

By Adi Robertsona senior voat.co and policy editor focused on VR, online platforms, and free expression, voat.co. Adi has covered video games, biohacking, and more for The Verge since

Voat was founded as a neutral free-speech platform. After alt-right extremists were booted off reddit, they found a new home there. Kind of like that "paradox of intolerance" meme. Free speech platforms usually end up becoming extremist platforms. I remember going on voat a couple years ago and the front page was filled with anti-Semitic and white nationalist propaganda, and racial slurs were everywhere. Even non-political subverses had an alt-right tinge. It was truly the culture that dominated the site.


Registered users could then vote on these submissions. Content entries were organized by areas of interest called "subverses". Voat was a site which hosted aggregated content and discussion forums. According to Wired , Voat was "aesthetically and functionally similar to Reddit. Unlike Reddit, Voat emphasized looser content restrictions and an ad-revenue sharing program. The name "Voat" is a play on the words 'goat' and 'vote'. Colo explained in a post announcing the incorporation that this was because "Switzerland seemed like a great option in the beginning, but when it comes to freedom of speech, the main idea behind Voat, U. Colo was replaced as CEO by Chastain. In May , Chastain ran a fundraising campaign, announcing that Voat might have to shut down due to lack of money. On December 22, , Voat again announced that it would be shut down due to a lack of funding.

People aren't scared of voat.co into contact with bad ideas. You can't have "order" in the conference where people are able to share actual scholarly work while free of harassment without "slapping down the fascists". One-up culture needs to die, voat.co.

It rose in popularity in , when Reddit banned groups that promoted violence against women , and eventually others popularising racism. Since then, the website had reportedly been host to other antisemitic and racist content, and had apparently been approached by an unnamed US agency due to the large quantity of death threats made on the platform. More recently, the site was a gateway to QAnon conspiracy theorists , who claim without any evidence that there is a covert operation to oust President Trump and that there is a secret sect of elite Satan-worshipping paedophiles in government, business and the media. It is likely that users of Voat would move to other alternative networks, such as Gab and Parler. Gab is infamous for being host to antisemitic conspiracy theories from the Pittsburgh shooter, who is accused of killing 11 Jewish people at the Tree of Life synagogue in

Voat, the Reddit clone where hate speech has been festering for years, has shut down for good. The platform has hinted at shutting its doors in the past, but this time it's official. If you head to Voat, you'll see a page that reads "Voat was sacrificed on December 25th, Voat made its debut in , and marketed itself as a Reddit alternative for free speech. However, the platform quickly became a safe haven for hate speech and toxic content. Voat co-founder, Justin Chastain, announced the closure in his final post on Voat. The platform basically ran out of funding, and Chastain noted that he "can't keep it up.


As social-news site Reddit tries to clean up its act by limiting some speech, an alternative springs up, promising to be more freewheeling. With all the drama surrounding Reddit, from debates over free speech to its messy game of musical chairs among executives, it's understandable some users might want to leave. Now they've found a place to go. It's called Voat rhymes with goat , and it says it's fixed all those things people don't like about Reddit. The site launched in April and was originally called WhoaVerse. It started as a part-time project of a third-year Swedish college student and now the site claims to be run by two students who are "currently studying computer science and economics at University of Zurich in Switzerland. Voat users posted in relative obscurity until a month ago, when Reddit's management banned five noxious forums from its service, including one devoted to making fun of overweight people. Fear over increasing control from Reddit's administrators, who are attempting to turn the site into a large, successful and profitable company, appears to have pushed swaths of passionate Reddit users, known as Redditors, to Voat. It's unclear how many people visit Voat. The site doesn't publish statistics about its usage, and industry tracker ComScore said its traffic is currently too small to track.

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At the risk of making a reddit comment I saw it happen. Reddit, in its earlier days, was never dominated by the Voat contingent. It just means that government is not allowed to restrict it for the fear of political suppression. Why is it always an expectation that people handle fascists with kid gloves? The Guardian. Hess has entirely misunderstood what the medium wants. But I'm putting that in to be generous, I don't think I'm ever seen these topics discussed in good faith. Ars Technica. Going by your logic are the military and police "socialist ideas"? You are only subjected to them insofar as their existence is recognisable, but no more than you wish to engage. Maybe people should be more comfortable with living and letting live. Gravityloss on Dec 22, root parent next [—]. This is wrong on so many levels.

It rose in popularity in , when Reddit banned groups that promoted violence against women , and eventually others popularising racism. Since then, the website had reportedly been host to other antisemitic and racist content, and had apparently been approached by an unnamed US agency due to the large quantity of death threats made on the platform.

Parler experienced a massive user influx after the presidential election, but its momentum slowed rapidly. This meant the true nastiness wasn't on display only hinted at. Other ways lies survive. I thought Voat was based on reddit's code, but apparently it's a asp. So instead it becomes up to someone directly effected to provide such responses and that's just a lot; save the sensitive questions for the experts or come with direct quotes from published sources. It's pretty much like standing up in a crowded, public town square and ranting unfiltered about how you feel personally in no uncertain terms. It is about order and maintaining good relations. Now do this 1, times. The underlying issue is that emotions cause a lot of people to get irrational due to them not being able to differ a potentially dangerous situation with a potentially equally good one. It the primary reason sex-segregated sports exist in the first place. Whether someone does or doesn't care about the wellbeing of some unnamed morbidly obese person is irrelevant to whether or not they're making a good point or argument. Not likely. Kicking out people who poop in public places is not a "witch hunt", because it's not based on identity , but on bad behavior.

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