what characteristic describes spyware

What characteristic describes spyware

Submitted by Danielle G.

Spyware is loosely defined as malicious software designed to enter your computer device, gather data about you, and forward it to a third-party without your consent. Spyware can also refer to legitimate software that monitors your data for commercial purposes like advertising. However, malicious spyware is explicitly used to profit from stolen data. Spyware also affects network and device performance, slowing down daily user activities. Also, check out this video with a brief explanation. All spyware peeks into your data and all your computer activity — whether authorized or not. As such, the spyware definition is reserved mostly for malicious applications nowadays.

What characteristic describes spyware

Which wireless technology has low-power and data rate requirements making it popular in home automation applications? What are proprietary protocols? What service is provided by DNS? A client packet is received by a server. The packet has a destination port number of What service is the client requesting? A wired laser printer is attached to a home computer. That printer has been shared so that other computers on the home network can also use the printer. What networking model is in use? What characteristic describes a virus? Three bank employees are using the corporate network. The first employee uses a web browser to view a company web page in order to read some announcements. The second employee accesses the corporate database to perform some financial transactions.

It encrypts passwords that are stored in router or switch configuration files. Implement a VPN.

Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box. When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

Spyware collects personal and sensitive information that it sends to advertisers, data collection firms, or malicious actors for a profit. Attackers use it to track, steal, and sell user data, such as internet usage, credit card, and bank account details, or steal user credentials to spoof their identities. Spyware is one of the most commonly used cyberattack methods that can be difficult for users and businesses to identify and can do serious harm to networks. It also leaves businesses vulnerable to data breaches and data misuse, often affects device and network performance, and slows down user activity. The term "spyware" first emerged in online discussions in the s, but only in the early s did cybersecurity firms use it to describe unwanted software that spied on their user and computer activity.

What characteristic describes spyware

Spyware is a type of malicious software that is installed on your computer or mobile device without your consent, and it can gain access to your sensitive personal information and then relay it to other parties, resulting in anything from pesky advertising and pop-ups to tracking your keystrokes and capturing your login credentials. Follow this guide to learn more, including about how Norton Deluxe can help keep your device safe. Spyware is a type of malware that's installed on your device without your knowledge or permission, covertly gathering intel about you.

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System monitors and adware are far worse, as they can gather data and may also make modifications to your system that expose you to other threats. Only download trusted apps from official app publishers. What is the fastest way a network administrator could test whether the banner is properly configured? The new LAN must support 25 connected devices. Match each type of frame field to its function. Explanation: If the same mask is to be used, then the network with the most hosts must be examined for number of hosts. Adware may monitor you to sell data to advertisers or serve deceptive malicious ads. Keep all software updated with the latest security. Types of Spyware Spyware is generally classified into four main categories: Trojan spyware enters devices via Trojan malware, which delivers the spyware program. The employee is attending an important video conference with a customer concerning a large sale. What harmful online program is used to record keystrokes done by users to steal passwords? The capture should also be performed on different network segments because some traffic will be local to a particular segment. Which tool should the technician use with administrator privileges in order to locate where the issue is in the network?

Spyware is malicious software designed to spy on your web activity and collect your personal data without your knowledge or consent.

The untwisted length of each wire is too long. Choose two. Its objective is usually to delete or destroy every program it infects. Not all options are used. A new network administrator has been asked to enter a banner message on a Cisco device. A student is playing a short web-based movie with sound. Which three areas of concern should be accounted for when building a wireless network? Both commands generate the same output. A technician can ping the IP address of the web server of a remote company but cannot successfully ping the URL address of the same web server. Users are reporting longer delays in authentication and in accessing network resources during certain time periods of the week. Spyware may also install additional software. The transport layer ensures the correct web page is delivered to the correct browser window.

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