What happened to peter parkers parents

Richard and Mary Parker are fictional characters appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. They are the parents of Peter Parker, the superhero known as Spider-Man. Richard and Mary Parker have been adapted to appear in several animated television series and video games. For many years before The Amazing Spider-Man Annual 5 Novemberthere had been no explanation of why Peter Parker was being raised by his aunt and uncle, what happened to peter parkers parents, with his parents only appearing in flashbacks and photographs.

Their careers, the nature of their work, the circumstances of their death — all of these details vary depending on the Marvel universe or movie franchise. However, some key facts remain constant: They died when Peter was very young, resulting in Peter being raised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben. The mystery surrounding their disappearance had a profound impact on Peter. They represent an enigma that Peter strives to unravel and a legacy he continuously tries to honor and live up to. In the main Marvel comics universe, Richard and Mary Parker lived clandestine lives as secret agents before starting a family.

What happened to peter parkers parents

The deaths of Richard and Mary Parker would forever affect their son Peter's life. Originally government agents who died in a plane crash while on mission, Spider-Man 's parents would occasionally reappear in Peter's life, either as Peter uncovers more about their past or when he falsely believed they had returned from the dead. In the Ultimate Marvel universe, Richard Parker was changed to be a well-recognized biologist who was killed along with his wife Mary by Bruce Banner during his first transformation as the Hulk. Unfortunately this project was deemed more useful as a weapon than a cure and the it was taken away from them. Richard Parker would make a reappearance during the 'Clone Saga' story-line, revealing that he did not die on that original plane crash but that he had been working for the government in seclusion, only recently learning of Peter's identity as Spider-Man. Unfortunately, Richard turned out to be a clone of Peter Parker , manipulated to look like Richard by his creator, Doctor Otto Octavius. Their SON? In Ultimate Origins , a prequel series set 15 years in the past, Bendis and artist Butch Guice told a different version of the Parkers' famous deaths contradicted what fans already knew about Peter's parents. The team is tasked with recreating Project Rebirth. Provided with a sample of Nick Fury's blood, Dr. Pym and Banner believe they've made a breakthrough and decide to test it, their guinea pig being Bruce himself. Around that time, Richard had an unexpected visit from his wife Mary and their newborn son Peter. Despite being warned last minute by a fleeing Hank Pym, Richard and Mary are killed by when Banner Hulks out and destroys the building, leaving Peter Parker an orphaned survivor. The sight of the infant Peter is traumatic enough to cause the Hulk to revert back to Bruce Banner, who cannot believe the destruction he caused before he is knocked unconscious by Fury. Cradling the infant Peter in his arms, Fury apologizes for the tragic turn of events, stating that its fortunate that due to his age, he won't remember any of it.

Along with his research partner, Dr.

While they might not be his biological parents, they raised Peter Parker as their own son and taught him invaluable lessons about power and responsibility. However, their presence still raises some questions about Peter Parker's birth parents. These questions have been answered differently across Spider-Man's comic book and movie adventures. What really happened to Peter's biological parents, and what kept them from actually being a part of his life? Updated October 13th, by Jordan Iacobucci: The mystery of what really happened to Peter Parker's parents persists throughout every version of the character ever put to page or screen. From his earliest days in Marvel Comics to his more recent adventures in the Marvel Cinematic Universe , Peter is always disconnected from his biological parents.

Despite often being portrayed as an orphan and something of a loner in Marvel Comics, Spider-Man boasts a rich and deep family tree. When the hero first debuted in , in many ways, he was defined by his loneliness; Peter Parker had lost his parents, and he was ostracized by his peers. Through flashbacks, readers have been treated to the special and wholesome relationship shared between Uncle Ben and Peter. So deep is their bond, that Spider-Man infamously gave up his marriage to MJ in a Faustian pact with Mephisto to save her life following the events of Back in Black. Despite their limited time together, Spider-Man has always looked up to his father, Richard Parker.

What happened to peter parkers parents

Is there some sort of prerequisite that every superhero has to have a tragic backstory with regards to their parents? Take Peter Parker for example. Everyone knows that Peter loses his Uncle Ben tragically, in every universe and timeline.

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How did they die? Contents move to sidebar hide. Mary was a simple housewife and Richard…well…. No rhyme or reason. Across various adaptations, their fate ranges from tragic encounters with villains to unfortunate accidents. One of the most interesting and rather bizarre backstories occurred in the prequel series Ultimate Origins , set 15 years in the past. What really happened to Peter's biological parents, and what kept them from actually being a part of his life? While on a mission to investigate Albert Malik, the third Red Skull , they posed as traitors and double agents to infiltrate his criminal organization in Algeria , ultimately being discovered. In the Ultimate Marvel universe, Richard Parker was changed to be a well-recognized biologist who was killed along with his wife Mary by Bruce Banner during his first transformation as the Hulk. In the story, characters named Richard and Mary met while on summer vacation, and Mary's friend, May, rather than Mary herself, was Peter's mother with none of the characters' last names ever revealed.

We all know the classic Spider-Man story: a young high school student named Peter Parker from Queens is orphaned as a child after mysteriously losing his parents, raised by his aunt and uncle, and bitten by a radioactive spider that transforms him into the web-slinging Spider-Man.

This time, Mary and Richard Parker were no longer spies, just regular citizens. This severely affected the six-year-old Peter Parker who was taken in by his aunt and uncle , as well as his slightly older friend Eddie Brock, Jr. When Peter discovers this, he travels to Algeria. The sight of the infant Peter is traumatic enough to cause the Hulk to revert back to Bruce Banner, who cannot believe the destruction he caused before he is knocked unconscious by Fury. What happened to them? Everyone knows that Peter loses his Uncle Ben tragically, in every universe and timeline. This would be their son Peter, who would eventually be followed by their daughter Teresa. Richard and Mary Parker were revealed to have a daughter named Teresa Parker. From espionage-filled tales to heart-wrenching tragedies, the legacy of Richard and Mary Parker continues to captivate audiences. Most Spider-Man stories in the main continuity are vague about Peter's exact age when he was effectively orphaned. Contents move to sidebar hide. Here, Richard was a biologist working with scientist Eddie Brock Sr. Get stories of the month, deals from our store! Assigned the mission to uncover his operations, Richard and Mary posed as double agents to infiltrate his organization, but were unfortunately discovered. One of the most interesting and rather bizarre backstories occurred in the prequel series Ultimate Origins , set 15 years in the past.

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