watto star wars

Watto star wars

Content approaching. Please update the article to include missing information, and remove this template when finished. Watto star wars his youth, he served as a soldier in the Ossiki Confederacy Army on his homeworld of Toydariabut later left after sustaining permanently damaging injuries.

But, even if they weren't directly involved on Coruscant, teaching Anakin how to use the Force and practicing with him the techniques of lightsaber dueling, certain characters still played a role in his eventual rise in the Republic as a Jedi General and beyond. One character who might actually wish they hadn't provided Anakin with a path to fulfilling his destiny as a Jedi was the junk dealer Toydarian, Watto. In Star Wars , Watto lived on Tatooine, and was the last owner of Anakin and his mother, Shmi, before they were both eventually freed from being slaves at his parts shop in Mos Espa. Watto had only two major appearances in the Star Wars storyline: one in The Phantom Menace , and another briefly in Attack of the Clones. Nonetheless, if it weren't for Watto's gambling problem and greed, Anakin would be stuck on Tatooine for his childhood, and who knows how his story would have gone. He was the owner of two slaves: a woman named Shmi Skywalker, and her son Anakin.

Watto star wars

Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. No reason has been supplied; please provide a reason on the template or talkpage. Watto was a male Toydarian junk dealer and human trafficker who owned a junkshop in Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. He was the owner of Shmi Skywalker as well as her son, Anakin Skywalker , the young boy who would grow up to become both a revered Jedi Knight and a feared Sith Lord known as Darth Vader. Watto started his life as a soldier on Toydaria. However, he left Toydaria after he suffered an injury and went to Tatooine , where he watched Jawas sell used goods and decided to start his own business. Watto became a junk dealer living in Mos Espa where he owned a small shop. Watto discovered Anakin's natural podracing abilities and began to sponsor the boy in several Podraces. Despite this, Watto often bet against Anakin. Qui-Gon didn't have enough money and was unable to negotiate a price with Watto, even failing to perform a mind trick on the Toydarian. Watto agreed and entered Anakin but Watto bet on the Dug racer Sebulba. Qui-Gon placed a bet for Anakin's freedom despite Watto's warnings that Anakin was going to lose anyway.

Watto was impressed, watto star wars he did not linger, as he owed money to Gardulla following the most recent podrace, watto star wars. His son Blatto makes an appearance in the non-canonical television special Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars. Jinn responded by claiming that it was the boy's choice, and the Toydarian capitalized on the claim, suggesting that the boy and his mother should not be separated.

He is computer-generated and is voiced by voice actor Andy Secombe. He is a mean-tempered, greedy Toydarian , and owner of a second-hand goods store in Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. Among Watto's belongings are the slaves Shmi Skywalker and her son; Anakin. He acquires them after winning a podracing bet with Gardulla the Hutt, and he puts them both to work in his store. Anakin demonstrates an incredible aptitude for equipment repair, and Watto decides to profit from it by having the boy fix various broken equipment in the store. He eventually loses Anakin in a podracing bet with Qui-Gon Jinn when he bets on a competitor, Sebulba , who is defeated by Anakin.

The "Star Wars" prequels bring up a lot of things for people. Some grew up with the original trilogy and didn't love the backstory for Darth Vader. Others saw their first "Star Wars" film with "The Phantom Menace" and fell in love with the franchise because of it. Whatever side you fall on, or even if you rest somewhere in the middle, there are a few parts of the prequels that are largely considered problematic. The character has been accused of perpetuating harmful stereotypes , and while I won't go into that here, there is at least one nice story about Watto. There aren't a lot. I mean, he "won" and "lost" actual humans in a bet over podracing. This story is about the actor who played the role, and the top-secret item he took from the set of "The Phantom Menace," according to an interview Secombe did with the Cambridge University Star Wars Society in Watto had an awful lot of fascinating things in his Mos Espa shop, so there would have been a ton of props to grab if you were so inclined.

Watto star wars

Watto : How's-a you gonna pay for all this, eh? Qui-Gon Jinn : I have twenty thousand Republic dataries. Watto : Republic credits?

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The boy later returned with the droids, safely, [13] but much later than expected. In the non-canonical Star Wars comic book Star Wars: Visionaries , Watto is shown to have been killed by Darth Maul whose appearance here predates the canonical revelation of his survival of the events of The Phantom Menace during Maul's process of tracking down his nemesis Obi-Wan Kenobi , to gain vengeance for his defeat during the Battle of Naboo. Clear your history. He became embittered, and blamed his bad luck on everyone but himself. It got to such a stage that the moisture farmer was offering far more than Shmi herself was worth, and Watto reacted by keeping Shmi closer to him. They think we know nothing. Although Watto was just gambling and making deals for parts as he always did, his role in The Phantom Menace is crucial to the Skywalker Saga. He had neglected to collect his weighted chance cube from the floor of the podracer hangar, and would ask each customer who ventured into his shop if they had seen it. Jane Prettyman of American Review noted that after leaving the theater, she heard two young boys describe him as "that weird little Jew guy with wings". Watto, owner of the Wald's Parts. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. Weazel decided that he would bet against Sebulba as well. Returning to his shop, Watto told Shmi of the development, and lamented Anakin's departure, suggesting that the boy would have been better off staying on Tatooine. Fictional character in Star Wars. Watto rarely used an inventory, however, as he had a great memory for what stock he did and did not have.

One of the most underrated pleasures of the "Star Wars" saga is poring over the long list of goofy names attributed to the movies' myriad characters. It doesn't matter if they're human or alien, each character is just as likely to get slapped with a bafflingly odd moniker that might make it a fan favorite despite having scant screen time. Once upon a time, people thought Han Solo or Jabba the Hutt sounded weird.

Searching Mos Espa, he finds Watto sitting outside the shop at a small stall. Watto : Republic credits? Kelvyyn, impressed with Anakin, decided to bet ten wupiupi on the boy. He noted that the humidifier was not in the vision, among other recent additions that were missing. When he was in a particularly foul mood, Watto would hurl abuse at his slaves, and would get them to repeat tasks, even if they were redundant. June 17, He acquires them after winning a podracing bet with Gardulla the Hutt, and he puts them both to work in his store. Among Watto's staff was an R1-type shopkeeping drone , which assisted with the shopkeeping. Watto was a male Toydarian junk dealer and human trafficker who owned a junkshop in Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine. In his stock, the Toydarian possessed both items of extreme value and quality, and scraps that not even the local Jawas would take. In Star Wars: Bounty Hunter , the character of Roz mentions a "poor sap," who "Lost everything in a podrace last season. However, he accidentally hit the pit droid's high-output power source, activating the droid, which began to run amok in the shop and ultimately ran away to the streets of Mos Espa. Years later, Watto sold Shmi to the moisture farmer Cliegg Lars , who bought her to live with him on his moisture farm , [6] after he lost a gambling game to the farmer. Watto : Oh, not bad! Watto rarely used an inventory, however, as he had a great memory for what stock he did and did not have.

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