Western bl movies

Western bl movies Watcher is dedicated to watching new BL dramas, anime, and movies. See my best recommendations for the latest series and films in the Boys Love genre. My goal is to review every BL story ever made from around the world. BL Watcher is updated regularly!

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Western bl movies

Hii everyone :3 I was looking for a bl movie to watch and I saw old movies that I watched with hesitation but liked it in the end. Thus, I decided make a small list. I totally recommend these movies. The story of two men, who met as apprentices in the Peking Opera, and stayed friends for over 50 years. Lovers whose relationships fall apart are all different, unique in the ways they inflict emotional tortures on themselves and each other. But something went wrong while they were driving south in search of adventure. A young gay man identified as a writer, encounters a local policeman, who arrests him for public cruising in a park. The policeman is more than professionally curious about the young man, who seems to have the cop's number and suddenly kisses him. Jet is the star gigolo in Hong Kong. Arrogant, sexy, everyone falls in love with him, but he falls in love with no one From then on, Jet changes himself into somebody he is not: innocent, sweet, clean, pure. It's way of setting a trap to catch Sam. But unknowingly Jet falls into the trap himself. But still underrated :' Especially Farewell my Concubine.

I didn't enjoy Sing in Love the first time I watched it, western bl movies. Despite its intriguing premise, Sweet Curse suffers from a convoluted story with no satisfying payoff. Their soothing romance helps him overcome his writer's block and past heartbreak.

Back in the day, movies with gay leads or love interests were considered a narrow niche. These stories didn't particularly appeal to mainstream audiences. Made with low budgets, not many filmmakers got involved in a genre that few people watched. There isn't much box-office profit from producing gay movies. As a result, you won't find too much diversity in the few mainstream gay movies that got greenlighted. Usually, the story covered solemn topics like AIDS.

BL Watcher is dedicated to watching new BL dramas, anime, and movies. See my best recommendations for the latest series and films in the Boys Love genre. My goal is to review every BL story ever made from around the world. BL Watcher is updated regularly! With so many new BL dramas coming out lately, I wanted a better system to organize what to watch next.

Western bl movies

Hello everyone! In this list, I have gathered some of the best Boys' Love series of all time from numerous different genre and regions. Remember, this list only take an account of a "series", not a "movie". To strengthen the objectivity of the list, I will also provide a mini review and scoring template for people to see. Ever since they were young, Pran and Pat's families feuded, leaving no stone unturned to outshine the other. As expected of them, the two boys also became rivals - until they grew tired and became friends. But are they only friends?


Grand Guignol is a Japanese BL horror movie about a school for delinquents. Otherwise, Delivery Boy is a pretty ordinary short film with a basic plot. IMDb user rating average 1 1. The pair lost contact during their youth, but they reunited years later. Fans of the original will enjoy the elegant conclusion to their beloved BL franchise. The main character is secretly infatuated with his companion. Moonlight Chicken A complex movie told from various perspectives, Monster examines the power of perception. Votes: 46, Despite their cultural differences and personality clashes, they develop a budding relationship. Her married sister faces pressure to have kids, while her gay brother seems secretive about his life. Love in Translation Destiny Seeker This energetic child brings unexpected joy and chaos into their daily routines.

Back in the day, movies with gay leads or love interests were considered a narrow niche. These stories didn't particularly appeal to mainstream audiences.

Their initial encounters are laden with friction, however, over time a deep bond is forged. The sequel lacks the vibrant energy, creativity, and humour that made the original series a classic. The protagonist becomes more open-minded under his mentor's positive influence. The protagonist is self-conscious and always wears a mask to hide his appearance. Despite their age gap, they meet regularly to discuss these love stories. That movie have 2 Oscar nomination and many other awards. Childhood is a Thai BL short movie about a teenage crush. A struggling director gets in touch with him, hoping to adapt his work into a movie. The protagonist meets his beefy personal trainer, who is touchy-feely. He used to have many casual hookups, never committing to a long-term relationship. Years later, both have become aspiring university athletes. Despite their initial clash, they bond and learn to rely on each other.

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