Warhammer 40000 titans

In truth, a Titan has only three enemies: folly, hubris, and another of its own kind. The Pax Machariawarhammer 40000 titans, an Imperator -class Titan. A Titansometimes colloquially called a " god-engine " or " god-machine ," is warhammer 40000 titans one of several classes of massive, crewed, robotic combat walkers fielded by the Titan Legions of the Adeptus Mechanicus ' Collegia Titanica or by the forces of Chaos ' Dark Mechanicum.

Alex McHugh. Published: Jan 30, To understand Warhammer titans , you have to understand that the universe of Warhammer 40, is one where hyperbole knows no limits. Gods and daemons clash for the souls of humanity, aliens eat entire civilisations to feed their eternal hunger, and magic-like psychic powers are tossed about with an abandon that would make Steve Ditko blush. The scale of Warhammer 40k is so large it beggars belief. In the lore, they stand even taller — god-machines that loom above the battlefield like sky-piercing nightmares of flesh and steel.

Warhammer 40000 titans

The Warlord -class Titan is a large and powerful type of Battle Titan , armed with much more firepower than its counterpart, the smaller Reaver -class Titan. Due to their immense size, standing nearly 33 metres tall, Warlord Titans are not nearly as fast or agile as the Reaver -class Titans or the Warhound Scout Titans , but they more than make up for this failing with their sheer firepower and heavily armoured bulks. A true leviathan of the battlefield, the Warlord -class Titan was the mainstay of the Legio Titanica during the Great Crusade era. There were a number of sub-patterns of the Warlord , such as the Lucius and Anvilus, but it was the Mars Pattern that was considered the most ancient and superior, and of all of the Battle Titan types by far the most numerous and iconic. The interior of a Warlord -class Titan's cockpit, located in its head. The princeps is seated on the command throne while his moderati are seated at the control consoles beneath him. This is not without reason, for each Mars Warlord is a gargantuan killing machine, proof against the petty assaults of small arms and all but impervious even to the assault of most forms of attack aircraft and heavy weapon, save the most technologically potent or massive. Furthermore, the Warlord 's cockpit is a fully reliable and protected environment, making it as able to fight upon an airless moon as a verdant plain so long as the geology under its feet will sustain it, and even this is assisted by gravitational and inertial techno-arcana, little understood outside the inner circles of the Titan Tech-priests who sustain these god-engines. But it is the destructive power of the Warlord that is its avatar, for their firepower rivals smaller void warships in potency and a single Warlord , given time, is capable of systematically levelling a city or laying waste to an entire army. Such was their might that it was whispered by some that it was they, not the Legiones Astartes , that had truly won the Imperium's domain in the fires of battle. The Warlord Titan's colossal size, incalculable power and superior design make it both extremely difficult to harm from ground level, with its vital systems elevated far above the heads and hulls of those upon the battlefield below it, while its legs are plated with metres-thick armour to prevent it from being assailed by infantry or laid low by explosive charges. Accounts differ as to the exact number of crew required to operate a Warlord -class Titan. Most agree that a Warlord has one princeps and several moderati , although the exact number and function of the latter differ. Early sources indicated all four moderati were responsible for each controlling one of the Titan's four primary weapons.

It can equip with all Warhound -class Titan weapons and has access warhammer 40000 titans a variety of anti-infantry and destroyer weapons, including the Vortex Missile. The rare Emperor Titans are the true kings of the battlefield in the Warhammer 40, universe, and the two classes of these Titans are used to provide a Titan Legion's primary offensive and defensive power.


The Warhound -class Titan belongs to the smallest class of Imperial Titan and is used as a scout carrying out reconnaissance of the enemy's lines or as the flanking element of a Titan Legion in conjunction with others of its kind. The Warhound -class Titan is thus the most common form of what is classified as a Scout Titan by the Collegia Titanica. The Warhound differs structurally from other Imperial Titans in that it sacrifices a humanoid appearance for a canine-like chassis with reverse-jointed legs and shoulder weapon mounts. Warhound Scout Titans are lightly-armed and armoured compared to other Titans, although still fearsome compared to the more standard armoured combat vehicles deployed by the various intelligent species of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Warhound Titan, despite being a class of Scout Titan, is still an immense war machine that stands On the battlefield, the Warhound has been proven to be very effective, as the double-barrelled Turbolaser Destructor which it is now possible to mount on a Warhound -class chassis can destroy even super-heavy armoured vehicles with ease. When they are deployed against other Titans, Warhound Titans use their superior speed and manoeuvrability to avoid enemy weapons fire.

Warhammer 40000 titans

A princeps linked with his Titan 's Mind Impulse Unit. A princeps pl. Princeps are all people of exceptional willpower, which is required to enter a mind-link with a Titan and maintain their sanity intact amidst the roaring spirit of destruction housed within the Titan's adamantium hull.

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Thus the princeps must be assisted in operating the war machine by junior officers called moderati , whose purpose is to operate some of the Titan's systems in their commander's stead. Start a Wiki. The Nemesis -class Titan is fielded when brute force is required. Formed out of several different giant creatures, Bio-titans can take on a multitude of different forms depending on the requirements of the greater Hive. The exception to this is the Tyranid Hierophant Bio-Titan , which comes with one loadout. Layers of void shields surrounding a fortification offer little protection, for the god-engine simply strides into the teeth of the enemy guns and through the shields. Such was their might that it was whispered by some that it was they, not the Legiones Astartes , that had truly won the Imperium's domain in the fires of battle. Imagine them like their namesakes; they hunt, they flank, and they team up to take down larger prey. Their crew are often twins or triplets, raised alongside the titan in lockstep from birth, becoming emotionally bonded with the spirit inhabiting the titan. It requires a strong will to maintain this connection, and Titans can go out of control on rampages of destruction should their princeps fail to maintain dominance over its sentience. Over the Imperium's history the Titan Legions have changed their colours and patterns, but less than might be supposed. For defence, Gargants have Power Fields which are the Ork equivalent of an Imperial Titan's Void Shields ; however, while Gargants tend to have more intense and reflective Power Fields that an Imperial Titan, they cannot regenerate these during the battle like a Titan is able to do. To understand Warhammer titans , you have to understand that the universe of Warhammer 40, is one where hyperbole knows no limits. A Chaos -corrupted Warlord -class Titan in battle. The interior of a Warlord -class Titan's cockpit, located in its head.

Like a god of destruction, the Warbringer Nemesis rains explosive death on its foes. This immense war machine is designed to obliterate the largest and most indomitable enemies at extreme range. The Quake Cannon mounted on its back is capable of demolishing fortresses or even felling other Titans with a single, gargantuan shell.

Rules for normal Warhammer 40, -scale Warlord -class Titans were introduced in the Warhammer 40, supplement, Apocalypse ; however no model to represent it on the field has been produced by Games Workshop or its subsidiaries thus far, encouraging players to build their own from scratch should they wish to field such a weapon in their army. Of these, the Imperator -class Emperor Titan is a general-purpose assault platform, whereas the Warmonger -class Emperor Titan is a dedicated, long-range fire-support unit with advanced fire control and targeting systems. Its existence was a protected secret within the highest echelons of the Mechanicum, and it was never spoken of openly to peers nor outsiders. An Adeptus Mechanicus diagram depicting the hard points where Titan Weapons are mounted. A specialist breed of Bio-Titan is the Dominatrix , a powerful synapse creature that can use its malign intellect to command the hordes of lesser bioforms around itself with ghastly efficiency. Size comparison chart of Imperial Titans, including the Warmaster , which is Warhound -class Titans are the scouts or flanking elements of a Titan Legion and are the most common form of what are called Scout Titans by the Collegia Titanica. Don't have an account? Sign In Register. It was originally lost on the Forge World of Chaeronia during the Age of Technology and remained lost even when the planet was pulled into the Warp thousands of standard years later. Due to their immense size, standing nearly 33 metres tall, Warlord Titans are not nearly as fast or agile as the Reaver -class Titans or the Warhound Scout Titans , but they more than make up for this failing with their sheer firepower and heavily armoured bulks.

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