First time visit as snowbirds. Facility is bright.. Horrible place. They tried to amputate a puppies leg because they tightened the splint to tight and decided they didn't need to check it weekly. They waited 3 weeks to check it and the paw had This vet is a joke who apparently does not even know how to provide proper treatment without advice.

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I suggest you find another vet too. They got us right in the time Sasha got stung by something and her face swelled up. I find that to be immensely inconsiderate. Which has since worsened her situation. I waited for 1 hour and 30 minutes for nothing. Okay, I'll play by your rules. Are you the owner? I would not want to work in that environment or with those confederate flag wearing red necks all from OHIO, overweight and looking like trailer trash. Dr Stacey Foxwell The care we get there is worth the wait. They said come in the same day for a pm appointment. She even plopped up on the bench next to me.

A Viscaya Prado Veterinary Hospital employs approximately 1 people. A Viscaya Prado Veterinary Hospital has a 4. Caring and knowledgeable veterinarians who charge a fair price.

If it wasn't for your patients and their owners- you wouldn't have a job! Okay, it's a kitten. Given prednisone and anti inflammatory. The thing that really gets me angry is that after losing our 1 yr old english bulldog in their care and being a patient for 20 yrs we never once received a call or card or anything. Granted there We're done here. After waiting over an hour, with an appoin Sometimes there's a bit of a wait unless you have an emergency , but the care you get for your pets is fantastic. They actually care about the animal not just the almighty dollar. This place was my vet since I moved in September of

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