
It evolves into Volarend after 22 levels. Awkward fliers at best, Zephyruff rely volarend their speed and sharp claws to defend themselves.

Volarend's typing and traits allow for it to fit the needs of several different team archetypes. Anearobic allows it to be a bulky physical attacker that can reliably pivot into many attacks, while Aerobic makes it quickly ramp up into a speedy threat thanks to Hyperkinetic Strike converting a portion of its speed into damage. Volarend is generally a strong option into all Tems that can't resist its attacks or punish its relatively low physical bulk. Anaerobic is the tankier, slower way to play Volarend, taking full advantage of Toxic Plume's ability to cripple offensive threats and Purgation's ability to scale offensively. The dual STABS of Feather Gatling and Noxious Bomb allow Volarend to deal its consistent, if stamina-hungry, damage, but the main draws of the set are Anaerobic's ability to boost Vola's already high special defense, Toxic Plume's constant true damage and synergy with crystals, and Purgation's ability to let Volarend and its allies jump up in attack power.


Volarend are impressive avians of great wingspan, strong enough to carry humans in flight. However, they are temperamental and picky mounts, and tamers are well-advised to treat them kindly, lest they are given a one-way ticket to the Downbelow The chance to encounter a Luma Temtem in the wild is 1 in Almost any claw or nail can scratch the surface. Sometimes that's enough. Lashing gales, like the frozen tramontane wind howling over the Loch. When the look of your claws doesn't prevent the fight, the poison finishes it. Cold and furious like the mistral winds in the Thalassian Cliffs. Like a faulty airship engine, this Temtem can leave a trail of toxic gas that gives Poison to the whole team for 1 turn. A powerful wind technique, illegal to use near all airship terminals of the Archipelago. When you gotta hit hard and fast - the faster, the harder. Inflicts extra damage depending on the Temtem's SPD. A shivery draft that deals light damage and chills the target with Cold for 3 turns.

Wind Special.

It evolves from Zephyruff after 22 levels and is the final evolution of it. Volarend are impressive avians of great wingspan, strong enough to carry humans in flight. However, they are temperamental and picky mounts, and tamers are well-advised to treat them kindly, lest they are given a one-way ticket to the Downbelow Volarend is the final stage of a two-stage evolutionary line. It evolves from Zephyruff after leveling up 22 times. Temtem Wiki Explore.

It evolves from Zephyruff after 22 levels and is the final evolution of it. Volarend are impressive avians of great wingspan, strong enough to carry humans in flight. However, they are temperamental and picky mounts, and tamers are well-advised to treat them kindly, lest they are given a one-way ticket to the Downbelow Volarend is the final stage of a two-stage evolutionary line. It evolves from Zephyruff after leveling up 22 times. These techniques can be passed on to children of other species if this Temtem is used to breed with them. Unofficial full body render of Luma Volarend. Navigation menu Namespaces Page Discussion.


Volarend's typing and traits allow for it to fit the needs of several different team archetypes. Anearobic allows it to be a bulky physical attacker that can reliably pivot into many attacks, while Aerobic makes it quickly ramp up into a speedy threat thanks to Hyperkinetic Strike converting a portion of its speed into damage. Volarend is generally a strong option into all Tems that can't resist its attacks or punish its relatively low physical bulk. Anaerobic is the tankier, slower way to play Volarend, taking full advantage of Toxic Plume's ability to cripple offensive threats and Purgation's ability to scale offensively. The dual STABS of Feather Gatling and Noxious Bomb allow Volarend to deal its consistent, if stamina-hungry, damage, but the main draws of the set are Anaerobic's ability to boost Vola's already high special defense, Toxic Plume's constant true damage and synergy with crystals, and Purgation's ability to let Volarend and its allies jump up in attack power. Sweatband is prefereable on this set, though Diabolo, Strange Vest, and Matcha all have their uses. Crystals make a great partner for this Volarend. Anatan is a great fit on paper, as is Gyalis. Special shoutout to Shuine, as well, who can stop the negative aspect of Anaerobic and increase Volarend's defense as well. Toxic Plume can follow up with a crystal ally to reduce opposing attack power and deal some true damage, and HKS is your finishing move to defeat targets once you get up to speed increases.

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Anaerobic is the tankier, slower way to play Volarend, taking full advantage of Toxic Plume's ability to cripple offensive threats and Purgation's ability to scale offensively. Temtem links. Type Chart. Awkward fliers at best, Zephyruff rely on their speed and sharp claws to defend themselves. When the look of your claws doesn't prevent the fight, the poison finishes it. Weight Once Zephyruff is leveled up 22 times, it can become Volarend. Toxic Physical. Wind Special. The original art of Zephyruff and Volarend commissioned by Soma Ghost.

Here we have all the details on how to catch Volarend and what is the hierarchy of evolution here and

Cold and furious like the mistral winds in the Thalassian Cliffs. It evolves from Zephyruff after 22 levels and is the final evolution of it. Temtem Wiki Guide 0. Lashing gales, like the frozen tramontane wind howling over the Loch. Luma Volarend. All Temtem List Tempedia. Temtem links. This table indicates how much damage Zephyruff takes from each type. Once Zephyruff is leveled up 22 times, it can become Volarend. Best Temtem Tier List. Base Stats DEF. Shuine is an interesting partner for Vola, as Guardian will stop Aerobic from lowering Vola's defenses. Inflicts extra damage depending on the Temtem's SPD. A shivery draft that deals light damage and chills the target with Cold for 3 turns. The second sketch made by Crema artists, specifically for Volarend.

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